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Law & Ethics - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

In legal terms.

2007-07-06 13:32:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the original Amendment II from the Bill of rights; keep in mind it was ratified in 1791:

"Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I do not know what this means. I am going to ask a few ridiculous sounding questions to get people to think. I'm not pretending to know; times are different, I am not clear what the founding fathers imagined.

Do we have a "tightly controlled" militia? What is a militia?

Why did they use a comma after the word 'State'. It seems like two different unrelated sentences. 1) tightly controlled militia 2) the right to keep and bear Arms. Was punctuation (commas) used differently in 1791? Are these supposed to be related ideas; how?

Does the right to bear arms guarantee every citizen the right to walk down 5th avenue in Manhattan with a rocket launcher or machine gun? "regulated"?


2007-07-06 12:00:06 · 19 answers · asked by RogerDodger 1

From Y! News: "Police said Bilal Abdullah is to appear in a London court on Saturday charged with conspiracy to cause explosions."

Are you English people fu**ing crazy? The man built a bomb with the intent to kill; that is to destroy human life, make dead, slaughter, butcher, decapitate, splatter london streets with human blood, dismember people, etc.. And you are just going to charge him with "Conspiracy to cause explosions"?

What kind of prison sentance does that hold? You are just going to charge this man with the same crime as you would a person who makes his own fireworks and sets them off in the countryside. Why are you not outraged? Why are you not stomping this guys chest in? Why are you not petitioning your government to hang this nut and his co-conspirators by the neck until dead? Are you all just a bunch of faggoty fruitcakes?

2007-07-06 11:23:57 · 9 answers · asked by Voice of Liberty 5

I was sexually abused from the age of 4-6 by my moms boyfriend. Things were good with dad, but I was at moms most of the time. The molester beat the crap out of me with belts and tortured me. He used to handcuff me, flush my head in the toilet, make me eat my own vomit, make me do oral, torture me with knifes- though he never cut me, made me do disgusting things. He made me watch my mom & him have sex, and threatened my life constantly.
I grew up fantasising about finding him as an adult, seducing him somewhere private and hurting him somehow like with scissors....

So now I am an adult, I have three children, I am married and most of the time happy. BUT my biological mother just gave me all the info I need to find my molester, its been too many years to prosecute him. But I want him to pay, and I hate imagining him doing this to someone else. What do I do?

2007-07-06 11:20:12 · 10 answers · asked by SandLady 2

5/1: I was hired by a company who hired a CRA to conduct a background check.

5/2: The CRA reported to the company that I was convicted of misdemeanor assualt, which is untrue. The company told me that I could dispute the CRA report before any adverse action is taken but the dispute must be resolved in 5 biz days. I disputed the CRA report in writing explaining that I have never been convicted of assualt and to contact the county to verify the records.

5/9: the CRA concluded their reivestigation. The CRA reivestigation stated they contacted the county and all the records initially reported was accurate preventing me from being hired by the company.

5/10: I hired a lawyer to contact the CRA. The CRA then amended their report saying I was never convicted of assault, but the comany had already taken adverse action and my application has already been terminated.

Did the CRA violate the FCRA because they did not actually verify the information with the county?

2007-07-06 11:17:21 · 4 answers · asked by KpoBanker 1

My daughter lives with my parents but legally I still have full custody of her. I am very close with my parents and my daughter, and she is very happy with them. What I want to know is, is it possible in the UK to have joint custody between a child's parent and a grandparent? This is because it would be nice for my parents to have official custody and also so they can sign permission forms (if she needs to be treated in hospital or something) if they can't get in touch with me.

2007-07-06 10:59:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I belive the law says archival is ok, "fair use" but many people say that because of all the illegal copys you can't even make a backup for your self. here is the link to to the law:


2007-07-06 10:58:14 · 3 answers · asked by NONAME 5

An oral contract is an implied-in-fact contract(true or false)?

An offer does not need to be communicated to the offeree to be effective(true or false)?

A person who does not know about a reward cannot claim it(true or false)?

A minor's failure to perform an executory contract within a reasonable time after reaching the age of majority implies disaffirmance.(true or false)?

2007-07-06 10:53:42 · 3 answers · asked by clogos 1

I have the court, case no. case name and filing date.

2007-07-06 10:53:26 · 5 answers · asked by prime 2

and if so why are they letting paris hilton do it????she is selling her felioney DUI /JAIL story for 1MILLION

and if you think this a good question don't forget to star it so more people will see it

2007-07-06 10:53:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what about the bars in houses of parliment,see them all smoking and half pissed.

2007-07-06 10:51:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-06 10:45:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

And I was there for everything and I know he didnt do it I was there for everything. My so called friend was drunk and called the police on him and told them that he threatned to kill me and her and her two kids. My boyfriend is the sweetest guy in the world and he doesnt deserve this. Now this girl has put her current and past boyfriends in jail for similar crimes and then taken it back afterwards and has even got charged with mischief because of it. Now im not allowd to talk to my bf because of what she said and i just want to kno how i can get this resolved for the courts to let my bf come home. Hes out on bail but is to have no contact with me and this is really bothering me

2007-07-06 10:37:09 · 9 answers · asked by TINKERBELL 1

A minor's failure to perform an executory contract within a reasonable time after reaching the age of majority implies disaffirmance (true or false)?

A covenant not to compete is never enforceable(true or false)?

A contract that exculpates one party for negligence or other wrongdoing will not usually be viewed as unconscionable (true or false)?

No contract for a sale of goods needs to be in writing to be enforceable (true or false)?

2007-07-06 10:34:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jury nullification, which is a juries rights to not only rule on the facts of the case, but to rule on the laws pertaining to it, subsequently over ruling the judges orders, and/or written law.

In Georgia, is an officer of the court (such as an attorney) OR anyone else allowed to inform the jury of this power?

I read "Today, no officer of the court is allowed to tell the jury of their veto power".
last sentence under "prohibition" section

Is this true? And if it is, can a defendant address the jury and inform them?

2007-07-06 10:26:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The common law governs all areas not covered by statutory or administrative law (true or false)

Generally, a state court can exercise jurisdiction over anyone within the boundaries of the state (true or false)?

Cyberspace is its own jurisdiction(true or false)?

2007-07-06 10:23:16 · 2 answers · asked by dt11221 1

So we can winge and moan about non smokers like they do about us!!!

2007-07-06 09:54:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

You can't find the person you are trying to serve.
Do you need a Sheriff to serve the documents?
Where can I get more information on this matter?
Also, is there a difference in the way things are handled if you are in North Hollywood & the person receiving the documents lives in Orange County?

2007-07-06 09:51:50 · 5 answers · asked by castillo5247 2

My aunt was fired today from Wendy's she work there for 12 years and today she had an extra 20 in her drawer they fired her. The manager gave her keys to my aunt so she could recount the drawer and it was over. What can she do now, this seems very wrong.

2007-07-06 09:47:24 · 11 answers · asked by privateaccessonly 2

People say the US is a terrible country. They say it's not a "free" country becuase we can't go out smoke dope and in a few years you might not be able to just get rid of an unborn baby because you don't want it. People are also saying that the US is dangerous and every single day another terrorist attack happens. We haven't been attacked since 9/11 and the government has stopped serveral plots. Also, the other day at after the 4th of July parade I was able to go up to my congressman and tell him I didn't think he was representing our area by the way he votes. I doubt in many other countries you can do that. So do you think people have just forgotten that they are safe and have all of these liberties, or do you think they're mad because they can't go out get married to 2 guys and a girl and celebrate by doing WHATEVER they want?

2007-07-06 09:46:05 · 15 answers · asked by steelersfan2010 2

Im not an expert on the law, but surely we have some personal rights, as do non smokers.

2007-07-06 09:05:35 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was caught stealing something minor and was issued a summons to court for next week, I am a 1st time offender and what I took was under $50...what should I do? Do I need a lawyer? Should I plead guilty or not guilty?

2007-07-06 08:59:26 · 12 answers · asked by ballin4eva87 1

Ok does a co founder of a law firm goes to work? I mean what does he do? What is his work? I need it for my novella and can't find an answer anywhere. It will be imp. for the details. Anyway, a lawyer is a lawyer, but what a co founder does?

Pleeeeeeease, I had a headache answering everyone.

2007-07-06 08:51:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

also what is the age difference between partners? our main worry is that when i turn 18 that me and her wont be able to date and be intament (sp) anymore. its worrying us both because we love each other alot and we dont want to be seperated when i turn 18. the man reason being is that she just turned 16 and in a few months ill be 18. if you can help it would be great. thank you for your time.

2007-07-06 08:45:58 · 14 answers · asked by Tiger Chan 1

If I have traffic warrants in Texas, can I get my drivers license in California. I'v never had one before, (thats why I got tickets for) and want one now. If my warrants are with my maiden name, and here in California I use my married name, will it still come up?

2007-07-06 08:41:21 · 7 answers · asked by claudiac1983 2

What are the laws and where can I find information on this? I am specifically seeking when a parent does not want his parents to see the children.

2007-07-06 08:38:30 · 13 answers · asked by RunRunRun 2

What exactly does it mean when you plead 'No Contest'?

2007-07-06 08:37:34 · 6 answers · asked by thelilred_whocould 1

A friend is in a nursing home, this person wants to remain in their own home, money is not a problem, the family has put them in a nursing home, they have Parkinson but feel they can function at home with help and wish to remain there, what are their legal rights and where can they get advice?

2007-07-06 08:25:41 · 9 answers · asked by sylvia M 1

I am from a non profit organization and I am making a video on childrens rights. I want to put music onto my presentation but I don't want to run into any copyright laws. Is there anywhere I can get music for this presentation without any problems. Also if you know of any website with the music copy right laws on it please let me know

2007-07-06 08:25:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

A member of my family is an employee and works out at the YMCA. While she was in the locker room, she was getting putting her lotion on and preparing to get dressed. An employee who is a teen "camp counselor" walked into the womens locker room and stood there and watched her. When she looked up she saw that he was standing there looking at her and screamed. Other women were in the locker room said that they heard a mans voice and that he said something right after she screamed (she didnt hear him) According to her, the staff almost seemed ike they were trying to cover up for this kid, her boss said that he has to look into it and hear the kids side of the story first. The kid said that he was looking in there for a child that belongs to his camp group (right.) she does not know what to do, who to call, but she says that if they dont fire him she cant work there anymore. She says she feels violated and uncomfortable especially with him there. Any thoughts on this matter? legal or other?

2007-07-06 08:23:14 · 4 answers · asked by D. 1

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