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Politics - 6 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2006-06-06 23:57:24 · 7 answers · asked by Alexander 1

I live in the UK and ont really think so, but am i wrong and everyone else thinks you can?

2006-06-06 23:55:42 · 12 answers · asked by Owen Money 2

2006-06-06 23:31:29 · 7 answers · asked by young guy 2

who thinks that our new president may be the antichrist and do everything right like make gas 50 cents a gallon,and everybody will like him,and make things all better and then kill us all in the us.....

2006-06-06 23:06:43 · 6 answers · asked by Columbus614Ohio 2

2006-06-06 22:47:50 · 16 answers · asked by young guy 2

2006-06-06 22:05:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

by labeling her a stalker and as unstable, where was the outcry from the Nat'l Org of Woman and the other two faced hypocrites known as liberals?

They seem to be experts at pissing and moaning about everything under the sun. I just don't recall any incessant whining when Clinton was trying to destroy her life.

2006-06-06 21:51:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

mine is plus sized

2006-06-06 21:18:01 · 3 answers · asked by ronzohooter 4

I do.

2006-06-06 21:05:38 · 14 answers · asked by gggg 3

Discuss. Do the gruesome twosome deserve the best of a firing squad or are they world heros?

2006-06-06 20:23:10 · 11 answers · asked by thomas p 5

this is very important question and i need some rational answers.
1.it is said that the hands behind the world war I & II jews were funding on both end with special price for it.
2.christ the great was hanged by jews and today jews are holding each and every economy, politics, media, of the christians why?
3. they usually work on back end.start war between two community/nations and take advantage from both of them by giving money, ammunation etc.
4. USA the superpower cannot make its own independent policy just because of jews lobby, as they black mail that government e.g. middle east policy. when world is crying on the attrocities, murders, raping and land grabbing by israel it could not even take any any action against these jews. (if you think it is not so ask the UN security(veto depart.).They know much what you are up to.
4.Iraq war was not started by usa alone the jews were behind it . They wanted a collision between muslims and christians so that they can take advantage.

2006-06-06 19:53:40 · 3 answers · asked by you_asked_for_it 1

their was a country named USA. they were living with peace and harmony. One day a devil came who started to grab its land. killing the innocent people. started raping womens, murdering the children. any us citizen who started to resist its aggression was called terrorist and he was murdered with all his family members. his home was buldozed and interestingly the devil had the supportof international super powers. the super powers had to support the devil because it controlled its economy, military, politics and media. the devil grabbed the land as much it could and no one could stop it. only usa citizens could but they didnot had any ammunition to fight with. the only option left behind was to lay their life for its country by killing the devil and companions by suicide mission. ok thats enough right?
now tell me what would you do. still thinking ...
ok change the characters.
Change USA with Palestine and Devil with israel. Now tell me what palestinian are doing isnot it right?

2006-06-06 19:12:52 · 16 answers · asked by you_asked_for_it 1

I'm just interested in hearing others opinions on it.

2006-06-06 19:07:37 · 17 answers · asked by collegedebt 3

2006-06-06 18:57:19 · 9 answers · asked by Genie C 1

2006-06-06 17:47:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

The States are responcible for themselves. This is flip flopping again. I say it's thier fault the illegals got in in the first place...... They should be paying the rest of America back the cost's of allowing the illegals into the Country with their substandard police force and Government. That is what they all said about New Orleans that got wiped out by a class 5 Hurricane. Criminal thinking that needs to be removed thats for sure. Whats your Christian view?

2006-06-06 17:18:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am tired of paying high prices

2006-06-06 17:18:01 · 22 answers · asked by me 1

Who remembers when Ron Brown died and at the funeral Clinton is caught laughing it up with other staffers. He suddenly notices the camera and he replaces his smile with a fake look of grief and even wipes his eye like as if he had been crying. I saw this only once because it was live. Why didn't the media replay his fake tears over and over again like it is so popular to do now? Is it proof the media is biased?

2006-06-06 17:08:17 · 11 answers · asked by Huevos Rancheros 6

Liberals, are you disappointed with your fellow libs? Why can’t you answer any questions with facts? Why is it all you can do is make accusations with no merit?

You are unable to tell me how the democrats represent the poor people:

You are unable, or unwilling to answer my question about going into Africa:

You cannot tell me what the democrats would do to prevent terrorism (twice):

You are quick to spew anything anti-bush, without researching things:

2006-06-06 17:03:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they not teach Civics in high school anymore? Congress, specifically the House of Representatives, is in charge of spending the money, not the President. Not any President ever.

Democrats controlled Congress for more than FOUR DECADES and in that time pitched record deficits nearly every year. What changed? In 1994 Newt Gingrich was elected Speaker of the House and FORCED through tax cuts that stimulated the economy and produced windfall revenue to the Treasury.

I'll admit that it's true that the war combined with liberal-like Republicans in the current Congress ruined all of Newt's work, but why do Yahoo! liberals not understand that the budget surpluses in the 90's they're always spouting off about had NOTHING to do with President Clinton?

2006-06-06 17:00:11 · 9 answers · asked by David Styvaert 4

If so... please tell me why
if not give reasoning...

2006-06-06 16:57:57 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-06 16:50:07 · 11 answers · asked by Menifeedave 2

Since liberals can only derive power from judicial activism and taxing the heck out of people and then redistributing the money, if the current personal income tax was abolished in favor of a flat tax or a national sales tax would the liberals be so furious that their heads would explode?

Could they cope with the federal government losing that much control over people's lives? I don't think so. Feel free to disagree. If you do please explain why.

2006-06-06 16:49:13 · 12 answers · asked by David Styvaert 4

2006-06-06 16:47:43 · 16 answers · asked by Menifeedave 2

Do they think we should give them control again because they just didn't quite have enough time to completely ruin the country the last time?

That doesn't seem like a particularly good reason to vote them back into office to me. Maybe you see it differently, maybe you'd like to give the libs a chance to finish ruining the country.

Can you explain why?

2006-06-06 16:45:22 · 9 answers · asked by David Styvaert 4

The foriegn co. that sell goods here, first sell & then buy thier own goods on paper in a diff. foriegn country before the goods land on our docks. On paper this makes the goods have little or no profit when sold here & the Gov is cheated out of all the taxes owed on all the goods. Many illegals work under the table & pay no taxes at all on thier earnings. Many more illegals work 4 very low wages in sweat shops because of thier illegal status. If these holes in our tax system were plugged properly all Americans could stop paying taxes. If the Gov registered all the illegals & got them properly placed on tax roles & all the foriegn co. paid all the taxes that are due without being allowed to cheat("I"mport "R"evenue "S" ervice checks & taxes goods in every container on docks). The gov would collect the same amout as they do now & the tax burden could be lifted from every US citizen. Illegals & foriegn co. should pay 10% extra in taxes 4 the oportunity 2 work & sell here legally!!!

2006-06-06 16:37:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous