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Law & Ethics - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

won't the human race get worse if nature is prevented from weeding out the "common sense challanged"

2007-11-19 06:48:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-19 06:38:41 · 26 answers · asked by Stu 4

About 10 years ago in Dunblane, Scotland. A legal handgun owner murdered 16 5/6 year olds and their teacher... What happened after that... the british government banned private handgun ownership... when was the last school-shooting since Dunblane in the UK? Yet over here in America, there have been so many school shootings... gun-homicides and nothing has been done... It seems Americans want to "protect" themselves... Are they aware of the potential murderers that can so easily buy a gun...legally? And what do you really want guns for... to shoot glass bottles in a desert in the middle of nowhere? Guns were designed to kill, and to kill they shall do...

2007-11-19 06:31:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it illegal in ohio for a 16 year old to be in a relationship with a 24 year old man?

2007-11-19 06:27:54 · 14 answers · asked by xFashionistax 2

I drank my first full beer at 16. I have been drinking small sips of wine here and there since I was 4. I dont see why the United States is so uptight when it comes to drinking. How can an 18 year old be considered an adult and still not be able to drink? Its ridiculous. Who here has actually waited until they turned 21 to take their first sip of alcohol?

2007-11-19 06:24:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

even after requesting the guy that I saw him with in 1 min and he put the ticket on car. i requested alot but he didn't listen. what should i do? he put the time like 1752 waited til 1754 and i was there 1755. any help?

2007-11-19 06:10:14 · 12 answers · asked by jj 1

And if so...can he also be ordered to take a paternity test? I know that there wont be any child support enforcement until they establish paternity...but I turn 18 before he does. Can I still get child support?

2007-11-19 06:02:32 · 13 answers · asked by Tori 2

He kicked us out of our home when my daughter was one week old. I had no other choice but to move back home, out of state. Now, I am being "punished" by the court for leaving the state where my daughter was born and where her father lives. Now the court is suggesting that I drive 3\4 of the way so he can see his daughter. Keep in mind, he kicked us out with no finicial support and he has not attempted to see her and I have not denied him his rights. PLEASE tell me this is not right!

2007-11-19 06:02:04 · 7 answers · asked by tanny 1

I don't like the bus, everyone is ill.

2007-11-19 05:58:31 · 12 answers · asked by Robbie Williams 2

My mother and I had a falling out about a month ago. She was showing favoritism toward my two children, refused to give my son his Halloween costume (because I wouldnt bring them to her house to go trick or treating), among other things, and we havent spoken since.

She has had her husband call me a few times in order to see the children, and I have refused to allow my kids to see them until she can learn to love both of them instead of only one. She denies having favoritism but her actions prove other wise (calling about one and not asking about the other, wanting only one to stay the night, etc)

She is now telling family members that since I am refusing to allow the kids to come over to her house, she is prepared to take this to court. Anyone ever heard of grandparents rights? What exactly is it? What 'rights' with they recieve? Are there free attorney services for cases like this? ANY information you can give me would be MUCH appreciated.

2007-11-19 05:56:23 · 11 answers · asked by MayMay 4

If it were me, I would nogotiate my own contracts based on the caliber of my script or vision, not on what every other writer gets. Union metality limits, it doesn't give the opportunity to negotiate. I think that this strike would not have ever happened if writers took it upon themselves and perhaps agents to negotiate on a per project basis. By striking universal rules for pay and benifits they are only limiting their total potential. What are they going to do in another 10 ro 20 years when their compensation, it seems, no longer meets their needs? Srtike again? The asked for what they are getting now with the last strike. I'll ask again, isn't better to depend on your own negotiation skills or that of an agent?

2007-11-19 05:52:05 · 8 answers · asked by Hoptoad City 4

I would like to know if I can claim depression anxiity and PTSD for workplace violence and bullying and get disabitiy?
What steps do I need to take?

2007-11-19 05:35:51 · 3 answers · asked by DRNoraSarasin 3

My mother left the house to the 3 of us children in 1/3s which we are thankful for, however brother J wants to sell the house. Mom is not deceased yet. The 2 of us do not want to sell the house as it's paid for, and because we will never be able to buy a home or anything on our own, and just for financial reasons altogether.
Is there a way that the will could be designed for all 3 of us but we cannot sell the house meaning keeping it? Or if my mom passes, do the 2 of us who want to keep the house have to fight this in court with J who wants to sell it?
The will would be working in J's favor then because he would be breaking our home. Please let me know of any information or references or of a good estate lawyer. Thanks.

2007-11-19 05:27:32 · 3 answers · asked by DREENA 2

Does any one know if there is a civil rights or human rights act law for children?

I just ask as my son is refusing to go to school we are happy to home educate, but have been told by law he must attend school

does any one know if kids have rights?
btw i am in the UK

2007-11-19 05:24:03 · 9 answers · asked by Andy s 2

Someone told me that if my ex doesn't want to leave the cop can't do anything. All the cop can do is suggest is for my ex not to stay there that night to avoid any problems but, they can not make him leave even though I am the owner of the property. He doesn't appear in any of the documents for the apt. He has to be evicted instead. Is that true? I live in Florida. I thought I had the right to tell him to leave whenever I want and call the cops without having to go to court. Please advice..

2007-11-19 05:19:01 · 10 answers · asked by ME 3

I was in a accident at work about a year and a half ago. We went to Dr after Dr for almost a year and finally got the right diagnosis of Radial Tunnel Syndrome. I underwent surgery a few months ago and am now (sadly) worse than I was before the surgery. The injury was to my dominate arm and I am unable to do daily activities like drive, brush my hair, stir a pot on the stove. We haven't ad any trouble with workers comp yet. I get my checks and am sent to dr's. But, we are now getting to the point where we are realizing I am not going to be able to go back to work. I am only 33yrs and have now lost my profession and the ability to use my dominate arm.
What should I do next? The insurance company hasn't talked about a settlement yet but I know it's coming. Has anyone had a situation like this? What can I expect next? How do I get perminate disability so I can still take care of myself and family? Any suggestions about how to handle getting a settlement?

2007-11-19 05:18:21 · 3 answers · asked by Maggiesmama25 2

Recently, I went to court on a traffic violation. During the trial, the officer played the video of him pulling me over and me disputing the ticket with him. While I disagree with the circumstances that led to the ticket, I can agree that I was wrong to have an angry outburst. Should I write a letter of apology to the officer or just let it go?

2007-11-19 05:16:37 · 8 answers · asked by been there- done that 2

He was in a car accident & suffered a knee injury. He was sent to the ER via the ambulance. When there he told the doctor about the knee injury but the doctor never did any X-rays claiming the guy was too healthy. The doctor said that the knee would be sore but would heel in a few weeks & that the man can return to work the next day. After about 5 weeks the knee was much worse & the man goes to another doctor, this doctor orders test & it is found that the knee is injuried badly enough to require surgery. This new doctor asked why the ER never did Xrays & thinks that the injury would have heel with proper treatment (physical thepary) & if given proper rest (days/weeks off work) The new doctor states that the ER doctor neglected to do his job properly. Now this man thinks he has a medical malpractice case.

2007-11-19 05:15:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was really excited to buy a gun for the first time so I may go target shooting with my girlfriend. I bought it from a friend of a friend and during all the excitement I did not inspect the weapon thoroughly enough and did not realize that the serial numbers where filed off! I was wondering what would happen if I get caught with it, and I don't want to throw it away because I payed so much for it. I have just been keeping it in a gun safe and I carry the key.

2007-11-19 04:54:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Short of abstinence or having a vasectomy, that is, because no contraceptive method is 100% effective.

By paternity disputes, I mean a situation in which a woman claims a man to be the father of her child knowing that he MIGHT NOT BE the biological father.

By paternity fraud, I mean a situation in which a woman claims a man to be the father of her child knowing that he IS NOT the biological father.

If you are a man, would you consider requesting a paternity test if your partner became pregnant?

If you are a woman, would you consider consenting to a paternity test if your partner requested one?

And also, I'm not familiar with the laws on this. Must the courts grant a paternity test if requested by either partner? Anyone know?

2007-11-19 04:53:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my daughter was 4 months old ,her father and I split. I was very naive, and agreed to $200/month. That was 4 years ago, and my expenses have grown. Her father and I rarely talk , and when I do ask for money he becomes very hostile. He tells me to "get a 2nd job-step up to the plate".I pay for her shelter,food,clothing and over $600 a month for daycare. I make little more than he does, but I believe he lies to me about how much he is making.She sees him every other weekend, and loves him . I do not want any animocity to exist.For my daughters sake. Her grandmother is very helpful, until I bring up taking them to court.I can ask her for money, but I think its his responsibility,not hers. I can make it without the extra help, it just seems so unfair.And it would help.I recently became sick of asking ,"can you buy her a coat,pictures,etc" and being turned away.When I bring it up to his mother she turns into a different person, and not so nice. They act like 200 is a fortune.

2007-11-19 04:51:34 · 4 answers · asked by jjbowen428 1

Jack sent me an email asking if it were true what people were saying about what John did to Bob. I replied and stated yes, I know for a fact that he "screwed Bob over". Jack in turn forwarded the email to John. Now John is threating to get me for libel or slander.
I know that slander is oral and he can not get me for that but what about libel? Does it matter that this was an private email and not published anywhere? Could Jack have changed the email before he forwarded it to John and therefore it is heresay and hard to prove? When I stated "screwed over" is that not my opinion of the situation? Are opinions libel? Please help. This John guy is serious and I thought I was just making an opinion on the matter. I never thought it would come to this nonsence.

2007-11-19 04:38:16 · 5 answers · asked by msjventi1 1

I think that all violent crimes are hate crimes regardless of race or ethnic background. Hate crime laws are just another paradox in our legal system.

2007-11-19 04:04:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

It comes from a workbook of the U.S. Constitution.
But I need to know if its a fact or opinion?

2007-11-19 03:57:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the story:


2007-11-19 03:26:27 · 9 answers · asked by Yahoo Answer Angel 6

Let's face it, torture has been around for a long time and even though the Geneva Convention banned it it was still going on secretely.

Now however we see that Bush and Friends have decided that torture is ok again in this dangerous world we live in (even though the US has no rival to its enormous military power unequalled in history). It's get killed by nasty terrorists or allow us to torture people so we can protect you.

At the moment this is confined to a military setting - although they can just decide you are a terrorist and torture the hell out of you anyway.

It can't stay that way for long and the World can see the direction the US is going in so I was just wondering how will it be until the police can routinely torture suspects? This has to be the next step in oppressing the population and it's going to be neccessary once people realise their jobs are all going to places where labour is much cheaper...

2007-11-19 03:17:20 · 10 answers · asked by airmonkey1001 4

An 11 year old Winnipeg girl starts a partition to change the rules in the sport of judo. As an Immigrant myself, it is my understanding that I have to adjuste to the laws and customs of my new Country, and not the other way around. If your religion forbids you to omit a part of your clothing as requested by the written regulations of the game you like to participate in, please don't change our traditional rules, pick a different type of activity for yourself.

2007-11-19 03:12:32 · 2 answers · asked by unbelievable 4

I started my new job with the agreement that I would make 50 percent of the sales. As an Ice Cream man on my first day I sold 1250 dollars. I only made 625 dollars that day. So for next five days I only made about 600 dollars a day.jNow they say I would only make 33 percent of the sales. Is that legal I would only be making 400 dollars a day now. I dont thingk that is fair..

2007-11-19 03:11:54 · 4 answers · asked by Robertus911 3

A few years ago, I remember reading that not one white person had ever received the death penalty in the state of Florida, for killing a Black person. I am preparing a speech for MLK day and I want to remind all listeners that there is still much work to do in the area of Civil Rights and Equality, not just in the area of individual rights, but in the Equal Value of every American.

2007-11-19 02:53:24 · 3 answers · asked by An Inquiring Mind 1

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