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Politics - 13 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Are they still denying there is a civil war?
Are they still saying Saddam was behind 9/11?

Do they also still deny Global Warming?

2007-07-13 10:19:57 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many Al Gore followers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

PS. I'm open to all answers!

2007-07-13 10:14:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate to think back to the WORST economy ever which was under Jimmy Carter.

2007-07-13 10:12:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

The liberals talk about "scooter libby" but never mention William "cold cash" Jefferson. Is this hypocritical to mention one party committing a crime but ignoring crime from your own political party?

William Jefferson was found with bribe money, hidden, in his freezer and promptly cried racism.

Any ideas out there?

By the way, scooter libby was pardoned, but Bill Clinton "sold" pardons to Marc Rich and others. Isn't that also hypocritical?

2007-07-13 10:11:17 · 15 answers · asked by infobrokernate 6

My 401 K is at an ALL TIME HIGH thanks to our great President!

2007-07-13 10:10:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

While our soldiers are fighting for them, getting killed and wounded.

2007-07-13 10:03:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a democratic, but it doesn't matter what side of the mall you are on. Won't you help Al Gore save our planet? He is leading the charge against people who hate our planet. It is called globbal warming and we need to cool it down. I changed all our lite bulbs and I don't drive any more. If I need a lift to the mall or something I just ask my dad. He's totally cool with it.

2007-07-13 10:02:24 · 15 answers · asked by Granny Gruntz 3

Is Bush right in not listening to the will of the people, because the will of the people is just the will of the media? Maybe Bush is smarter than we think? NOT.

2007-07-13 10:02:19 · 6 answers · asked by Sippy 1

What is going on????

Homeland Security Sec.Michael Chertoff wants us all to be fearful again because he has a gut feeling??

Don't we have any professionals working in our government anymore?

It's like the 'B' team running things these days!

2007-07-13 10:01:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because there have been no attacks since 9/11?

There weren't any attacks from 93 to 2001 either, were we safe then??

So bush has really made us safer huh republicans???
It is a well known fact that al qaeda takes years to re-organize! Bush has done nothing to make us safer. I wouldn't be surprised if there was another major attack on our soil in the next 10 years.

In fact, worldwide terror has increased since our iraq invasion!

2007-07-13 10:00:10 · 4 answers · asked by mr.toadey 2

The field of Presidential candidates from all political persuasions is mediocre at best. The best people won't run because they do not want to expose themselves and their families to the microscopic examination of their past, as well as future bashing no matter what they do. The press and extremeists have turned the race into a competition between second stringers. Is there any person outside of the present contendors who you feel is truly qualified for the office?

2007-07-13 09:43:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well after reading this you may be surprised, an under cover investigation team was able to acquire a license from the Nuclear regulatory commision that would have allowed them to buy radioactive material, you know that stuff in dirty bombs, with little more than a set of incorporation papers and a P.O. Box as an address, no brick and mortar building, real employees, no website, no nothing, just a cheap incorporation and a P.O. Box, wow 6 years and this is what we've accomplished, somedays I think we're freaking doomed here with the Gang that couldn't shoot atright running the show.


2007-07-13 09:43:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did we overextend our military?

Shouldn't we have completely saturated Afghanistan with U.S. soldiers and utterly 'shock and awed' Al Qaeda?

Instead we are conducting a two front war and struggling at both!

2007-07-13 09:39:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do liberal's hearts not bleed for the families who's bread winners won't have jobs, because they used to work for an evil insurance company that tried to make "profits" (how dare they), and is now out of business because the government now performs their service for free?

2007-07-13 09:31:57 · 18 answers · asked by Brad the Fox 3

School vouchers would allow parents to choose the school their child goes to. I already pay school taxes (though I don't have anykids), but if I did, shouldn't I have the choice where to send him/her? If the local public school is under performing, and I pay school taxes, why should I be forced to either send them there or pay more out of pocket expense for another school when I'm already paying for school via taxes?

A voucher system would allow me to send my child to a private school or religious school. But shouldn't the choice be mine? If I pay for out of my pocket for another school, isn't that double taxation for the same service?

And by allowing families to go to the better schools, the poor performing schools have to step up to compete, to become competitive for the same pool of sudents. This would only inprove existing schools public or private.

2007-07-13 09:21:51 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happened ?? Lying Lefty Liberal owes the President and the rest of this country one very big apology, - but we never got one !! Why ?? Was it because the left were proven so very, very wrong, again and as usual ??? Why do the "goalposts" keep moving with the Leftwing and the War. Once you have consistently made up lie after lie and been rebuked and debunked systematically, doesn't it just expose and display your blatant hatred of America, the President and the Military ??







2007-07-13 09:21:50 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The fool you voted into the White House (twice) who knows his war in Iraq is unwinnable but won't admit it in public or your own GOP Congressmen who now are voting to stop Bush's monumental disaster in Iraq?

2007-07-13 09:12:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you have 2 kids and have gotten the credit for roughly 5 years, you owe Bush for giving you $10,000.

Actually, you should send it back in since you seem to bash/hate Bush for every single thing.

When Bush is gone, are you going to beg Hillary to get rid of that credit that saves you money?

2007-07-13 09:11:41 · 16 answers · asked by Duminos 2

Who do u like better I like rush being a conservative christian.

2007-07-13 09:10:52 · 15 answers · asked by Christian_7 1

i am starting to think there should be no more political parties in the united states. Because everything is becoming too partisan, and , in my opinion, the only way we can get things done is if we work together in a bipartisan government. so, no more political parties, also because elections are becoming crooked, with many people realy not paying attention to where the candidate stands on the issues, and just voting for him/her because he/she is a .."good ol' republican."

2007-07-13 09:10:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What gives? Who is right, and who is wrong? Why does Bush disagree with his Director of Homeland Security?

2007-07-13 09:06:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How did that affect America again?
Was lying about WMDs and waging war for no reason better?

2007-07-13 09:04:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

... to Pelosi when it passes?

I'm self-employed. Nancy will give us a big gift if neither my spouse or I have to pay for this free insurance.

2007-07-13 09:03:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-13 09:02:05 · 13 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4

Read a report that Cheney doesn't believe he should give full disclosure because he is also apart of the Senate and not in the executive branch.

Im a conservative, wanted to say that before all you robots and parrots started calling me a liberal!

Any other conservative think this is bull!

State if you are Conservative, Liberal, or other!

2007-07-13 09:01:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Legalize abortion: Liberals
Legalize marijuana: Liberals
Legalize prostitution: Liberals
Ban the word 'God' from being used in public schools: Liberals
Continually rehabilitate repeat criminals: Liberals
Remove the 2nd amendment for Conservatives: Liberals
Favor the death tax: Liberals
Favor increased taxes: Liberals
Let people burn the flag (Just make it illegal for anyone to buy one here): Liberals

Increase funding for police protection: Conservatives
Increase funding for prosecuting criminals: Conservatives
Decrease welfare recipients: Conservatives
Support the death penalty for capital crimes: Conservatives
Abolish the death tax: Conservatives
Lower taxes: Conservatives

These are just a few, but basically why do liberals relish the thought of creating chaos for all the fellow human beings they care so much about?

2007-07-13 09:00:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to throw my prediction for '08 out now, and I am interested to hear everyone else's. I firmly believe that either Obama or Clinton will end up representing the Democratic party in the election (despite the fact that Edwards probably has the best chance of actually winning outside designated Blue Zones).

I believe either one will lead in the polls all the way to election day, simply because it's politically correct to say you're voting for them. I think a lot of people might actually believe they're going to vote for them as they head for the booths. But can anyone else honestly believe that most of America won't collectively 'flinch' at the last minute? I think Democrats are banking on Bush hatred to carry them into the White House, forgetting how polarizing their own candidates are. I believe people would rather vote for a Republican they know little about than a Democrat they have a knee-jerk reaction to. Anyone else have any predictions?

2007-07-13 08:59:43 · 6 answers · asked by Dekardkain 3

... for health insurance.

And, while you pay for health insurance, other people can wait until they are very very very sick to buy it for the same price.

Is it fair to put healthy young people into a position of not being able to afford insurance? (That's why a lot of young people don't bother to buy insurance.)

Does this give you confidence in Dems?

2007-07-13 08:57:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Assuming that it is a sin to lie. Why do NeoCons choose lying over heaven almost every time.

2007-07-13 08:57:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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