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Law & Ethics - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Recently someone posted this question:
"Do you believe retarded people and those with major genetic diseases should not be allowed to procreate? Make a case for either side."

Unfortunately, everyone who answered said that they should not. Do you realize that this was Hitler's idea too? Sterilize the "unfit", the "human weeds"? He euthanized whole hospitals full of mentally disabled people. That is the logical conclusion if you take such an idea to its ultimate end.

2007-07-30 08:21:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-30 08:19:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was sentenced for a year and a day sentence on July 17 and I was just wondering how does it work...how long does it take to get your letter...and where do I have to go?

2007-07-30 08:12:12 · 1 answers · asked by chevon_lewis 1

Why don't they just all come out of the closet and asmit their homosexaul tendency's. Clearly if they support it like the war on Iraq is supported by the conservative all conservatives are supposed to fightt in Iraq. So appling the same logic since liberals support homosexaul marriage all liberals are clearly homosexaul. Correct? Applying their logic against them is sweet is it not?

2007-07-30 08:11:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fingerprints evidence?

i was a victim of a robbery. was jump n rob. the punks touch my medicine n gave it back to me also they toch my jeans and my pockets. i didnt go to to po po yet n dont think i will. cause i know the poeple. they hav my cell phone so know my information soon i would find out who they all r. can going to the po po or 5-0 help me. how can the people be charge if i hav no evidence of the crime. but i ca tell who the poeple were. will co.ps be able to chrage them?
_ps be able to charge them? please help

when they touch my medecine im pretty sure they didnt have on gloves but i pick up the medecine after they threw it on the floor. also they touch my pockets. it rain that night but im pretty sure the medicines containers didn't get that wet can that be use as evidence

2007-07-30 08:07:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that the media convinces everyone that people are guilty before they get the chance to prove their innocence? This is so true and very wrong in so many ways. But the are allowed to write what they want, right?
In America are we really innocent until proven guilty or is it the other way around?

2007-07-30 07:47:15 · 7 answers · asked by tonydgr8 5

When a donation is made I do not expect special favors,

Why is this bribery by lobbies being tolerated?

Bribes must be considered illegal and threat of fine and imprisonment implemented when politicians are bribed and are accepting bribes in exchange of favors.

2007-07-30 07:45:02 · 8 answers · asked by granny_sp 4

Before the free-for-all, I realize it's legal to own certain types of machine guns in the US, the laws vary state by state, etc. I'm just interested in getting some other perspectives on this matter...

2007-07-30 07:43:34 · 22 answers · asked by Emmett 2

i was a victim of a robbery. was jump n rob. the punks touch my medicine n gave it back to me also they toch my jeans and my pockets. i didnt go to to po po yet n dont think i will. cause i know the poeple. they hav my cell phone so know my information soon i would find out who they all r. can going to the po po or 5-0 help me. how can the people be charge if i hav no evidence of the crime. but i ca tell who the poeple were. will co.ps be able to chrage them?
_ps be able to charge them? please help

2007-07-30 07:40:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two daughters ages 13 and 10. Some friends of ours have a son who is 11. My oldest daughter has said that the boy on repeated occasions grabbed her face and forced her to allow him to put his tongue in his mouth. Both of my daughters say that this boy also masturbates in front of them (under his shorts) and then grabs it from the outside and shakes it at them, and has made sexual comments to them.
I have spoken to the mother of this boy and she says my children are lying. The boy is not being punished...in fact it is quite the opposite. The mother is comforting him and encouraging him.
My daughters can provide details such as times, locations, what was on T.V., where they were sitting, even down to the color blanket he had covering him.
Basically I was told by the mother that she believes her son 100% and that it's our word against theirs because he left no marks. If that was the case then rapists would go free as long as they didn't leave bruises. .............

2007-07-30 07:26:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want sole custody of my child. The father and i were never married or anything and he has not seen the child in 7mo. nor has he attempted to give or send any child support what so ever. He does not live in the same state actually moved out of state away from the child but calls every two/three weeks to talk to the child. The child is a year old.

2007-07-30 07:25:41 · 2 answers · asked by mrsshakur4life 1

I filed two complaints for the same creditor for harrasing phone calls at my job. I made copies and printed out the F.T.C rules & regs about consumer rights and fair credit act and mailed them to the creditor. I also included the names of the employees on the complaint to the FTC and the personal letter to them. I hope sombody get their *** in trouble.

2007-07-30 07:19:20 · 2 answers · asked by rottties2 2

Legally, at least 12 people must be involved for a conspiracy to exist, each person has a legal title or term, I know for a fact, ""mastermind" is one of those terms, but what are the rest? are there variations that use more people? in legal terms how is a conspiracy defined?

2007-07-30 06:55:30 · 10 answers · asked by MAX POWER 3

well about 1 month ago I ran into an old friend I gave him my number he gave me his. A couple of days later he called me for a ride home from work. So why not. That nigh he was arrested for 78 bags of herion. So after that I stop accocating with him.. a couple of weeks later im pulling into my drive way with my 6 month old girl 3 cops come up from behind say " Your under arrest" I say for what "they say for selling herion" " I ask to see the warrent thay wont show it to me" they search me and of course find nothing.. so they let me go...
1 week later DCF shows up with a statement from the cops accusing me of being a drug dealer. With no proof Ive never been arrested. But now I had to give my girl over to my parents or she would go into foster care while DCF does there 45 day Investication. DCF Says Im a risk factor becasue The cops made a statement saying IM a drug dealer. So thats what DCF thinks Guilty intill proving innocent.

2007-07-30 06:38:33 · 6 answers · asked by Justin C 1

I was just served and have to be in court in two weeks! I have to have one week prior aproval for vacation and that will only leave me one week to speak with an attorey. And I've got to have time to come up with retainer for him! Can I file for a delay?

2007-07-30 06:30:30 · 4 answers · asked by nola_b 2

Most of the science fiction and/or comic book heroes are so far fetched that they could never happen.

I think the most probable super-hero would be Batman. His body armor and gadgets were clearly not possible during the timeframe that the movies are placed. But much of the speculative technology is possible today. As it is only governments can afford such technology.

Do you think it is possible that some wealthy person, or some person backed by a wealthy person, like Bill Gates, could create a super hero? This person would have to be some kind of martial arts expert that is very skilled with all kinds of weapons (guns, tazers, etc), and police tactics.

What do you think?

If such a “super hero” could be created, what would he or she be like? Would he or she need a secret identity? What legal issues would he or she face if he or she did a stealthy maneuver, and subdued the bad guys before the police even arrived? Would this be a nightmare for the prosecution of said bad guys? Would the super hero be so busy with law suits that he can’t get his job done?

2007-07-30 06:28:10 · 1 answers · asked by Marvin 7

HOW are equal rights laws to be applied in non-profit organizations... when all positions are volunteer?

our church has been accused of violating civil rights laws because we did not ordain blacks of African descent to our priesthood, when it is not a paid position. No one is forced to be a member, and blacks WERE members, even knowing that they could not hold the priesthood. I would tink that if they didn't have a legal problem with it, then why do those who are not members of our church, who don't even believe in our priesthood, and wouldn't want it even if they were offered?

2007-07-30 06:16:19 · 4 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

Latest case in this regard is involvement of HRD Union Minister Sh.Arjun Singh in a criminal case filled by the wife of his grand son against her husband & his other family members including the said Minister through her father for demanding dowry from them. Although the local UP police has requested that this case is transferred to CBI to do the investigation & conduct its proceedings in the court. Now when a Union Minister is involved in such a case the government doesn't want to take any risk in its investigation, but what about other cases which concern ordinary citizens in such issues? How the other Union Minster of Women Welfare, Ms. Renuka Choudhry react to this case as she has always be very vocal in implementation of such anti-dowry laws very strictly against the Husband & her family members? The Supreme Court in its various judgments has held that any VIP involved in such anti-dowry matter should not be granted bail as such a VIP may influence the witnesses & investigation?

2007-07-30 06:06:47 · 16 answers · asked by vijay m Indian Lawyer 7

I work for a popular company that advertises on tv quite frequent. However there was only one incident I had where a man in his 50's whom I helped and I was being courteous to him..Apparently he wrote my first and last name( as required we give when we are speaking to consumers) and did a search in PA to find me. He called me up after 10pm and I was stunned to even know he would go this far with me..I told him to stop calling me as I was married and what he wanted.
He stated he wanted to talk to me and get to know me..The jesture was nice but it freaked me out.I told my husband about this incident and told me there wasn't anything the police can do. I don't want to jepordize my job or I dont want to hurt anyones feelings but the only thing I can do is change my number..

2007-07-30 06:00:28 · 9 answers · asked by fairydust52606 2

I would like to see this Law as it pertains to Landlords and Tennants.

2007-07-30 05:57:39 · 2 answers · asked by ona1010@sbcglobal.net 1

not recorded yet, so who has power? what status does recording it give to either of these men?

2007-07-30 05:39:13 · 1 answers · asked by kingkom2001 1

I was wondering if someone could give me some insight to an IC issue. I was asked to help but never offered employment to do fashion for a company, and I researched and acquired my own list of names & numbers of vendors. Since I never signed an employment agreement, I consider myself an IC. My relationship is now ending on a sour note with this company, and to date they have NOT paid me for projects I've completed. Unfortunately, I do not have a written contract, since this all happended very informally. However, they're asking that I turn over my vendor contact list, along with files and a detailed list of procedures required to do my job. Who is the rightful owner of this list? Can someone please help?? Thanks!

2007-07-30 05:38:56 · 3 answers · asked by Pinky 1

I bought a TV from this company its pretty well known. I just recieved my third LCD TV in the mail today and it does not turn on. The first tv i bought from circuit city and the right speaker was blown, the replacement for that tv did not work properly either, the HDMI input did not receive signal from any deviece i used. Now the third i got in the mail from UPS today doesnt even turn on. If they refuse to give me my money back can i sue them? I have all information and receipts of the TVs and why they dont work.

2007-07-30 05:20:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know a man who is the nicest person ever NOW. well he was back then but he had the worst temper for a##holes who bothered him. He lived in LA. etc... he got into a fite with a deadly weapon, knife? i tihnk and 'wounded this guy who went to the hospital and that guy pressed charges.. sentencing him to 3 yrs? yeah... now he has a family but b/c of the stupid things he did, his history has affected him from doing many things, specifically getting a good job.

If this is a blue collar job, like a friggin factory.. and the application says have u had a criminal conviction? wud it matter if he put no? lol i dont think they wud consider him if he put yes. but if you put no do those cheap factories go in and do a check anyway????.hes a goodman but you know he cant fite this. for this mistake.

what do you think.

54 seconds ago
it was self defense..but the other guy had bette

2007-07-30 05:19:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

All I want is a signature of a photocopy of my passport, but i'm being quoted like £45 + VAT !!

2007-07-30 05:13:15 · 7 answers · asked by Abdul 5

why phillipines is the most poor country

2007-07-30 05:04:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday i was at the mall, and i saw a boy who looked to be about 6 or 7 get a public spanking! I didn't see what he did, but his mom sat down on a bench, took him over her knee, and spanked his butt about 10 times!!! I had no idea anyone still beat their kids like that in this day and age, i would like to think that our society has moved beyond solving problems by beating children on a sexual region of their body. Should i have called C.P.S., or maybe the police?

2007-07-30 05:00:03 · 26 answers · asked by FMEXICO 1

but the guy who was in the same court room for cannabis possesion got 3 years? The Child molester wasn't there for his first time either, I believe it was his third. The smoker, it was his first offense.

2007-07-30 04:55:50 · 4 answers · asked by magician679 2

2007-07-30 04:51:54 · 10 answers · asked by eve 1

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