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Politics - 12 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


2007-07-12 10:51:02 · 18 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

I can't remember if bush's did or not...hmmm....Did bush's grandfather help fund Hitler?? Doubt it the bush family is the most honest lineage in all of history.

2007-07-12 10:44:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

A democrat votes for things because they are tricked into thinking it will give them a easier and better life; a liberal is the person tricking them.

2007-07-12 10:35:51 · 10 answers · asked by Casey D 2

There is a powerful hostility to unions on Yahoo Answers. Sure, without union, business economy my improve because it would leave employers with more money to reinvest in capital, but an improvement of the economy in this respect would not guarantee and improvement in labor standards, or would it?

2007-07-12 10:34:39 · 17 answers · asked by 1848 3

Dumbest day in American history.

In 2008 please don't drink and vote.

2007-07-12 10:33:38 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the Christian coalition took over the U.S. government and started enforcing Christial rules on everyone, would we start having the same problems here that we see in the middle east...bombings, riots, mass killings?

How long would it take for the riots to start?

2007-07-12 10:31:48 · 6 answers · asked by xxx 3

Is it because they think their Presidunce will openly make moves on James Dale Guckert (a.k.a. Jeff Gannon), the Homosexual male escort that has visited the White House over a hundred times during the Bush administration? Or is this yet another attempt to divert attention from REAL issues?

2007-07-12 10:28:36 · 22 answers · asked by sixfingeredman 3

It is time for the violation system on here to be booted into touch? I know both these users had disagreements with others and their own opinions, but we are all adults and can take a bit of fierce debate surely. Using Forums is a hobby for some people and they are losing this hobby because of a few people sending too many violation notices. Would it do any good if we all emailed Y/A to complain and have the system changed?

2007-07-12 10:28:26 · 18 answers · asked by ? 5

If the Iraq War has been all about oil, then just where is the oil? Why are we not tapping it, drilling it, piping it, shipping it, and using it? Where is all this oil? And why do gas prices in the western nations do nothing but slowly rise?

2007-07-12 10:27:47 · 19 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! CPI was in the double digits then.

It's 2.5% now......

Oh, wait a minute, you mean by allowing the economy to reinvest its own earnings, we no longer depended nearly as much on the Fed to fuel growth, thus freeing the Fed to focus exclusively on inflation, resulting in inflation being cut to under 3%???

You mean they were RIGHT????

2007-07-12 10:22:53 · 6 answers · asked by truthisback 3

I keep hearing success, succeed, win...... but what is it?

Does Bush know??????????????????????????????

2007-07-12 10:21:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If this happened, what would things be like in Iraq in a week? A few months from now? Or a couple of years from now?

2007-07-12 10:18:09 · 29 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Who here has seen and/or liked the new show Lil' Bush on Comedy Central?

I know I do.

2007-07-12 10:17:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can the Congress and Senate end the war? I am asking what process exists for them to make this happen?

How can the congress and the senate pass a resolution that the President cannot veto?

How many votes would be required to do this?

2007-07-12 10:14:55 · 7 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Politics is subjective because it is a set of political values applied to a set of facts, typically in some discipline. The FACTS on stem cell research are pretty concrete, but you apply different values to those facts and come up with different conclusions. The FACTS on the economy are equally concrete, and if you can find a reason why it's bad that we have rising incomes, rising income mobility, a demographic shift toward the upper end of the wealth spectrum (while the already rich are indeed getting richer, wherever you set the bar to define 'rich' people are moving above that line faster than ever), low unemployment and low inflation, all after a record-long series of interest rate hikes, go ahead and say that those things are "bad" but that that's what's happening cannot be debated.

2007-07-12 10:14:30 · 18 answers · asked by truthisback 3

2007-07-12 10:08:12 · 7 answers · asked by Melissa 2

appears he did about 2 - years ago, and pays child support according to Louisiana news sources.


2007-07-12 10:05:33 · 13 answers · asked by rare2findd 6

I mean, before the wind blew the radioactive cloud his way

2007-07-12 10:05:12 · 15 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4

the flags of the Swastika and the Rising Sun would have been blowing in the wind all over your country, Stars and Stripes forbidden. . If we had acquiesced, as members of our German royal family wished, you would have no air bases, no shipping facilities. America would have been crushed like a nut in vice, the Japanese from the south, the Nazis from the west. We Britons after 2 years of hell, we stood alone in the World to save our planet from evil, whilst the mongrel race dithered. most probably didn't know there was a war, until the Japanese knocked 7 bells of shite out of you,
you decided to help us out. And we are forever grateful. but remember the Brits, the USA would have been too late, if our islands had fallen.

2007-07-12 10:04:02 · 22 answers · asked by S Lounger 2

Whether you believe she should be compelled to testify about the attorney firings or not, don't you think she should have shown enough respect to our legislative system and to the Constitution to at least SHOW UP in response to the subpoena and state her intention not to testify?

Isn't it a kick in the teeth of the citizens of this country for her to simply IGNORE a Congressional subpoena? I mean, fine, if she doesn't think she should have to testify, whatever, but she should at least SHOW UP, don't you think?

2007-07-12 10:01:26 · 18 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

BAGHDAD - Iraq's shaky government will be hard-pressed to meet the 18 benchmarks even by the end of the year, and many Iraqis believe focusing on U.S.-mandated yardsticks has in effect set them up for failure.


2007-07-12 10:00:12 · 6 answers · asked by bbbbriggs04 3

Why don't they realize we CANT just leave, or they'll follow us home.?!
Is it because they hate our freedom?

2007-07-12 09:58:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-12 09:54:33 · 3 answers · asked by bbbbriggs04 3

Our own intelligence says we are losing ground globally. When does our president become a leader?

2007-07-12 09:51:33 · 10 answers · asked by Studbolt Slickrock Deux 4

Is it just because of his stance against the war? Or, are there other issues?

2007-07-12 09:49:00 · 16 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

When and why did we stop building monuments and memorials for our Presidents?

2007-07-12 09:43:57 · 15 answers · asked by cappatown23 3

Let's pretend everything is Rosy in the Garden;

Iraq is a success,
The whole world is jealous of our success
China and India won't surpass us as power houses in 10 years
Al Qaeda is defeated
The Constitution and your freedoms are in tact
Waterboarding and Torture is the American way
France is now our greatest ally.....

See how easy it is to pretend???????????

2007-07-12 09:40:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

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