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Law Enforcement & Police - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

like a set up no real evidance just hear say i know a man got 20 to 80 yrs. for weapon bic lighter as a club put no med. treatment. kidnapping girlfriend and kids for 1 hr. they mad up and going too leave state together willingly. she said that herself in court.

2007-09-29 11:25:02 · 3 answers · asked by sissy 1

Can I go to jail for telling some people who were teasing that if they keep on teasing me I will kill them and myself at the same time.

2007-09-29 11:13:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just kidding, got your attention though. Anyhoo, I'm helping my little bro w/ a school project. He needs opinions on:
1. Should we legalize all drugs?
2. Should we legalize Marijuana?
2.a.If no, what about Marijuana w/ a Dr.'s prescription?

Please give your answers and a short reason. Also, age, location and race would be very helpful(if you don't mind, if so, no big deal).

Thanks a bunch.

2007-09-29 10:13:44 · 14 answers · asked by Scott B 4

Is it illegal to instal a police siren in your car, even if you have no crimal or fraudulent intentions? How about a lightbar?

2007-09-29 10:12:24 · 15 answers · asked by mexicanonfire 3

im a teenager and I've seen some awful things and it just sickens me that man kills his own kind or groups currupting the streets

so Im thinking of getting rid of this by being an officer so any advice? Wat I should expect?

2007-09-29 09:59:49 · 7 answers · asked by Gabriel E 2

A girl of 10 was handed a £40 fine for writing on a neighbour's wall in crayon.

Shannon Smith's mother said her daughter was "scared and upset" because she had also been fingerprinted and threatened with an Asbo.
Shannon's mother, Helen Smith, 29, said her daughter had simply inscribed a small "S" in wax crayon on a wall.
Their home in Rawtenstall, Lancs, was visited by an officer at 7.30am after a complaint about graffiti.
"He then went and came back at about 8.50am and then wrote her out a £40 fine, took her fingerprints and made her late for school," Mrs Smith said. "He also said that if she had another four incidents like this then she would get an Asbo. What is wrong with a telling off, which is what they had already had from me? She is not even a troublesome child."
A boy of 10 also received a fixed penalty notice. But police defended the decision, saying they were committed to tackling reports of anti-social behaviour.
Sgt Paul Leigh of Rossendale police said the penal

2007-09-29 09:27:29 · 21 answers · asked by Fred3663 7


2007-09-29 08:52:09 · 10 answers · asked by sonya g 1

Got a ticket for wearing a seat belt improperly even after I informed him that I am disabled and can't wear it over the shoulder. I tuck it under the arm and he didn't see it upon following behind me. I know that VC 27315 (g) puts me in the right but do I have recourse prior to fighting it in court?

2007-09-29 08:49:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got cited a "fix it" ticket here in CA for my Dark Tint on my Black G35 Sedan, I got it fixed and i was wondering

how many people would get their cars retinted after they get cited over it..

What Window Tint Laws do you have in your State?

2007-09-29 08:48:33 · 4 answers · asked by pinoydj619 6

I've recently been watching season 1 of "the untouchables". There were all these clubs and pubs serving liquor. As I understand it, the manufacturing, distributing, and SALE of liquor was illegal. So why didn't they arrest the club and pub owners?

2007-09-29 08:45:14 · 3 answers · asked by A-Team 1

2007-09-29 08:37:07 · 10 answers · asked by Black Tiger 3

2007-09-29 08:34:17 · 9 answers · asked by who_me 2

I'm sure everyone's heard about this story by now. It has generated a LOAD of feedback all across the internet. Alot of hate, alot of anti-government propagandizing, and alot of 'ignorant' responses.

Here's my angle.. If the subject is visibly unarmed, and it is clear you could grab him and take him outside, what does using a taser achieve, other than punishing him?

For the naysayers, if your security/police force of 5 officers can't subdue and remove 1 skinny student displaying passive resistance, you need to replace them.

2007-09-29 08:11:24 · 11 answers · asked by cjc1127 2

So lets say that you are driving at night around bar hours. IF you get pulled over Im assuming the cops will ask you if you have been drinking bec of the time. If they ask you to do the sobriety tests can you just refuse and say just skip ahead and give me a breathalizer instead. I personally think those tests are so stupid. Who can walk a perfectly straight line in heels, and I cant say the alphabet backwards. Would you get in trouble if you said no Im not doing those just give me a breathalizer?

2007-09-29 08:05:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK let's say they get arrested and when they are booking them they refuse to say anything. Do they put them in a cell until they talk? What if they refuse to talk for years? Could they die at the police station?

2007-09-29 07:35:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i recently found of the georgia dmv suspended my license because of this.. where can i go to pay this ticket?

2007-09-29 05:36:52 · 7 answers · asked by tmr 1

if you are underage and get a breathalyzer test what is the percentage you have to have in order to get arrested? ill having 2-3shots do anything?

2007-09-29 03:47:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad was attacked on our property by a neighbour today. IT TOOK 5 emergancy phone calls and 4 hours for the police to come!
I think this is somewhat unaccpetable!!!

IN the meantime , the 4 hours that passed , the attacker was able to fabricate a story saying that my father attacked him first and he acted in self defence , and he got 4 of his friends to come down to his house and to be his so called "witnesses".

SHAME on the West Australian Police force!

2007-09-29 02:16:24 · 8 answers · asked by give me TRUTH 3

I was driving with my friend and we pulled into a parking space. We both exited the car and a cop car pulled up behind us and then they got out and asked where we were going, we responded to check the surf. They said they had heard that 100 times that night and that no there was no party going on at the beach. Then he asked to see our ID's. My friend who was driving gave the cop his and was written a ticket for driving with someone even though his license was provisional (In CA for first year after getting license you can't drive with anybody in the car). Then the cop asked for mine, I asked why and he said because I was in the car. We are both 17 and in California. Because we were no longer in the car do we still have to turn over our ID's?

2007-09-28 20:43:53 · 19 answers · asked by freakyfredo89 1

The driver started to drive away, but was stopped by the police. They declined to press charges at the scene, but "persuaded" him to provide insurance info. Can I go down to the police station and press charges anyway? Any suggestions will be appreciated. The incident took place in California.

2007-09-28 20:18:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I looked up a career in the Dallas Police department and under qualifications, they ask if you had any class "a" and class "b" misdemeanors. I have no idea what constitutes as one. Does anyone have an answer for both?

2007-09-28 20:03:53 · 6 answers · asked by jesus p 1


I have been acused of speeding but theres no evidences like a ticket or some sort of thing I went to a hearing and the only thing they got is other officer as witness is this enough to nail me.

2007-09-28 17:41:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the difference between a Kubotan and a Koppo Stick?

Are they legal in Houston TX?

If so, is there a store where I can buy one?

2007-09-28 17:24:24 · 5 answers · asked by mendoncadam 2

He has two domestic violence charges (found guilty both times), one he got probation and after six months they cleared it off his record. The second "recorded" incedent is still on his record. There are pictures of the damage done to me both recorded incedents. Now he wants to have it removed from his record, stating that he can't get a job to pay child support because of it. I need to know if it is possible for him to have it removed and how I could prevent it. I am fearful that someother woman will fall for his lies and end up dead. Please help. I feel like I am the one being punished.

2007-09-28 16:43:56 · 12 answers · asked by poisonous_tree_frog 3

My boyfriend was arrestted for a DUI last night and he was also charged for having an open container but I don't get why he was charged with that since his friend was the one in the car drinking it and didn't get charged with anything! But what is the most time someone gets for these crimes and can he plead not guilty for the open container since it wasn't his?

2007-09-28 16:41:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My buddy who is 14 (don't worry it aint me i'm 16) was in a chat room and posted would any girl 12-13 wanna cyber? so a few mintes later someone IMs him. they say hey asl (age sex location). he says you first. she goes 13/f and then she says you wanna cyber? and before he can say yes she says your IP address has just been reported to the police (this was 4 weeks ago) and then this person said that it was her job to catch people like him online. this person also said that the police were on there way and that they called his house and that he didnt pick up the phone (he said the phone never rang) do you think this is a joke or really someone of authourity/some one who reported him?

2007-09-28 16:26:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

is that legal or illegal

could we do it does it fall under the law?yes or no

what happend if the cop says put the camera down and is we dont could ge arrest us

2007-09-28 16:25:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If paramedics arrive at the scene of an accident, and the victim is clearly dead, do the paramedics have the jurisdiction to declare the victim as being dead? I thought I heard somewhere that they are not allowed to, that they have to continue working on a patient no matter how futile it may seem until they get to a hospital and the doctor can declare death.

This is for a short story I'm writing for school. Just want to get the details clear.

Also, I know there are different "levels" of paramedics in the US - so for the purpose of the question I just mean the highest one.


2007-09-28 15:45:43 · 16 answers · asked by birdbrained22 2

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