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I'm a divorced mom of a 8 yr old son. My ex is remarried and I know his wife takes my son out shopping for his dad but i still like to get my son a little something to give his dad for holidays. For example this x-mas i got a nice frame that said " I love my daddy" and put in a photo i took of my ex and son together. What do you guys think about me doing this? In the 5 yrs of our divorce my ex never got my son a gift to give me (don't expect it) but am wondering if i'm wrong in doing this.

2007-12-27 07:59:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 16, and going on a long car trip with a 9, 6, and 4yr old. Any ideas of things to keep them busy?
My brother has a PSP and I have a DS, so I figured I'd bring those. There's a DVD player in the car, but we don't have any new movies and the kids will only sit still for so long.

I guess I could bring coloring books. Maybe some snacks like Goldfish or something. Ummm ...

See, the thing is we're going to be doing most of our driving during the day. So I need ideas of stuff to keep them not-annoying!! xD

Also, we leave tomorrow (I pretty much just found out) so there's no time to go out and buy anything ...

And if you have any ideas for kid songs, tell me because I'm planning to make some CDs. The kids love songs like Who Let The Dogs Out and stuff like that.

2007-12-27 06:46:45 · 12 answers · asked by Me 7

My 6 year old son is completly out of control.He is mean and spiteful. He is constantly hurting his brother and sister. My husband/his father are not violent people. He refuses to listen to anything I say. I have tried spankings,rewards,grounding, spending alone time with him taking away toys everything I can think of. What is wrong with him? He can sit and play video games for a very long time or watch tv, so his attention span is average. I hope somebody can give me some advice.

2007-12-27 06:25:25 · 15 answers · asked by das_kcs 1

Do you think a 6th grader is to young to have a boyfriend. I think it will depend on how mature the person is. What about you what do think????

2007-12-27 01:01:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can you tell i am afraid that my 8 year old son is gay..he is into tap dancing and and singing...also he does not like to watch sports and when he saw one of his dads swimsuit magazines he looked at it then screamed!

2007-12-27 00:19:28 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

should my sons an daughter visit my brother in Jail? My sons are 11,10,6 and my daughter is 7 . should it be a good idea for them to go vist him. they are not that closed

2007-12-26 16:33:25 · 17 answers · asked by Jhoanne 2

I had my 6 year old take IQ test at www.funeducation.com ... I read all the questions and he gave me his answers. I was plessed with his result 108 but the test was very hard and it was 200 questions and some of them I didnt even know the answers for...I asked my friend and he didnt know the answers eather. So how do i know that this score is right... My kid is very smart and good.. Where can I have him tested to make sure and do test score is going to help him ? help

2007-12-26 16:29:57 · 11 answers · asked by ms. sunshine 2

your child is 6-9 yrs old

2007-12-26 09:40:31 · 25 answers · asked by bqd_13 1

My husband only found out that he had a 10 year old daughter in Australia 6 months ago...we live in the U.K..
The Mother had kept her pregnancy from him...she passed the child off as her husbands at the time.
Now she and her husband are divorced she told her daughter about her real Dad...they are in touch...but the child is so unhappy in her life.
She is only 10 but has been to 5 different schools...her Mother was..and we think still is working as a prostitute in massage parlours...she has relationships with unstable men and her sister took out an injunction against her...the woman never takes her daughter anywhere...she always seems to be in the flat...doesn't even own a bike...she looks healthy in photos...and I am not saying the Mother abuses her in any way...but she neglects her and is ignorant of her own childs unhappiness....MY husband and I cannot afford to visit yet...we have a toddler and a new baby on the way...what can we do? I want to check the girl is looked after

2007-12-26 07:05:55 · 7 answers · asked by Daisyhill 7

I currently babysit for two twin girls who are eleven years old in the sixth grade. One day one of the girls walked up to me and confided in me. She told me that while her sister slept one night she touched her private parts out of curiosity. She said that her sister was wearing her pajama bottoms the whole time. She told me she felt very bad and with tears in her eyes asked me if she was a child molester. I told her of course she isn't but i had a hard time trying to console her. What is this? Should she feel bad? If a child that still plays with dolls and who is barely out of elementary school touches another child's private area out of curiosity is that child a child molester?

2007-12-25 14:30:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am recieving child support through FRO from the child's mom of $189.00, and that amount will increase shortly.
Am I a super-minority of a dad with a 4 year old girl?
I'm wondering what challenges I may be up against in the future, other than that mom is having a very hard time with diciplining and control of my daughter, and consequently I am having second thoughts about her visitation (10 hrs a week, two days a week.) as she wants to increase it to home visits. She currently has public access only, and I currently have full custody, with all decisions left to me for last say or approval.
I believe her mental condition is deteriorating, affecting my daughter's behavior. It is otherwise good at school and home.Mom is currently married, but now living separately from her mentally disturbed (since childhood) husband, who threatened to kill my daughter.
Opinions or ideas?

2007-12-25 14:24:36 · 6 answers · asked by PAUL A 4

My daughter is about to lose her first tooth on the bottom. The other tooth has already grown in and she won't let us pull it out.
Any suggestions on how to get it out? It is basicly just hanging there!

2007-12-25 03:31:53 · 17 answers · asked by Willie Survive 4

I bought my little cousin a Bratz doll thing for Christmas, but after I got it, I found out that her mom had already got her 1. I had lost the receipt, so I couldn't take it back. Soooo, I asked my bf if he wanted to get it for his daughter. He said yes. So I was like ok & I bought my little cousin something else. When I got home, me & my one of my cousins were wrapping gifts & on that gift we put to ....., from daddy. He was like "no, that's from Bri (me)". I was looking like "huh???". I thought that he was buying it from me for his daughter, so I just laughed. Soooo, this morning he got up to take her her gifts & was like where's the one from u. I told him that I had sold it to my aunt for her daughter. He says that he was just playing about not paying me for it & I was wrong for that. Was I??? This was a $30 gift & he made me think that HE was going to buy it for his daughter & had me spending money again to buy my little cousin something else. I think that he was wrong. How was I suppose to know that he was playing?? He sounded serious & I really wasn't planning on buying his daughter a $30 gift. Please help b/c he has me feeling like I did something wrong!!!
Thanks for ur answers.
BTW, I'm 29 weeks pregnant with his 2nd child, my 1st.

2007-12-25 01:19:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

gives more to rich kids than to poor kids.

I'm not sure where she heard this from or what to say

2007-12-24 17:58:42 · 21 answers · asked by Liz 4

Several people have posted on the famous hand in warm water trick whereby submerging a sleeping person's hand in warm water while asleep induces urination. Many people have claimed they have heard of this prank, but I want to know how many people have truly witnessed this in person.

I am also curious to know if anyone has any plausible hypothesis as to how it works. I understand the micturition reflex (urintation reflex) is a spinal reflex with regulation from higher brain centers, but how exactly the warm water would trigger the urination is of interest to me. Do you think the warm water evokes the spinal reflex or causes enough activation such that it overcomes the tonic inhibition from higher brain centers. I'm very curious to see what ideas people propose.

2007-12-24 16:00:42 · 3 answers · asked by john j 1


2007-12-24 13:29:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do I sound like a total weirdo or really unique? (I kind of really like being unique but I want the peoples opinion..)

- I dont like anything on Disney Channel (except for the suite life)
- I love Spongebob
- I am into indie, like Feist and Broken Social Scene
- I battle really bad battophobia
- I'd rather give presents than recieve any tomorrow
- I am really into street racing
- I hate shopping for clothes (except for in the boys section.)
- I love school

2007-12-24 09:27:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has always had small feet. When he turned 4 years old, he was wearing a toddler size 11. The problem is that he is now 6 1/2 years old, and still wearing a toddler size 11. He's normal in every other area of growth, and the doctor says it's normal, but I think it's a little strange that a kid's feet haven't grown in 2 1/2 years. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it normal?

2007-12-24 08:54:48 · 5 answers · asked by Stephanie73 6

there 11 and 9 and how do i tell my 11 year old son that its nots true? money is very tight right now.

2007-12-24 06:14:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

To cut a long story short, when she first asked (aged 6) I told my daughter she couldn't get her ears done til she was 12.
Well, she's now 8, and all her friends seem to have had theirs done in the last year or 2. I have heard her telling her freinds she would love earrings but has to wait til she is 12, so I thought 'what the hell, I don't want her feeling odd-one-out'.
This morning, we went to the jewellers, under the guise of going for a necklace, and after she had chose one, I told her she could have any pair of clip-ons within a certain price range, or get her ears pierced.
The only part that was actually a decision for her was deciding which earrings she wanted to get pierced with.
Although the logical part of my head says "It's only earrings, most girls her age have them, and it was her choice" - I found it really difficult to let them do it, and even though she insists they don't hurt ("I can't even feel them"), it really upsets me to see her with studs in. Why is that?

2007-12-23 23:50:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance's son is very heavy for his age: about 120 pounds and 6 years old. I know what most of the problem is, overfeeding. He eats more than I do much of the time. Second helpings are the norm, even the first plate is more than I gave one of my children when they were 6. I have 3 kids, by the way. I have a couple of times expressed my concerns, but it doesn't seem to do anything. He simply excuses it by saying he is just going to be a big man. My fiance is 6'6". This kid has to hoist himself up off of the couch, and cannot run very fast, until you call him for dinner anyway. You could feed him, and 5 minutes later, he is saying that he is hungry. I worry about him, not because of the weight itself, but because of higher ris of illnesses. What should I do??

2007-12-23 17:54:34 · 11 answers · asked by dnsnowden 2

I am at my wits end 8 year old won't got to bed then when he finally gets there, he gets up several times. It is like there is an force pushing him out of bed. The past two night he was up until 1030. I have no support from my husband. I say the bed time is 830 and it is a joke. I've tried several techinques including staying in the door way, not talking when putting him back. I don't give him sugar or caffiene. We exercise daily. He is a brilliant child who reads 3 grade levels above so I know he understands what I am saying but just does not listen. By the end of the day I am exhausted dealing with him, my husband and his twin brother, I have no more patience. I just don't understand why he just doesn't GO TO SLEEP. Any suggestions are helpful. But no I am not going to medicate my child. Thanks.

2007-12-23 17:32:48 · 13 answers · asked by Nanci 1

is my little brother gay??

he loves shopoing a ton. he is very particular about his clothes and shoes, especially.

what worries me the most is this:

he loves to sing along to musicals, like high school musical. however, he sings 'fabulous' by ashley tisdale and the girls parts in other songs.

he acts like he's into hot girls but it seems really forced. he plays football but is really wimpy about it.

is he gay? feminine? or wierd?

2007-12-23 16:00:25 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

How much should I charge(total) for:

-a 9 year old girl who gets EVERYTHING she wants!!!
-4 hours
-parents know me very well
-live in a high-income neighborhood

2007-12-23 15:39:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey folks, I spent time with my nephew yesterday who is 7. His folks told us that he doesn't kiss people, and he doesn't like to hug people (although he does). One of his aunts tried to kiss him, and he seriously freaked. What is up with this? What is the deal with a 7 year old who hates the prospect of someone touching him affectionately? He has an older brother and younger sister who are not like that.

2007-12-23 14:56:55 · 10 answers · asked by coverotherollingstone 3

my 9 yr old is a very happy friendly outgoing kid, involved in activites in and out of school and seems to have lots of fun when she is with her friends. however anytime she wants to play with someone it is me that is always calling to schedule a playdate- they never call to plan one first. i either email or she leaves a message on their machine to see if they can play. we either never hear back or after I email again they respond. im tired of us being the ones to instigate the playdate, yet i think if we didn't she would never play with anyone. she is always talking about her good friends - at this age is everyone a (good/best friend) I dont remember !!!!
I just want to have someone call her for once and ask to play. she has lots of friends and when we do connect they dont say no......HELP WHAT SHOULD WE DO

2007-12-23 10:51:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous