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Politics - 13 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Over the last 100 years the tempreture has gone up 1 degree based on real science.

2007-07-13 11:53:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean if a GOP candidate won. The Liberal Patriot seems to think this sort of thing could happen with Bush, so let's put it on the other foot.

2007-07-13 11:52:15 · 8 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7

What do YOU think of when I say PEACE?

2007-07-13 11:51:52 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think American's would form milita's and take back our Republic by force if Bush nullified the 2008 elections so he could stay on office and continue his agenda?

Do you think the US Army would fire on Americans (I know they have before) to protect such a presidential power grab.

Do you think Bush would nullify Posse Commitatus so they could.

Would you revolt to prevent the the USA from becoming a dictatorship with a "president for life"?

I know this all wildly hypothetical but I though the questions was an intreresting one.

What would you do if in one day with the stroke of a pen America wasn't America any more?

2007-07-13 11:45:58 · 14 answers · asked by opinionator 5

a positive influance in the world again? What changes need to be made?

2007-07-13 11:45:50 · 5 answers · asked by Amanda K 4

US Dollar reached record low on Wed Jully 11

2007-07-13 11:42:09 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Colorado has amongst the toughest immigration laws in the country . As a result , farmers are reporting that only 50% of Immigrant Workers have returned there this year . But that's just the beginning of the story . It seems that Colorado is also smart . They now offer prisoners jobs to harvest the fields(as long as they weren't convicted of a violent crime) .

Here's how it works- -- The farmer pays $9.60/hr and the state gets a large percentage to off-set the cost of travel , man-power(guards) , and meals for the prisoners . And the prisoners get the rest . The left-over amount is deposited in a bank account of which the prisoner can access when they get out . It's not much , but it's a job . One prisoner commented that it totals to about $4.00/day . (no mention was made about how many hours they work) .
It was also noted that some of these prisoners have never worked an honest job in their lives . The prisoners said it felt good to work !!!!!

Would You Like That For Your State ?

2007-07-13 11:41:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

His actions appear to have abused the power of his office without good fact. Why is congress not moving toward impeachment?

2007-07-13 11:37:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

John Burns (Free Lance Reporter) just said It has gone from a Civil War to a full scale Reveloutionary War.

2007-07-13 11:37:22 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2

I keep reading how people say that Bush is doing a good job because there hasn't been another attack within the US since 9/11. I'm not arguing either way, just against this logic. It was eight years between the two attacks on the WTC, so by these same people's thinking, Clinton did an awesome job, there were no attacks for the rest of his presidency. your thoughts?

2007-07-13 11:36:08 · 11 answers · asked by brewers07 2

US Dollar index: 1998 - 2007

2007-07-13 11:31:01 · 9 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

HRC "promised delegates to the nation's oldest civil rights organization that she would help make sure issues of importance to the black community regain the national spotlight". That would be free housing, free foodstamps, free health care, free abortion, and, of course, affirmative action.

OF COURSE without the black vote dems would be finished...

2007-07-13 11:22:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to some reports Al Qaeda is stronger then ever
and our government has been claiming that all the terriorists are in iraq

therefore my question is if its true then what progress have we made in iraq in over 4 yrs ( if Al qaeda is stronger then ever)

The only progress that i can see is that in the past a roadside bomb use to kill 30 people now it kills 100
and other progress that i have seen is we are loosing our brave ( American) soldiers faster then ever

2007-07-13 11:21:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do YOU think of when I say LEWINSKY?

2007-07-13 11:18:20 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

He denies global warming and thinks Bush is doing the right thing in Iraq. President Nixon and his aides viewed Thompson as "not too bright". Will republicans elect another moron in their primary?

2007-07-13 11:16:40 · 16 answers · asked by PD 6

I think Al Gore would make a great leader. He can get us out of this mess that we're in and he has more power than anyone else in the world, he has the power to lower down global warming.

2007-07-13 11:04:43 · 14 answers · asked by Evaの 6

One of Bush's main justifications for the Iraq War was that al Qaeda and Iraq were linked. Well, they weren't before, but they are now:

"Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia did not exist before the Sept. 11 attacks. The Sunni group thrived as a magnet for recruiting and a force for violence largely because of the American invasion of Iraq"


Clearly Bush's claims about links between al Qaeda and Iraq were self-fulfilling prophecies. This got me thinking - is it possible that Bush isn't a liar, but merely that he can see into the future, but can't discern the future from the present? That would explain why he's always said that al Qaeda and Iraq were linked!

2007-07-13 10:58:54 · 6 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

I heard Barrack obama carries a prayer mat.

Has anyone else heard this?

2007-07-13 10:57:23 · 19 answers · asked by infobrokernate 6

Isn't this a key benchmark of the Bush administration? Has there ever been a greater failure in American war policy (besides maybe Vietnam, Korea....)?


2007-07-13 10:56:10 · 2 answers · asked by wooper 5


after all thats gone one with this ridiculous war and that ignorant president making all other countrys despising americans does anyone think that maybe its time that we get someone New?

2007-07-13 10:50:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

The government has a long history of borrowing money from Social Security.
That's our retirement money and this was supposedly created to secure citizens in their retirement!
They are still borrowing from it:

Will we have to raise taxes regardless of whether it's a Republican or Democrat President to repay these borrowed monies?

2007-07-13 10:49:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-13 10:47:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

or the Portuguese, or the brazillians, or the italians, or the Poles, etc.....

and why do they hate the USA and Britain so much?

2007-07-13 10:36:09 · 23 answers · asked by me 3

What do you think about global warming? Is it caused by man or a natural swing in temperatures?

25 years ago scientists said it was "global cooling" (wikipedia).

If it is caused by man, can we really help by changing lightbulbs while china, india, and others pump tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

2007-07-13 10:34:50 · 28 answers · asked by infobrokernate 6

What would happen in every US city if the police and army were disbanded?

Remember the civil disorder and looting in New Orleans after Katrina removed police intervention?

2007-07-13 10:34:03 · 10 answers · asked by Y 2

Can you reconcile how we can both have the terrorists on the run, doing the right thing in iraq by fighting them there, etc...how we have killed supposedly 75% of alquaeda's leadership, but yet

we are being told that Alquaeda today has reconstituted and is stronger than any point since 9/11?

what gives??

2007-07-13 10:33:41 · 20 answers · asked by me 3

Question for those who lean STRONGLY left or right.

Before you answer, know that "centrist" names are OFF the table (i.e are NOT good answers):

* Repubs - can't say Lieberman or Zell Miller or other "centrists"

* Dems - can't say Specter or Voinovich or Coleman or other "centrists". And you can't say Ron Paul.

Reach as FAR into the other side as you can to name someone you grudgingly but truly respect.

For instance, I'm a strongly leaning Dem, and my own answer: Bob Barr, former Georgia congressman.

2007-07-13 10:29:08 · 19 answers · asked by ? 6

couldnt you just love peace, or maybe think that war isnt necessary in that particular situation. Maybe they just dont trust the leadership. war only destroys nations, and is never good for them. perhaps we have too much propaganda and fear, to believe war is ever a good thing..."if we fight over there we dont have to fight over here" ...yeah and our grandchildren will be fighting. i just believe the previous generation should try to clean up their messes before handing it down to generation after generation.

2007-07-13 10:25:20 · 13 answers · asked by ash tray 1

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