a departed police officers shield on your person for their Beloved Memory? I see many non-police have hats in their car on their dash board that read, POLICE. I see many people wear shirts, jackets, and other apparel with jeans and stuff that read POLICE. Well, my dear Uncle Joe was an Officer for many, many years, and when he died, his wife gave me his badge to keep his memory. I like to have it on my person (no one can see it publicly). I have NEVER shown it to act like I was impersonating an Officer, I have NEVER purported to anyone that I was an Officer, and I have NEVER acted or tried to act like an Officer, but on a routine traffic stop, while opening my PRIVATE wallet, an Officer saw a glimpse of it, and he reached in my car, and grabbed my wallet, and arrested me for impersonating an Officer.
Apparently he felt later he didn't have a case, since he returned it to me after DETAINING ME ALL AFTERNOON and handcuffing me, and jailing me. Where's the Judge & Jury?
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