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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

My son is 5 and he does not eat much meat, vegies, he will only have certian things on his sandwiches. If food is touching on his plate he will not eat it. He cries all the time he has been having night terrors sicnce he was a baby. He is on multi vitimans because he does not eat much. If he is at a babysitters house he will simply not eat anything. I am at my wits end all I want is for him to be happy he gets frustrated very easy. I have a 8 year old girl whom has never had any of these problems. What could be wrong with my son?

2007-12-23 10:38:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

the question says it all

2007-12-23 07:46:27 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

He already helps quite a bit with his sister who is 2..I don't want to force him or overwhelm him to the point that he thinks negatively towards chores (my mom did that to me and as an adult I wish she would have put a more positive spin on it...no one likes to clean and tidy but it's part of life) I also do not think $$ is the answer. I will NOT now or ever pay my kids to clean up after themselves or clean the house as I strongly believe this should be a shared task.
What do you think? How could I get him more motivated to clean up after himself (mainly his own belongings)?

2007-12-23 05:00:27 · 32 answers · asked by laura 4

My six-year-old son has become increasingly defiant lately. He just doesn't care when something is against the rules. He touches everything everywhere we go. Just yesterday I caught him playing with the stove (lighting incense), moving chairs to then climb on them and hang tape from the ceiling (to swing on, of course!) and running out into a parking lot. He threw his kitten through the air, he annoyed his eight-year-old sister tremendously, and he's driving me batty. He's gotten into trouble at every school he's attended and at this point he's in a public homeschooling program (meaning they give me the books and wish me luck) because nobody wants him in their classroom.

On the other hand, he is visually impaired and has had some rough stuff happen, like having his dad suddenly come back in his life, a period of a few months where we lived in crummy motels, etc. He can get very depressed when corrected, so coal might be damaging. I'm just out of options.

2007-12-23 04:43:41 · 26 answers · asked by Rhonda Teacher 3

my autistic son has yet another ear infection and is on antibiotics. the medicine contains orange flavouring containing propylene glycol. he is more hyperactive than usual, has any one experienced hyperactivity with kids medicine. the name of the antibiotic is PRIMACINE,erythromycin ethyl succinate.

2007-12-23 04:42:05 · 5 answers · asked by JENNY B 3

My daughter will be four in February and she really wants to go to school like her 6 year old sister. She is at the same level as her 6 year old sister, she even helps her sister in Kindergarten sight read. Is there any private schools or ways around the 5 year old age limit for children to start school.

I would like to get her into some educational program w/the start of the fall 2008 school year.
If she does not enjoy it or if she feels to much pressure I wont make her go. She has a good start on Kindergarten basics and I'd like her to continue on the current path. If we wait until she is actually 5, fall 2009, I think she will be bored in Kindergarten. Any advice??

2007-12-23 03:15:36 · 1 answers · asked by Becky L 3

i know christmas is a stressful time of year but isnt it the same for everyone? i recently did my christmas food shop but i had my kids with me (its something you have to do if you have no babysitters unfortunately!) anyway i had my toddlers in the double buggy which my nine year old son pushed whilst i pushed the trolly and did the shopping. the amount of people that pushed my son out of the way and banged into him was unbelievable and not one person said excuse me. i even ended up having a full blown arguement with some stupid man who had my son in tears as he literally rammed the trolly into the back of his legs and told him to move out of the f**cking way. i immediately went over and had a go at this man who told me i shouldnt bring the kids shopping with me. after i eventually made him apologise i ended up dumping my shopping and going home. my question is why are some people so horrible. i know its hard and stressful for them but do they think its easy for me? whats their problem

2007-12-22 22:53:18 · 28 answers · asked by gemma r 5

She will not play in her room upstairs. We have threatened to throw all her toys away, and that didn't work either. I am having her bag them up right now to put "in the trash" (basement, but she will think the trash). Any suggestions?

2007-12-22 14:38:29 · 17 answers · asked by dianiagay 3

i have to buy my child his xmas preasents late in the year so he won't find them, i need some good ideas for a hiding spot in 2 story home. sorry for my typos i am a bad speller.

2007-12-22 10:51:23 · 12 answers · asked by GuildWarsExpert 2

my daughter is 9 and a half going on 16!!! ive always tried to let her make desicions about her life(nothing serious though), but when i think of what i was like at her age i was still playing with my sindy doll!! these days our kids have everything, laptops, wii`s, nintendo ds, didgital camera`s, ipods, phones, is it all our fault? are we making up for what we never had as children? or are children just older and wiser these days? answer`s appreciated guys x

2007-12-22 08:44:57 · 41 answers · asked by xcutsiex 2

Ever since my daughter was four she wanted to be a rockstar. She enjoys singing and wants to be singed up for music lessons, but I'm not sure. I've explained to her that there is a small chance that she will be a rockstar, but she still wants to try.

2007-12-22 07:17:37 · 27 answers · asked by Just someone 2

I got my daughter a cell phone for EMERGANCIES ONLY. I told her to put 2 really good friends on her speed dial incase I couldn't be reached and she needed a friends' parent's help.

She's had it for 2 years and has been VERY responsible about it. Today came her phone bill and it showed that she used all of her minutes (something she's never done) and has texted everyday. The bill was about $1000! Usually it's only $150!She called her friends for fun.

I took away her cell phone and have been thinking of getting her Disney Mobile so I could track her calls and set times when she can call.

Should I get her it? Or should I just get rid of the cell phone for ever? HELP!

2007-12-22 04:56:40 · 17 answers · asked by Dina 3

When my daughter was 6 she asked if she could get her ears pierced. I told her to wait til she was 12 - pretty much because that was the age girls started doing it when I was at school. Her late mother wasn't allowed hers until she was 15.

She is now 8 and most of her friends have had theirs done in the last year. I have heard her telling her friends how gorgeous their earrings are, "but my dad won't let me til I'm 12."

Putting things into perspective, she is mature for an 8 year old. She feels the odd one out. I have no idea what its like to be a girl. In the grand scheme of things it's only earrings - and she'll be getting them in 3 1/2 years anyway.

I'm really thinking maybe I should buy her a pair of earrings, wrap them up and tell her when she opens them that I told her 12 because when I was young, that was the age girls did it. Things have obviously changed and since she wants them so much, she can get them pierced (1 pair only) as soon as she wants.

Good or bad idea?

2007-12-22 04:13:11 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since last year my now 9 year old daughter has been giving me hints that she knows he doesn't exist, reason; another girl told her, so i sat down and asked her what she thought, she said she was confused, i told her that santa exists, i didn't want to take that away from her, this morning she brought the subject up again, i asked why, she said that when we spent xmas at grandmas there was no possible way that santa could bring gifts while we were up and no one saw him i explained to her that the gifts at grandma's were from each other but that if she remembers when we got home the gifts from santa were there and no one had been home. I know that it would be selfish to tell her the truth if she is not yet sure, but this year we have had financial issues and we are stretching as much as we can, i know that if i explained things to her she would understand and maybe not be so expectant on things....what should i do?, she's so understanding but then taking that from her?

2007-12-22 00:27:23 · 19 answers · asked by bebitas1978 2

minor age is 12 yrs. and today her b'day... pls let me know

2007-12-21 22:37:35 · 4 answers · asked by SHIV 1

I am done my Christmas shopping but i just need to my my 4 chilren each a big gift my limit is 100 dollars on the big gift.
Her is whats my childern are like,

Karren- Karren is 4 years old.She Spends most of her time playing barbies or outside.

Jessica- Jessica is also four. She enjoys playing barbies and whatching the tree house channel.

Billy-Billy is a bob the builder boy. He loves playing with tractors and pretending to be famus. He is also Four.

Robbie - Is 5 years old. He just started school so i want to get him something educational. He enjoys school and spider man.

2007-12-21 09:47:07 · 21 answers · asked by Melissa R 2

2007-12-21 08:31:56 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our 10 yr old mastiff went into the vet yesterday, he had been throwing up for 2 days. we found out this morning that he has severe kidney disease and will need to be put down. My kids 5, 7, 9 and 14 know he spent the night at the vets and he is sick. Should I tell them and let them say goodbye or should we do this privately and tell them after Christmas.

2007-12-21 03:36:31 · 7 answers · asked by 5 crazy girls 2

what should i do?

2007-12-21 03:27:41 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

she drew a picture that she hates this house she hates coming and she hates all the holidays. she drew a picture of her and her mom. her mom has pushed me out of her life. parent alienation syndrome. what do i do I love my daughter but I think she is being brainwashed. ahhhh.

2007-12-21 02:13:29 · 9 answers · asked by Iamdaddy 1

My nine year old was playing at recess and another student called him a N and we want him to understand why some people act the way the girl did. How can we explain that he is to expect this behavior not accept it?

2007-12-21 00:36:58 · 16 answers · asked by Joyce D 2

I just want know what age do kids get things like that?

2007-12-20 20:14:03 · 26 answers · asked by bryanjailyne 1

do you tell him the truth im afraid he'll get picked on at school if he tell the other kids,

2007-12-20 16:17:25 · 35 answers · asked by IRISHGUY 3

My dad is about 60 somethin yr old..yep n im only 14:) hmnn..i ask my dad"Dad, what do you want for xmass," he said "nice grades." I respond," No, I'm serious what do you want." he said back, " I'm serious too, I want good grades." But if youre a dad..can you tell mi wat dad wants 4 xmass cuz its hard 2 give him somethin he would lke. I want 2 give him somethin realy nice:) any ideas>>?:)

2007-12-20 16:07:58 · 10 answers · asked by ^_^ 2

My 6 yr old stepson has had this problem for the last 2 yrs. He will not poop on the toilet. He will hold it as long as he can. Which is usually until he falls asleep. If you make him sit on the toilet he will hop up & down to stop himself and scream & cry. Unfortunately because I am his stepmother I have no rights to take him to the doctor. I know that his diet is not good either. He will only eat chicken nuggets & pizza. He will make himself vomit if you put a veggie in front of him. From what his father & I are told his mother has taken him to the Dr & told us that we are to give him laxatives. I refuse to give them to him. He is too young to be fed laxatives on a daily basis especially when there is no reason he can't go he just doesn't want to. His father and I have decided that when he comes to our house he is to put on pull ups? Is this a bad idea for a 6 yr old? We have told him if he can't act like a big kid & go on the toilet he will have to wear diapers. Is this harsh?

2007-12-20 14:40:14 · 15 answers · asked by sambouka96 1

My ex and I had some issues...he's abusive. Never to our daughter, but she has terrible tantrums and I feel as though she's too old. She's 6. What is that about? The other day she didnt want to eat when we had gone out with a friend, and she was crying and stomping. She even stood up on the chair...she dug both of her hands into the pizza that the waiter hadn't even sat down on the table, and wiped her hands down my shirt. I don't want to spank her? Just sassy and I don't know her sometimes. There's this thing...maybe for comfort? She HAS to put her hand up my shirt and rest it on my breast? And my friend gave me advice but it didnt work. She has a fit if she cannot do that. She has to sleep with me becuase she has to do that. She even does in public. Help me?

2007-12-20 13:47:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Serious answers only, please. I'm an average mom with liberal views. But not THIS liberal. My daughter watches her show. And though she is not obsessed by it (the whole Hannah Montana craze), we will be inundated with pictures, articles, etc. And she will wonder what the big deal is. I want to dissuade her from teen pregnancy, NOT go into the big birds and bees talk (she's 9 1/2. Not sheltered, but still 9), but also keep our lines of communication open, if, heaven forbid, she finds herself in the same boat.
How are conscientious, regular everyday moms with average liberal values explaining this to their 9-12 year olds?

2007-12-20 13:30:15 · 20 answers · asked by roswell75 2

Do you think the average 14 year old boy/girl is innocent still when it comes to extremely fowl words, complex sex positions, sexual words and violence?

For example, a mother might not want their 14 year old watching a rated R movie because of their innocents.

What do you think?

2007-12-20 11:56:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous