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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

because i haven't seen her report card i think she hides it from me so i need to find out

2006-06-06 12:32:12 · 3 answers · asked by brittany b 1

I am babysitting for a 5 year old and 7 year old this summer and need help coming up with fun activities to do. One is a girl and one is a boy.

2006-06-06 11:05:14 · 3 answers · asked by seagull_watcher 1

My cousin lives with my grandma in dallas and he is 9 years old and my grandma has all this summer off work and wants to do fun things with him but she doesnt have a whole lot of money to spend. are there any activities that are in the dallas area that are fun for kids and inexpensive? any idea would be great.

2006-06-06 11:02:55 · 4 answers · asked by 128333 4

My daughter casually told us the other day on our way back from a family outing the her friend Felicity, was kissing Brody, " you know mom, kissing with the tongue"! These kids are in SENIOR KINDERGARTEN! I thought Holy Shite, what in the name, is going on here. Then there is another kid in the class that seems to think its ok for her to slap, kick,punch, pinch, cuss, spit, and pull on every kid in the class. WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS FOR GOD SAKES?! Should I send my daughter to Catholic school next year where she will learn some rules while at school? Why in gods name do parents allow their children to see that kind of stuff, the kid learned it from somewhere. My husband and I show affection in front of our girls. But we show hugging,smiles, laughter, kisses, not frenching for them to see, that in my opinion should stay in the bedroom, or away from the kids till they know whats good affection and whats just flat out raunchy lust. They are 5 year old kids.

2006-06-06 09:20:51 · 44 answers · asked by jaysboobie 3

2006-06-06 05:01:58 · 34 answers · asked by ALYSON MILCHACKA 1

I have a 7 month old I'd like to get into his own crib. He's never slept in it, only knows it as a playtime place because I've set him in there to play with his mobile for 30 minutes or so while I go do something. He slept in a changer in our room for 2 months 5 months ago but I'd like to start helping him sleep in his crib. Open to ideas but prefer not letting him just cry. thanks for the answers

2006-06-06 01:30:53 · 17 answers · asked by cuban_sandwich1 1

I want to have a babyWhich period is best for intercourse befor monthly period or after?

2006-06-05 21:08:22 · 4 answers · asked by sweet_gal 1

well when I was younger maybe 5 or six. a friend of the family son who was maybe 14 or 15 at the time used to feel me up and hunch on me. I didn't understand that is was maybe wrong at the time but since I didn't know that it was wrong I didn't tell and I kind of liked it.

2006-06-05 17:17:31 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 10 and 8 year olds attending their great grandmothers funeral.it will be closed casket?

2006-06-05 16:25:47 · 17 answers · asked by georgemi74 4