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Politics - 13 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

John McCain made the United States more strategically dangerous than before 9/11.
When Edwards said the war in Iraq was a license plate did he mean that Al quada was attracted by the historically collosal blunder of the United States concentrating their bulk of military in the futile war in Iraq instead of concentrating on Al Quada and the Taliban in Afghanistan?

2007-07-13 23:59:49 · 6 answers · asked by telwidit 5

Is this how the US. Presidential elections are really decided?

2007-07-13 23:51:33 · 9 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4

Then why did the 'Democratic Daily' , a blog for Democrats , kick-off Cindy Sheehan ?
Note : The director said the "Democratic blog has one goal in mind , and that's Democratic victory " . One Goal ? Huh , I'm confused . I thought Democrats were PRO Free Speech . Hmmmmmm . I'm really not trying to make something outta nothing , but this is a glaring example of Free Speech ONLY when we agree with you . And I really don't think any Democrat can logically dispute that . I mean , cmon you guys , this is NOT an example that you want people associating you with. . . . is it ???

2007-07-13 23:40:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just name the first one that comes off the top of your head...it doesn't have to make sense or be fair

2007-07-13 23:15:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-13 23:10:56 · 16 answers · asked by Eris Discordia 2

For me it's "Let's run this up the flag-pole for and see what happens". I could slap someone over it.

2007-07-13 22:49:57 · 16 answers · asked by The prophet of DOOM 5

If so, then why not a Conservative bias? Does being "Fair and Balanced" mean giving both sides a voice, even if one of the sides are false? Is the new today more concerned with stories that entertain than with stories that inform? Why do journalists let quest get away with spreading lies and falsehoods, when they know what they are saying is false. Why is it that the people watching or listening to the show have to call in to correct them. Are journalist of today just lazy or they just dont care? (by lies i mean actual lies not diferances of opion.)

2007-07-13 22:45:21 · 9 answers · asked by nicholas b 3

for example...
how many people think that iraq was a mistake? is a common one on CNN
which is an extremely stupid question for a poll and useless.
why don't they ask/show some real poll questions like
how many people think iraq would be in chaos if US troops leave?
how many think that the terrorist will romp freely in iraq if US troops leave?
what will happen to the iraqi people who supported US after US troops withdraw from iraq?
how many people think that the 'war on terror' actually means running away from terrorist (al-qaeda) in iraq. (regardless of how they got there and so on....they are there now and we must deal with them instead of just running away and praying to jesus that they wont attack US again.)

2007-07-13 22:10:27 · 12 answers · asked by Pro Bush 5

i'm french

2007-07-13 22:08:32 · 5 answers · asked by La hyène 3

2007-07-13 20:22:42 · 15 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

Yes Valerie Plame was a covert officer working in the field of weapons of mass destruction for the Bush administration.

It's a matter of Congressional record in her testimony before Congress ...confirmed by her superiors!!

Isn't this event possibly damaging the other officers and National Security?

Shouldn't the 'outer' be prosecuted?

I thought the President said that he would hold White House officials accountable for this?!?!

2007-07-13 20:21:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

instead of killing people and hurt other people family?

2007-07-13 20:03:30 · 5 answers · asked by Idonotknow 2

Here's a link:


They can't even be honest about this?


2007-07-13 19:59:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will the American People ever be able to control the Filth & Mal-Practice that has infested the United States Government?

2007-07-13 19:34:35 · 13 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

Is this a Louisiana thing or something else?

2007-07-13 19:26:19 · 3 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

The Commander-In-Chief sought to intimidate.

Has he been successful?

2007-07-13 18:46:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

along with the US Justice department?

2007-07-13 18:46:44 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

He's a failure..Just like we been telling you

2007-07-13 18:42:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am certainly not a conspiracy nut by any means, but several new investigations of the collapse of the twin towers indicate that they definitely could have been imploded. Aside from the jet engine fuel not being hot enough to melt steel, there was the mysterious collapse of building 7--which was not hit by a plane, and where all the records of ENRON and WORLDCOM were held, now lost forever; the developers who made billions off the collapse; the visible squibs (explosions) coming from the buildings as they fell; mysterious power outages in the buildings weeks before they fell; Bush's younger brother Marvin ties as security chief of the WTC; bomb sniffing dogs being removed from the towers the weekend before; and many, many other eye-opening details. Curious, indeed!

2007-07-13 18:37:00 · 13 answers · asked by designerdude1974 1

I do, i feel like they are all two face and just telling me what i want to hear. I especially hate when they dodge questions and feel we wont care that they are not answering question on an issue like abortion or immigration.

2007-07-13 18:33:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

…Why then are “they” letting “him” hold them hostage under the name of “Patriotism?

Congress could pull both the Marines and the Air Force and be “respectfully” within “their” constitutional boundaries.

Executive Privilege… Executive Privilege…!

2007-07-13 18:24:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happened first?

a) The US invaded and intervened in several Latin American countries during the XXth century. Also gave financial support to ruthless dictatorships and helped to depose democratic ellected governments because they were agains "American interests"
b) Latin Americans started hating Americans

a) The US keeps supporting illegal actions of the state of Israel.
b) Arabs started hating Americans

a) The US deposed a democraticly ellected prime-minister of Iran and supported the dictatorship of Reza Pahlavi. They also financied Sadam Hussuein's Iraq in their war against Iran.
b) Iranians started hating Americans.

a) Americans went to a war in Iraq against the world's opposition. The war was a failure
b) The world started hating Americans

a) Americans refused for years to do something against global warming
b) The world started hating Americans.

a) American threatened invading Iran
b) Iran started it's nuclear program

2007-07-13 18:24:18 · 14 answers · asked by Gustavo CL 5

There's a young man named Eric Botta who is being called for his 5th tour of combat duty.


Has he fulfilled his obligation in your opinion?

2007-07-13 18:04:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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