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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

i got expelled from school for prank calling the secretary of my middle school office's home, i made 8 to 12 calls for about 4 months. and the police found me out and i got expelled from school. the things i said were that she was a *****, her son goes to my school too so i said he was gay, i said the whole school hates her, i went to a party of her son and his dad punched him in the face so i called and lied that i was child services and if this happened again i would take her son away. and i lied that i was a parent saying that her son was selling marijuana to my fake son. i never said anything like im gonna kill u or anything. tomorrow i have to go to a meeting from juvenile services there will me an intake officer he will have to make on of 3 choices , 1. give me a warning and it will end right there. 2. put me on informal probation. 3. petition that i should go to court.

2007-08-05 17:30:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-05 16:57:02 · 8 answers · asked by mynameis 2

They told me if I didn't sign them that I wouldn't be able to get services from them

2007-08-05 16:54:40 · 4 answers · asked by Sadie C 4

Why can't we go to justice being an "Eye for an Eye". I think criminals and sex offenders would stop doing what they do. I have heard that Texas, my wonderful state I live in, is trying to pass a law that sex offenders would be executed after their second offense of molesting a child! I think that is the best idea! This country needs to stop being a pansy *** and start frying these jerks that keep killing people or molesting people. They are sick in the head! Why do we need to keep them around? Fry the bastards!

2007-08-05 16:52:20 · 5 answers · asked by tmae 2

2007-08-05 16:51:06 · 3 answers · asked by white_painted_lady 5

What if the propaganda takes on the look of a real news story? A popular book or song? A court case? A contrived election intended to sway public opinion locally or abroad? Or better still, a completely bogus, albeit real-looking, government-created internet website created for the sole purpose of changing public opinions, all under the guise of being something from, say, pop culture?

Is misleading the public with propaganda on any level at all ethical, even when it is for the overall "good of the public?" Do good lies really exist? And is social engineering fair in a free society?

2007-08-05 16:27:48 · 10 answers · asked by YahooAnswers 5

My mom and her boyfriend got in an arguement, which leaded to many things. My moms boyfriend was perscribed painkillers and he didnt need them anymore so he gave them to her. They got into it and she took the pills and threw them in the toilet in front of him. He called the cops and gave bullshit about ohh I never saw them, She stole them. What could happen??? If you dont know dont respond!!!

2007-08-05 16:27:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our landlord [Mr. G] has been showing our apartment for almost 4 weeks now and its driving us nuts.
About 3 weeks ago he told my husband to rearrange some stuff in our place. When my husband pointed out some flaws and that this place wasn't that great, the Mr G said he wanted to hang a picture [over an existing crack in the wall].
When he came (not to show it) my husband wouldn't let him in and then the jerk [Mr G]kicked him in the gonads. My husband called the police and the cop told Mr G that he had no business telling us how to live in the space that we had paid for.
He calls 4 and 5 times a week [24 hours in advance, like he is supposed to, according to California law] But he says he is having an 'open house' from 8 am to 6 pm, at least twice a week. Then he traipses thru here abo
A few days ago, he threatened us with a 3 day notice of eviction because we left dirty dishes on the counter [no dishwasher] saying we violated a section in the lease [which is incorrect].

2007-08-05 16:21:13 · 6 answers · asked by Ravenfeather 4

We are in NE and 4+ employees work at the motel with him. I have never heard of a minimum wage grandfather clause. Has anyone else?

2007-08-05 16:15:53 · 15 answers · asked by jonna k 1

i think we should send dog the bounty hunter after bin laden but according to pakistanian law he cannot come in.
is there any way he can send a special op guy in and tell him what to do? any one with any ideas?

2007-08-05 16:03:12 · 10 answers · asked by mary 6

I'm not sure. My thing is, yes some people sould die for what they did, (they have all though out history) but do we as humans have the right to take away life? I don't think so.

2007-08-05 15:58:53 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know my roomate stole my laptop, when she suddenly moved out so she wouldnt have to pay for damages to the apartment. I dont think calling the cops will do anything, bc its in her new apartment and they probably wont look through her house to find it right? My room was unlocked (my fault i know) but no one else lives there beside us, and the probablilty of getting robbed is never heard of there. She knows my schedule and she is mad at me for getting mad at her for not paying for the damages. And plus she thinks i stole something of hers-- which i did not. Is there anything i can do to get the cops to go into her house and car?

2007-08-05 15:33:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

While legislative views on maorality may be included in crimes such as murder rape and other violent crimes they may inappropriatly extend to other of areas of our lives such as our sexual perception and the use of intoxicants how far into the private lives of citizens may government sactioned views of morality inrude? Do you believe that crisis in over criminalization exists in the USA

2007-08-05 15:30:19 · 4 answers · asked by mikesdaman71 4

Here is a curious thought.

What if there were new rules?
What if a person could claim to be a citizen of the planet earth?
And as such be entitled to go any ware on the planet they choose, when ever they choose.
What if Australia became was my back yard and Briton was the end of my block.
If people wanted world peace, then what if all the activists renounced all there citizen rights to any one specific country, to become citizens of the planet earth?

Where would you send them?
The planet is the birth right of every human, so legally they would have every right to be anywhere they want to be.
And if they were to choose Canada or Rome as there home, then who could say they were wrong?
And what if the peace activists, said screw all the benefits that go with being a citizen of one peace of land, like old age pension and E.I and every thing else.

What if they chose to, just be, and relay on the kindness of there brothers and sisters, which now would be you and me and every other human, on the planet earth?

We could not put them in jail, because then as citizens of the planet earth, by birth, we would be violating them.

And they have committed no crime, other than to reserve the right to live anywhere they choose in the world, and denounce all war, as in theory they would be killing there own brothers and sisters, which is it’s self a crime, No one could legally force them to fight in our wars.

No one could kick them out as they are not squatters, but people of the planet earth claiming citizenship of the entire planet.
And since they are not asking for any benefits like old age pension or E.I. in theory they may not even have to pay taxes.

Like claming a number for a name or like Prince claiming a symbol for a name.

Claiming the rights to the entire planet and all in it, as there birth right, as people or individuals of the planet earth could I believe be done.

It may sound futuristic like something out of star trek; but once we entered space and called our self’s human to what ever alien form we may meet, we would have to call earth our home planet and by doing that we claim the entire planet as our home and birth right.

Not just an address like Canada, Russia, Rome, France.
How is that for a bit of Si-Fi?
You heard it heard first folks….well no actually, I guess the Bible said it first, or some idea very similar. LOL, legally a person would have every right to denounce all citizenship other than the citizenship of the entire planet earth…right?
Could it ever happen?? Could the peace mongers screw the entire world up and the legal system by doing this, I think so, and I think it could possibly lead to world peace.
What do you think?

2007-08-05 15:09:10 · 6 answers · asked by markoffwell 1

to make sure its real (and it is real), but he refuses to accept the $100 bill and asks you to pay with a smaller bill, but the $100 is all you have...and he still refuses to accept the $100 bill, what happens next? does he have a right to decline the $100 bill? how would the cops handle the situtation? is it illegal for the attendent to decline the $100 bill? and lets assume he did have change to break the $100 bill and the $100 bill is real?

2007-08-05 14:51:14 · 14 answers · asked by Giggle Bear 3

Traveling out west recently, stopped at a little store on the rez,while waiting to make my purchases I overheard the owner complaining about having to close due to the minimum wage increase, not enough decent help etc. Well as I am ready to checkout I noticed a picture of the owner,rep from Anheiser Busch & a sign congradulating her for One Million Case Sold....Needless to say I walked out empty handed and disgusted. Would u have done the same???

2007-08-05 14:49:21 · 3 answers · asked by weda 1

(I prefer law professionals, to answer this question. Thank you)

How can I sue a supermarket, for being descriminated as a job applicant? Please explain the steps and how I can do this successfully. How much money would I be able to sue them for?

2007-08-05 14:34:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot find my brother and he is legally entitled to half of my late Fathers estate. What happens to his half if he cannot be located?

2007-08-05 14:11:42 · 5 answers · asked by jncorners 3

Do you believe that what you do on your on property is your business and that as long as you don't bother your neighbors in ANY way, or do harm to ANY human being then it's no one elses business?

2007-08-05 14:09:23 · 6 answers · asked by The Cajun Mason 2

2007-08-05 14:01:37 · 15 answers · asked by GBMC 3

Legal age of consent in California is 18. Legal age of consent in Nevada is 16.

2007-08-05 13:44:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you have a judgement against you and you are making payments to one law firm payments can you get another law firm to help negogiate the payments to be lower?

2007-08-05 13:39:09 · 4 answers · asked by holla 2

The debate about the English smoking ban bats to and fro like a table-tennis ball. Smokers say this, non-smokers say that - tweedledee v. tweedledum.

I would like to see a reasoned argument. Can we examine the following points?

1. Approximately 23% of the UK population smoke tobacco.

2. Smoking tobacco is a legal indulgence.

3. What is the percentage of the users of drink-only public houses who object to smoking in drink-only public houses.

4. How many readers of this site have started to use drink-only pubs in England since the start of the smoking ban? ( I mean 'Rovers Return type pubs, not nightclubs), who had not used pubs before?

5. Where, on the Internet, can one find evidence that Government ( not ASH, not FOREST) has researched the above, and published it?

6. What is the age profile of a] smokers and b] non-smokers involved in the use of drink-only public houses.

Answers that simply state that'smoking stinks' or that 'smoking rocks' will be given short shrift by me.

2007-08-05 13:16:04 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6


about a year ago a former coworker of my sisters started accusing my sister of sleeping with her husband. my sister somewhat knew him from when she did work there, which was over 3 years ago. he sent her 2 messages on myspace which she casually responded to. It never went beyond that & there was never even any flirting in them. SO somehow this girl got sis' # so she called and harassed her a few times. my sister tried to explain that she had a fiance who was in iraq that she loved very much & that she never even spoke to her husband on the phone.

Well a few months after, my sister went to pick up a take out order @ the place where this girl still works & again she started with my sister in the restaurant & her mother did too (she also works there). so once again my sister let her know, it was not true. my sister has since seen this girl & had no problems.

2007-08-05 13:08:03 · 4 answers · asked by MANDEE 3

Two men with muslim names were arrested in South Carolina near a naval weapons depot. The men had, what authorities are now calling a bomb and more material in their vehicle to construct explosive devices. CNN is casually talking about during the day but none of the major news outlets are talking about it, why not?

I would have posted a source if I could have found it.

2007-08-05 12:30:26 · 6 answers · asked by 3rd parties for REAL CHANGE 5

Statisticaly, people die of natural cause while waiting for their "deathrow" time to come, yet we as working citizens pay for them throughout their time. Should deathrow be a "life sentence" or should be DEATHROW and end it at the next opening on the table?

2007-08-05 12:20:10 · 7 answers · asked by cowpony 3

My sister had a foreign boyfriend who influenced her to help him out by taking up a loan for 16000 pounds, because he wanted to buy himself a flat in his country!It happened a 2-3 months ago! He started to pay the monthly paybacks for her it`s about 800 pounds.
They did broke up, they are not together anymore, he promised he will monthly pay all the money back to her...but it`s 2 more years!!!

I didn`t know anything about this until know.
I`m really upset about it.
I couldn`t believe something like this could happen, and I would like to know...
Is it possible somehow to make the "money pay back" commitment from her ex-boyfriend for my sister safe or covered with some agreement by law?
How can I help my sister out from this?
What she should do to don`t loose her money?

Thank you.

2007-08-05 12:15:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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