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Newborn & Baby - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

2007-01-16 11:21:48 · 2 answers · asked by charod06 1

Best answer gets the 10 points!

2007-01-16 11:21:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

On 12/23/06 I was in the hospital room with my daughter(we had been there for almost a week). She was 21 weeks pregnant with my identical twin grandsons(Aiden and Shawn).....my first grandchildren.
At my daughters request, and because I would've been no where else at the time, I witnessed my grandsons come in to the world, first Aiden, and then Shawn(feet first). I watched the boys be placed on my daughters chest, and live for about 30 minutes.
My daughter is the person I am closest to in the whole world. To watch the tears, and anguish on my "first time mother" daughters face just haunts me.
I had lain awake the whole night before watching the contraction monitor rise and fall.........praying almost every second to God to please let my gransons live....but it didn't work.
Has anyone else ever been through this?

2007-01-16 11:21:28 · 31 answers · asked by Boo 3

Is it normal for a newborn to scream like they're being tortured when we're simply trying to change his diaper? Everything looks fine, he just has a slightly red butt but no rash looking bumps or anything. And his circumsision is completly healed. Is this something that some babies just do or should I make a special call to our pediatrician for this???

2007-01-16 11:06:21 · 9 answers · asked by Melissa t 2

Ever since I gave birth 3 weeks ago, I havent been able to go to the toilet. Im constipated terrible.

Does anyone know what tablets I can buy to relieve me? Its quite painful. Thanks.

2007-01-16 10:42:18 · 19 answers · asked by jojobass86 3

i am planning to go to india in flight from US.i dont want to go to restroom for every 4 hours because i am travelling alone with my child.i want to pump with out knowledge of others.i do have manual pump any sugg?

2007-01-16 10:30:32 · 9 answers · asked by newmom 1

My baby has pooped white, strange looking and HORRIBLE smelling poop twice today. He has also been throwing up- once was clear, second time was all formula (not breast feeding for honest-to-God medical issues- let's not even go there) about 15 minutes after he ate. No fever- he's acting normal. Oh- and he's five months old. And yes- I have called the pediatrician, but we had a "snowstorm" and I left a message with the answering service and am waiting on a call back from the doc. Thank you and have a great day!

2007-01-16 10:30:06 · 16 answers · asked by kendalandsam 3


OKay, I bought a friends baby (the baby was 3 months at the time and about 16 pounds) an outfit and a baby robe that said on each tag 0-6 months how long can a child wear that? Im not use to one piece of clothing for a baby to fit 0-6 months because babies grow, but I have seen tags that said 0-3 months on it or 3-6 months on it but 0-6 months now thats new to me. Please give me an answer or an imput. Were these items that were 0-6 months worth the money or just a waste of money?

2007-01-16 10:16:59 · 7 answers · asked by race1983 1

My daughter is just over a year old, and I'm trying to get her off the breast, but she won't drink homo milk, formula or soy milk. She does eat other food, but will not drink milk and I feel like she needs the protein and fat from it. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

2007-01-16 10:05:21 · 8 answers · asked by phoozles2000 2

i have a baby boy that is crying,chewing,coughing and chewing his hand is he teething??

2007-01-16 10:01:11 · 10 answers · asked by aussie_female1981 2

I'm 39 weeks pregnant with my second child (another boy). I'm terrified. I had a 37 hour labor with my first son who came out 9 1/2 pounds and had severe neck problems for about 18-24 months as a result of his size and the length of my labor. Then when he was 2 1/2 weeks old, he was diagnosed with reflux. He was constantly on medication and after eating, he would scream and throw up nonstop. When pregnant with him, I didn't know what was coming (yes, ignorance is often bliss). But now I know what to expect, at least a worst case scenario. Only this time, I have a 2 1/2 year old to take care of as well. I'm scared and dreading next week and doing everything I can to take it easy so I don't force myself into an early labor (not that stressing out about this baby is helping anything).

Any words of advice from people who know and have been through this? How can I bond with my new baby without making my older son feel neglected? And what can I do to not be so scared this time around?

2007-01-16 09:45:19 · 13 answers · asked by A W 4

How do you know when your baby is ready to cut out one of their naps a day? My 9 month old daughter still takes 3 naps, but I think she might be ready to drop one, and only take 2 a day, how will I know?

2007-01-16 09:21:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i bought a tommee tippee steam steriliser for ma wee one and the instructions say to clean once a month with citric acid,can i buy this off the shelfs or is there another product i can use???? any ideas......ross

2007-01-16 09:15:23 · 7 answers · asked by rossroof 2

My grandson's belly button is brown. Now his mom is white and his dad is hispanic could this have anything to do with it..? He is white all over cept his belly button. Strange.... Burgy

2007-01-16 09:02:32 · 3 answers · asked by burgymi 1

I took her to the doctor for a check up and showed it to the doctor. I said it had been there for over a week now. She said it was the corner of a tooth coming in crooked. But now, a few days later, the little soft and squooshy bump is still on her gum and is about twice as big! It looks like a white pimple with a pink dot in the middle. She does have 4 new teeth up top and they're all coming in at the same time. They looked nothing like this thing does. A tooth wouldn't sit there for a couple of weeks! It seriously looks like a pimple right where a front bottom tooth would come in. And it's very soft, you can literally push down on it and flatten it, then it pops right back up. Does this sound normal for teething to you???

2007-01-16 08:48:19 · 3 answers · asked by jess l 5

My daughter is 6 1/2 months old and awoke last night for no apparent reason. She didn't want a bottle and would cry for no reason at all. Today she is barely eating and I am thinking teething is the problem! Any symptoms and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

2007-01-16 08:47:38 · 21 answers · asked by rkonkin226 4

I take her to the doctor regularly about this problem! I am breastfeeding and all she wants is my breastmilk. I'm on a high fat diet to try to get her to gain weight that way. But the doctor wants me to try to force her to eat! She just gets mad and frustrated and throws the food back at me! It's always been this way We try to sweeten her food up, we try to let her feed herself, we try to let her sit near her sister and copy her sister, we try everything! Every few days she will eat what would be equivalent to what she should eat per meal. Other than that she eats a few green beans, or one french fry, or just a few pieces of corn, or one bite of banana. PER DAY! We have tried everything and she jsut will not eat food or drink from a sippy cup. She only wants to nurse. It's starting to harm her, she hasn't gained an ounce since October. I am only 4ft 8, Husbands only 5ft 3. so it's in her genes to be small, but the doctors are concerned. Other than that she's healthy, Please Help ME

2007-01-16 08:43:37 · 5 answers · asked by jess l 5

how do you make them at home on your computer using the baby's picture?

2007-01-16 08:40:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do i get her to breastfeed less, my milk supply is not meeting her demand and at night she sucks on empty breasts and its painfull. what can i do to encourage her to eat more solid food? i feed her three solid food meals a day. please help

2007-01-16 08:39:14 · 17 answers · asked by nomadneesa 2

I have avent nipples for every age group from my daughter should I throw them out or can I use them for my next daughter?

2007-01-16 08:36:44 · 14 answers · asked by niknac 1

We finally decided what to name our beautiful little girl for when she is born.

2007-01-16 08:36:23 · 12 answers · asked by Awakened 2

2007-01-16 08:34:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my father passed away, I was just a year old and wore a pretty pink jacket and hat to his funeral. When my aunt had her first girl, my mother gave it to her, to borrow, for her little one, and she then used it for her other two children. Then my cousin, my aunts daughter, gave birth to a girl and my aunt gave it to her, and now her sister has had a girl, and she has gotten the coat. Well I recently had a girl, and shes 4 months. I really want the coat back, and my mother has asked for it but she said once her daugther is outgrown it she will give it to me, but the problem is, my little girl and her little girl are the same size, her daugther was premature, so when her daughter outgrows it my little one will probably be to big for it, and I won't get a chance to wear it. It has so much meaning to me, and I really want it. What can say to her so I can get it back, and not be rude about it?

2007-01-16 08:32:59 · 5 answers · asked by Proud Mother 3

4 month old baby!what is the best way to give cereal to her?and also how much in one day?

2007-01-16 08:12:05 · 5 answers · asked by baby06 1

How do I do it? Is it still possible?

2007-01-16 08:00:39 · 24 answers · asked by nomadneesa 2

i am very stressed out all the time and now it seems as if she is getting worse,like she will start like screaming and whyning for no reason i dunno if it is normal or something is wrong but it is taking a tow on me what do i do about it please help!!

2007-01-16 07:59:13 · 8 answers · asked by baby06 1

I have a friend who had baby two moths ago. She said her baby grow 5 inches in two moths. I told her that i don't belive her and she is mad at me for telling her that. Honestly her baby didn't seems big to me. She used to lie a lot and make things biger and sometimes it bothers me when she said something unreal and untrue that i can't stand and listen her i got to tell her that she is not right..and now she is mad at me...Did i do right thing or......???

2007-01-16 07:58:13 · 8 answers · asked by Mely 2

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