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Politics - 12 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

al qaeda,warned that general mushraff had to face the wrath for his conducting " operation silence", storming the lal maszid and releasing the innocent people who were captivated by religious terrorists.it has issued a fresh warning to the uk, for conferring knighthood to salman rushdie,a writer, an enemy of islam in the eyes of al qaeda.

2007-07-12 06:50:08 · 6 answers · asked by geyamala 7

I've seen many people attempt to down-play the very real threat from Radical Islamists . They say everything from "Oh it's only grandstanding by politicians" . . . . . . all the way to the other side of the coin when people say " I'm ready and we have arms to protect our family " . . . . . Well , both are wrong and I'll address the 'naysaying grandstanders' first .

Naysayers -- Would you tell your family and your neighbors that it's only 'grandstanding' ? And if so , then : Who's the fool if / when it does happen ? Who will people call a jerk for misleading them like that ? And more importantly : What will you say to your family and neighbors if something does happen ? Sorry ? Ya think 'sorry' is gonna help ?

Now the folks who say they're armed and safe : Oh really ? So you think Terrorists will hang around long enough for you to shoot them ? Did you forget that they also blow-up themselves ? And what if it happens at a mall , or elsewhere ? Do you have your gun with you there ?

2007-07-12 06:48:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-12 06:47:47 · 16 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4

this bit of "insight" was offered up as a response to another question.
isn't choosing between the lesser of two yahoos still "throwing your vote away"!?
geez, whatever we do let's not choose the person that isn't a yahoo.
let's not choose a person that is trying to operate outside the beltway!!!
(pulls out hair)

2007-07-12 06:45:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Demographically, when ranked by wealth I live in the 40th wealthiest county in the USA. Inside this county I live with the confines of the number 1 school district. Why am I underwhelmed by the quality of education my child is receiving? Does anyone have any thoughts as to America's long term economic competitiveness with this obviously substandard education system? I was recently told by a school administrator that it was unreasonable to expect a child to read by first grade (my child could read at four) and in addition it was unreasonable to expect a child to have full command of a second language by sixth grade. Why the overall lack of ambition?

2007-07-12 06:45:23 · 12 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7

No matter what party wins 08, they will be handicapped by fixing the Bush disasters, 3.5 trillion in increased debt, manifestation of BUsh foreign policy, etc...

Wouldn't a person who would want that job have to be completely insane? Would you seriously trust anyone who would essentially be a proxy for Bush's third term?

2007-07-12 06:42:57 · 11 answers · asked by usama_bin_limbaugh 1

Simple question; yes or no
no crap about well maybe... or we can't...especially not Bush lie...
Answer yes or no.
We know what wining is so don't try that.

2007-07-12 06:42:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you offended by it? Do you embrace it?
Is it racist?

2007-07-12 06:39:46 · 9 answers · asked by Sleeck 3

while flying the confederate flag?


Political considerations color the divergent views of presidential candidates on whether the Confederate flag should be moved from the State House grounds. For Republicans competing in the Feb. 2, 2008, GOP primary, where white voters will hold sway, the flag is a state issue that the candidates are not eager to discuss. On the Democratic side, where half or more of the voters in the Jan. 29, 2008, primary will be black residents, candidates have no qualms about calling for the flag’s removal.

2007-07-12 06:33:25 · 9 answers · asked by your_majesty 1

Why did the four liberal Supreme Court Justices vote to ALLOW schools to judge incoming students based on the COLOR of their skin?


Personally, I am proud that I voted for President Bush, because he appointed two new justices who have made a stand for racial EQUALITY, you know, the idea where all people are equal, and are not judged by the color of their skin.

Shame on those liberal judges, and shame on the Democratic candidates for President, who actually SUPPORTED the vote for racial discrimination.

Judge Roberts summed it up the best:

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."

2007-07-12 06:27:55 · 31 answers · asked by Sleeck 3

Little stars twinkling in the eyes of yahoo content editors as they post another "Featured Item" that just so happens to relate to Obama yet again.

What a joke. lol.

2007-07-12 06:26:51 · 22 answers · asked by fourthy27 2

al-Qaida is.


WMD - Bush / AIPAC lies
Saddam's role in 9/11 - Bush / Neocon lies
al-Qaida - Better / stronger than ever.

Thanks Bush, Project for a New American Century, AIPAC and the rest of the Neocons for wasting a Trillion $ and over a hundred thousand total killed in Iraq while we let the terrorists get stronger than ever before.

Dr. Ron Paul warned you years ago of this threat.


2007-07-12 06:19:32 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2


What would be conservatives and democrates opinion of someone (fairly highly qualified) who cannot get a job (because of high levels of male unemployement)in their own area, and they cannot afford to leave or travel?

Do parties have any practical solutions?

Would you be against paying them a lot more benefit to get out and set up somewhere else?

Or would you do everything possible to prevent this and let them rot.

2007-07-12 06:10:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-12 06:10:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I spent 20 minutes last night refuting some lefty's question about how Bush cut taxes for the rich and screwed the poor. I had real data and comparisons that showed the rich paying even more taxes than under Clinton.

Then I go to check this morning for reactions to my answer, only to find the question has been deleted. This is not the first time this has happened.

Why don't they have the guts to just leave their questions up to show how stupid they were?

2007-07-12 06:08:32 · 17 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7

are the ones who control the money? they can end the way NOW, yet they dont. could it be that they are wrong with their position that americas want the US to cut and run?

2007-07-12 06:08:11 · 18 answers · asked by Buk (Fey) 3

Speaking out against Super Casino's, Wanting 3million new homes to be built, Are you so far impressed with whats coming out of no10?

And how do Camerons policies compare in your view?

2007-07-12 06:07:53 · 12 answers · asked by ? 5

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —President-elect George W. Bush, at a photo-op with congressional leaders during his first trip to Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000

2007-07-12 06:02:27 · 9 answers · asked by R8derMike 6

Just read this article and tell me what you think,


Isnt this article confirming what we all suspected, That we went to war in the wrong place ???

2007-07-12 06:02:23 · 18 answers · asked by nimisisprime 3

The GAO just did an undercover sting in which they were able to obtain a licence for nuclear material without appearing in person, in 28 days. The licence was mailed to a UPS store. They then altered the document and were able to successfully purchase enough nuclear material to build a dirty bomb.

Looks like our security priorities are a little screwed up.


2007-07-12 06:00:12 · 12 answers · asked by Charlie S 6

2007-07-12 05:58:13 · 9 answers · asked by barry c 4

The GAO just did an undercover sting in which they were able to obtain a licence for nuclear material without appearing in person, in 28 days. The licence was mailed to a UPS store. They then altered the document and were able to successfully purchase enough nuclear material to build a dirty bomb.

Looks like our security priorities are a little screwed up.


2007-07-12 05:58:11 · 4 answers · asked by Charlie S 6

Environmentalists silent on threat from water tainted with estrogen


When they netted 123 trout and other fish downstream from the city's sewer plant, they found 101 were female, 12 were male, and 10 were strange "intersex" fish with male and female features.

The main culprits were found to be estrogens and other steroid hormones from birth-control pills and patches that ultimately ended up in the creek after being excreted in urine into the city's sewers.

If you're killing mosquitoes to save people from the West Nile virus, you can count on secular environmentalists to lay down in front of the vapor truck, claiming some potential side effect that might result from the spray." "But if birth control deforms fish – backed by the proof of an EPA study – and threatens the drinking supply, mum will be the word."

2007-07-12 05:54:27 · 11 answers · asked by Jason A 3

In talking with a friend today he said it looks like our country is imploding. I agreed. I said the great thing about this country is our ability to with stand and comeback better. We are Americans after all. He agreed. Do you?

2007-07-12 05:53:03 · 11 answers · asked by gone 7

54 percent of congress thinks that that Bush is probably guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. So how can Pelosi and democratic candidates run and bet on success in 2008 on Bush's criminal activities, without at LEAST attempting to bring this to justice? Is our country and it's constitution so irrelevant that we ignore that justice should be served?

2007-07-12 05:47:26 · 10 answers · asked by Rosebee 4

This is what our lame duck president said:

The president also said that, while al-Qaida remains a threat to the United States, it has been hurt by his war on terrorism and is "weaker today than they would have been" otherwise. He spoke as a new U.S. threat assessment found that al Qaida had rebuilt its capability to mount attacks to levels not seen since 2001.

2007-07-12 05:46:39 · 8 answers · asked by bbbbriggs04 3

2007-07-12 05:43:11 · 2 answers · asked by joeschmo 3

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