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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Generally speaking, a person does his hard time(pays his dues to society) and is released from prison.

Instead of the normal stigmatization inmates receive upon release, how can we spin it, to promote positivism?

I understand certain criminal offenses will come under attack when answering and I'm not looking for that. I am trying to determine how we can promote a positive upon release.

2007-08-28 13:11:02 · 5 answers · asked by Glen B 6

What is a brief example of a company code of conduct.

2007-08-28 13:09:34 · 4 answers · asked by sportman 1

its a 2 car garage with no kitchen or bathroom. the bathroom and kitchen are located in the house. i heard that there is a fine of about $2000 for something about child abuse for letting a 3 yr old live in a garage. is that true?

2007-08-28 13:07:51 · 6 answers · asked by music&drama 2

It's illegal to be over the age of 18 and not posess state ID. Is it legal for a police offer who makes an arrest to take the subjects ID and not return it at all? I know they can to drunk drivers, but i'm not talking about a license, just a state ID, something required when an adult is out and about. And I also don't mean take it and turn it in at his work, I mean take the state ID, and never turn it into property at the Police Dept.

2007-08-28 13:06:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

if the swimmer was swimming in the surfing area of a beach?

Swimmers sometimes tend to ignore the flags at the beaches i surf at and get in the way alot and I was wondering if a swimmer was injured by a surfer in the surfing area, would the swimmer be able to sue the surfer?

2007-08-28 13:00:10 · 4 answers · asked by Max 1

also on dowloading movies free of charge? Do you think these forms of intellectual property should be protected under copyright law? How do you define your own intellectual property, and what ways and under waht conditions are you willing to share it? Finally, come up with your own definition of academic integrity?

2007-08-28 12:55:11 · 7 answers · asked by Preciosa G 1

I just want to know from all of you, what's the difference in the dog fighting circuit than with people who hunt animals and have them stuffed to show off in their homes.

Not saying that it's right all around but what's the difference? People hunt and kill animals all the time, if they want that to be wrong then they might want to make a law that says just that. Give me you opinion on that.

2007-08-28 12:48:50 · 10 answers · asked by DLB 4

Last night Raul took the car, in a drunken stupor, and drove it over the nearest bus stop, the cart corral at Wal-Mart, bashed into the take-out sign at Burger King, and ended up in my neighbors' prize rhododrendrons.

Aside from the DUI, there has been talk about something close to $85,000.00 worth of restitution.

If he just says he's sorry and lets Jesus into his heart do you think he can get off?

I only care because, while he is not a very good driver, he does clean the car very well. I would hate to lose him for several years.

2007-08-28 12:47:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is the job one of win at all costs -

Or should there be some justice anf truth finding out there ?

When the Crown is wrong - should they go forward to obtain conviction or admit to being wrong ?

I am going to guess that most would say - truth and justice admit to known wrongs -

But it does not seem to work that way at all - The prosecutor (Crown) rarely admits wrong and appears to prosecute to win no matter the case - even when they know or should have known they were wrong -

What can be done about this -


The Crown and the governemtn knew this man was innocent 4 years ago - at least - yet they fought every step of the way

They likely knew long before that but refused admision of wrong doing -

2007-08-28 12:47:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

California, Lodi Unified School District(Public)

Can they charge parents a fee for a required P.E. uniform?

2007-08-28 12:43:42 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

After reading the police report, I'm sorry, but it's not normal behavior in a restroom stall, male, female, or somewhere in between.. yikes!

I don't know what the hell he was doing, but it sure wasn't asking for some TP.

2007-08-28 12:34:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The only reason I hired her was because of her looks. Now I find out that there is no way she's going to "earn" her keep. Heck, she can't spell, use a computer, or even make coffee.

I really was looking forward to the next trade show.

2007-08-28 12:31:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

To me, it's the Shakespearean phrase, "The Lady (or man) doth protest too much" - There's nothing wrong with him being gay, I've no problem with that, but it's so obvious he's lying! What do you think? He's a hypocrite.

2007-08-28 12:31:30 · 2 answers · asked by PURR GIRL TORI 7

It took two people for the pregnancy to occur. The woman and man made their choice, and in turn should be able to live with the possible consequences of their actions. I think that men have just as much a right to the child as does the mother. If it wasn't for both people the woman would not be pregnant.

Many women say, it is a woman's body and thus her choice. This, except for rape cases, is crap. That woman already made her CHOICE, when she had sex. People need to learn that they are RESPONSIBLE for their actions. The argument about choice, is in fact a null arguement. You made a choice and took a risk, live with it.

Lastly, the child is innocent. There is no reason to harm any innocent person, regardless of age. And no, I am not a religious nut. In fact, I am pretty much atheist. So that has nothing to do with my anti-abortion stance.

2007-08-28 12:21:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was just wondering. When you bail someone out of jail what do they do with that money?

2007-08-28 12:10:08 · 6 answers · asked by Jake 1

Yesterday I invited all to a party because I lost my Orange badge, so broken up was I(NOT)
Today they took that question and violated me, want to come to a party for that??
Do we need a reason to party?
How long will this last?

2007-08-28 11:35:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doesn't that infringe upon the rights given by the first amendment?

Does this differ from private to public universities?

2007-08-28 11:28:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am designing a poster for a non-profit org. The pitch I would like to use happens to be an album title. Would this violate copyright infringement? Any suggestions? How different does it have to be? It's only 3 words.

2007-08-28 11:27:55 · 2 answers · asked by Clued_In 1

I can't believe you have to wait almost 20 years to get season tickets for my NFL team. In my city, 90% of the stadium seats are "reserved" for season ticket holders. These ticket holders can then pass the rights to the ticket to their children if they die, so no new season ticket holders. Also, I know so many people who simply take the tickets and sell them on Craigslist.com for more money. What if I sued the NFL or the franchise, would it hold up in court?

2007-08-28 11:09:03 · 10 answers · asked by Fat J 1

What's Arson and an Arsonist?

2007-08-28 11:02:56 · 3 answers · asked by richie 1

We recently had a transmission overhaul in an '02 sebring with 80k miles. The first few days the garage said nothing was wrong with it, but wanted permission for a mechanic to take it home. The next day he said it needed an overhaul! Why out of no where did he decide it needed one?

Now after we've got the car and paid $2.8k, it drives the same! Just like before until now.. it rev's high and then switches gears. Just the same as before.. who knows if the mechanic messed it up purposely while he took it home.

2007-08-28 11:00:23 · 3 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2

My father passed away this weekend. He had remarried to a much younger woman. There is no will. I am the only child. Her family has decided that I don't get squat, Not even pictures. I live in KY. Since there is no will and I am his only living relative and she is his wife, aren't we supposed to have to split the assets, debt or whatever is left behind? Where do I go from here?

2007-08-28 10:55:45 · 3 answers · asked by bobby m 1

Do colleges have a legal right to ban their students or athletes from using social networking sites? The University of Minnesota Duluth recently has tried enacting a policy of preventing their athletes from using Facebook.com and similar sites.

For some reason, I feel that there most certainly exists legal precedent that wouldn't allow for such policies, even for athletes. Does this not start to infringe on free speech rights? A college would never be allowed to ban students or athletes from speaking publicly in other fashions, or to the press.

Read more here:

2007-08-28 10:54:44 · 6 answers · asked by timopictures 1

I am a leasing consltant at a property in tx. I recently gave my notice at an apartment community and they sent me home. Now they are saying I do not get my commision for people that had already moved in before I quit. The week before I gave my notice I had to go see my grandma i NC. I came back two days earlier then I told them. I do not have any flight itenerary or any way to get it. They are saying that I have to provide flight iternerary in order to get my commisions, even though the two have nothing to do with eachother. I need help, my commision check alone was supposed to be 1200 dollars. I need this money to buy food for my child and to buy books for school. Please someone let me know if this is legal, or if there is a way to get flight itenerary. Thanks so much.

2007-08-28 10:50:34 · 4 answers · asked by cutiepiy 2

I am asking for a client of mine. His truck was damaged by another party in tx and his insurance will not subro. so he is taking them to small claims.

2007-08-28 10:48:58 · 9 answers · asked by onebadpenguin13 2

if no money changes hands, and if both are willing? I ask of course due to the situation that Sen. Larry Craig is in.When answering, I request that you put aside your approval or disapproval of homosexuality or adultery. Just tell me if you think that soliciting should be a crime, and why. Thanks.

2007-08-28 10:42:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

it's so fun, but we dont want to get caught by the cops

2007-08-28 10:41:15 · 4 answers · asked by Josh 1

We had off 4 July .I worked the last day before the holiday and the next day. I called 3 days after 4 July in sick.Everybody got payed for 4 July but my employer told me I had to work the week before and the week after a holiday to get payed for it.In my last jobs it was only the day before and after.Is there a law in Al for that ?

2007-08-28 10:33:14 · 4 answers · asked by sharon s 2

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