- We fall behind most other industrialized nations in just about every area of social need. In percentage of one-year-old children fully immunized against polio, we are number seventeen.
- Averaging over the first years of the new millennium, the United States spends circa $5,200 per person on health care. Canada $2,900; Germany $2,800; Switzerland $2,600; Britain $2,200. Yet, each of them boasts of a longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality, and better U5MRs than we. All have a national health care service that covers all their people. No one is shut out.
- The United States is the only industrialized nation of 28 that does not guarantee access to health care as a right of citizenship.
- Many like to label nationalized health care as "socialist," yet any intelligent citizen KNOWS that we all, already bear the cost and burden for the uninsured. We're already paying the tab.
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