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Pregnancy & Parenting - 30 October 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

my girlfriend also has a 3yr old . when angry he calls her mother f'er and to shut up. he gets time out for punishment. sometimes while on time out he will still swear, then he gets soap.short time later he is back at it. i was spanked and dont agree w / it, but in this case i think 2 swats on the *** will get his attention

2006-10-30 13:00:19 · 39 answers · asked by big win 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Why do we calculate gestational age (GA) from the LMP when we know that conception doesn't occur until roughly 14 days after the LMP? I know that it's convention to calculate the GA this way, but I don't understand why.

2006-10-30 12:58:23 · 3 answers · asked by knasky 1 in Pregnancy

2006-10-30 12:55:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I mentor 14 yr old teen and I have a problem with his mom right now. I made plans to take him to a sporting event this Saturday and had cleared it with her several weeks ago. I bought tickets ($50). I now learn that they are going to New york city that day only 5 days before. Also, I need to tell you, he isn't doing well in school and one of the incentives I've given him to improve is grades is that if his next report card is good, that I would take him on a trip to New York for the weekend ( we live fairly close to NYC). This is a trip that he wants to do. His Mom is aware of this incentive and his grades have not improved. I feel that she is totally undermining me on trip and I'm pretty upset about it along with the fact that I have made time for her son and bought tickets to the event. We have been open with each other in the past. Should I confront her about this? Should I explain how I feel about this trip? Should she be taking him to NYC when his grades are not good?

2006-10-30 12:54:40 · 6 answers · asked by jjohnpeterman 1 in Adolescent

2006-10-30 12:50:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2006-10-30 12:47:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I am 40 weeks pregnant and I am schedualed to be induced on Nov. 8th. I had an ultrasound today and he is 8lbs (which I know can be off some) and he has plenty of fluid. I have not progressed in almost two months....I am only 1cm and at my visit today the doc. said he would try and stir things up so he stuck his finger up there and pulled down on my cervix..in the part where I am 1cm. (sorry about graphic). God that hurt he said he was trying to stretch me. Well I have had a few contractions since then but no spotting no nothing..lol. frustrating. He said that he just wanted to go ahead and schedual me for a c-section because Im not progressing but I asked him if I can try first to have him naturally. So I go in at 1:00am on the 8th and he is going to give me a gel and a pill to take to see if it will help..and if it does then he can break my water to help. BUT he said the failure rate was high for people like me who are short and still not progressing. I have walked myself

2006-10-30 12:37:52 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4 in Pregnancy

I am 6 and a half months pregnant now and have a low lying plancenta but not showing at all .... I mean I don't get it , I'm eating right, taking my prenatal vitamans and going to the doctor but my stomach is flat as a broad but baby's okay so far... I do have a small frame 4'10 , 98 lbs . I eat but I never gain wieght does anyone expreinced not showing at all or later in pregnancy and when was it ?

2006-10-30 12:37:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm just trying to understand... Some people say you can only get pregnant when you ovulate, which I understand is a few days after the end of your period, but then some people also say you can fall pregnant at anytime?!
Can anyone help me with the exact explanation pls?!

2006-10-30 12:36:39 · 5 answers · asked by liss 2 in Trying to Conceive

i am volunteering for a program called nurturing connections....the basics are: i get the name of the new mom, the name and weight/length of the new baby, and a few facts like if mom is breastfeeding, whether she had a c-section or normal delivery and when she'll be home from the hospital...what my job is, is i have to call her about a week after shes home and just offer any advice, or phone numbers she might need...kindof like a friend to talk to about the boring stuff and to make sure shes ok, especially if she doesnt have much help...im not a prfessional, just like to help. MY QUESTION IS THIS...if you were to be in the program, what would you want me to ask and what were your worries and questions? because i dont want them to think im acting like i know all this stuff, cuz i dont..but i will get them any info they need..i also dont want to be a bother, i make sure they arent busy...but im rambling lol so what would you suggest i ask about when i call them???? thanks in advance!!=0)

2006-10-30 12:36:12 · 6 answers · asked by thatgirluknow 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My doctor gave my son a sucker and I see other kids with candy but I always thought they had to wait until they were much older...

2006-10-30 12:34:04 · 14 answers · asked by Mally 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

what are the changes teens going through after become parents?

2006-10-30 12:31:39 · 6 answers · asked by Seductive 1 in Adolescent

Besides holding furniture I can not right now afford, Where else did names like these come from and why the boom in popularity?

2006-10-30 12:29:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Mine is 7 months old. Is that too soon or is he getting ready?

2006-10-30 12:29:30 · 9 answers · asked by ~SSIRREN~ 6 in Newborn & Baby

what are the changes teens going through after become parents?

2006-10-30 12:28:02 · 1 answers · asked by Seductive 1 in Adolescent

I've already picked out the name I want to give my daughter (first and middle) if I ever have one, and I wanted to know if anyone thinks it's too weird or ugly or something...Please don't criticize me or anything if you don't like it, I'm just curious... It's Ryce Elizabeth Whatever-the-last-name-will-be

2006-10-30 12:26:11 · 16 answers · asked by Kassie Leann 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I would like a few suggestions on ways to advertise my future Infant and Toddler Apparel website. The site will sell apparel(new&used), accessories, and educational items.

I have decided to use mailers, a flyer(lower price than ad) in the local newspaper, pay per click programs and myspace and 360 groups. What other options can I consider, that would attract parents?


2006-10-30 12:26:07 · 5 answers · asked by lalala 4 in Parenting

I have been frozen today. So I am constantly telling my 6 year old to put on clothes. I told him that if he put on socks his feet wouldn't get as cold, and yet I"m the only one freezing! Why do we do this?

2006-10-30 12:24:58 · 15 answers · asked by washington_maverick 3 in Parenting

I am returning to work and want to quit breast feeding, i am only pumping about 8 oz a day, is it okay if I just quit cold turkey? And what is mastitis?

2006-10-30 12:21:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I took a preg test today and it was positive, well i have had many things going through my mind, i was on the pill, and i guess it is hard gor me to believe. I ran across this article today that says a woman can have a false pregnancy, where she experiences all the symptons, the uteras enlarges, breast are sore, and you miss your period. I guess i am wondering if this has happened to anyone, and is it possible that this is my case. Or am i just having a hard time excepting this. Please help!

2006-10-30 12:20:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Stacey just answered a question... I just have to say I love the name Ariyanna Serafina!!! Thanks for the idea of my possible next girl name.

2006-10-30 12:17:20 · 1 answers · asked by missktbop 2 in Newborn & Baby

that caused babies many health problems. The main thing was birth defects as leg/arm loss. Born with flipper type arms /legs. As a little girl I went to music with a boy like this. What is that condition called and what was the name of the pills?

2006-10-30 12:17:18 · 5 answers · asked by Zoey 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

my daughter has a really bad dipper rash & a cold & they came up @ the same time over night & was wondering if its sum how conected & also wuts a fast way 2 get rid of the rash cuz her normal cream is not working & she is crying ALOT cuz its hurting her by the way she is 7 months old

2006-10-30 12:14:28 · 14 answers · asked by Heather'smommy 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2006-10-30 12:08:36 · 22 answers · asked by Bens Mommy 2 in Pregnancy

ok, when you read the directions it says that the opk is negative if you only get one line or if the second line is fainter than the first line. I have been taking the OPKs for 10 days now and haven't even gotten a second line faint or not. Is it possible for the opk to go from 1 line to a positive over night?

2006-10-30 12:07:07 · 2 answers · asked by estephania2182 3 in Trying to Conceive

my girlfriends 8 year old son crys, whines and balls his fist at her. he is a spoiled brat . his behavior is a direct result of his up bringing.most mornings he will try to convince her he is sick. he stays home sleeps in and is up and running. the other day he and my daughter, age 8 were horse playing. he was accidently hit on the back. he then assaulted her .his anger makes him lash out. i care about his mom, but after the assalt on my kid and his behvior before school, i now look at him differently. i want to b nice , but i am short w/ him . i am now looking at his mom differently, cause she is the cause.

2006-10-30 12:05:13 · 13 answers · asked by big win 1 in Parenting

Hi! Our baby girl is 6 months old. I was exclusively pumping for her from the beginning (because of latch on problems). Now I am pregnant again and because of my severe nausea I don't have enough breastmilk anymore. I can express about 2 bottles worth a day the most, but even this is going away. The problem is that she hates formula and she does not want to drink it! She wasn't really introduced to solids until now (she got some cereals, few bites of banana puree/mashed potato) but only a few bites and it's new for her as well. I am a bit frustrated and don't really know what to do. I know she needs breastmilk/formula for about 6 more months but what if she completely refuses formula? I can't just start to feed her with solids from one day to another all the time! What should I do ?
Thanks in advance!

2006-10-30 12:01:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

2006-10-30 12:00:29 · 4 answers · asked by ♥i LuV mY nEw HuBbY LEO♥ 2 in Trying to Conceive

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