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Law & Ethics - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I recieved a threat in a hate letter from somebody and my first instinct is of course to tell. But the person who sent it is related and some one else is involved who I don't think should have to deal with that kind of trouble (they would probably at least get suspended from school). At the same time they shouldn't get to go off free, right?

2007-03-16 12:08:55 · 7 answers · asked by Kate 2

I thought my child support was being paid from my workmans comp as they knew about it and how much it was. They did not and I have to go to friend of the court for a meeting know. I was laid off as soon as I was sent back to work and have almost no money. They are taking 98.80 out of 275 .00 that I get per week. I have no money to take to the meeting but have approx. 450.00 coming in tax returns that they will automatically take. I did not try to skip on my child support I was undr the impression it was figured into workmans comp. The checks were no itemized in any way and were approx. the same as what I got when i was working after taxes and Child support.

2007-03-16 12:02:33 · 5 answers · asked by John C 2

Where the guilty are always punished but some innocents are convicted too?

Or, where the innocent are never found guilty but the guilty are sometime acquitted?

2007-03-16 11:46:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

we live in illinois, but we're getting married in iowa 4 hours away. can we apply in illinois for an iowa license?

2007-03-16 11:40:54 · 8 answers · asked by rikki_boo21 2

I need help with my marriage and i need legal help

2007-03-16 11:38:01 · 2 answers · asked by LEE LEE S 1

A former friend of mine got into trouble with the property mgr and attempted to "strangle him". He is being charged with "assault causing bodily harm". My friend says it was a "set-up" and if he wins he will take out a lawsuit against the property mgr for $. If the property mgr wins he will sue my friend for "damages".
My friend needs help as he will probably get probation. I think probation is not enough...he needs "mental help" as he has a terrible temper ;is a control freak; is immature and unstable and likes to be admired all the time.
The prosecutor needs to know this information ...but I do not want to be called to the stand in the court as the person who gave the information and be "cross-examed etc. How do I tell the prosecutor without making myself a witness etc. My former friend will take out a lawsuit against ME if I get involved.
He needs help = doesn't realize it. He is not stable. He works , makes alot of money but that is all. He prides himself on being an Indian man.

2007-03-16 11:29:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do u think about young girls & boys being given some kind of drug or other treatment that prevents them from having sex and or prevent them from reproducing until they reach the legal age of consent & have undergone parenting classes.
Many of u probably know a single parent or couple that allows their offspring 2 run wild & do whatever the child wants 2 do.
Most likely, those children become the children that are disruptive n school; engage n criminal behavior; use drugs & or alcohol; become sexually active at a young age; become parents & then raise their children n the SAME MANNER.

Over the years I have seen young girls hang out all times of the day and night, party & do drugs while pregnant and still do the same things while the child is n infancy & childhood & have the child with them as they do this.
I truly believe that EVERY BEHAVIOR IS LEARNED.
I believe that ALL criminal & uncivil behavior can b traced back 2 how one was raised & taught during infancy & childhood.

2007-03-16 11:10:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best friend has a kid who has recently been sick. It is not a cronic illness, therefore he has nothing like OFLA (since we live in OR) or FMLA.
This situation has led him to miss work a few times, and his job is at risk.
Is there some kind of law that can help him keep his job?

2007-03-16 11:08:56 · 9 answers · asked by latosa82 4

What would you do if the government reinstated the draft?

2007-03-16 11:06:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm currently applying for my Class D license in New York State. One of the requirements is attendance at a five hour class on driving safety. Those classes are given by driving schools, for a fee of $ 35, and you can pick whatever school you want.

I went to a driving school, paid my fee, and, instead of getting a five hour class, I watched videtapes about driving safety for about an hour, and then they called me to the outer office, gave me my certificate and sent me on my way.

They did this with the other four students too - and with two other people who didn't even come in and watch the videos!

Was it right for them to give me a certificate for a class that I didn't complete?

Should I report them to NYS DMV?

Or should I just shut up and keep my certificate?

2007-03-16 11:03:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


Geez, is it just me or are you having a hard time picturing a three day conference on this subject?!?

2007-03-16 11:02:40 · 3 answers · asked by Wolfgang92 4

They say the Sanyo Katana is bluetooth enabled and yet all it can send it business cards....Doesn't that count as false advertising?
You cannot transfer any files what so ever, isn't that what blue tooth is suppose to do?

2007-03-16 11:01:48 · 5 answers · asked by Ashleigh 3

Ok I bought a car off my now ex boyfriends mom a month ago. Well she didnt bother to tell me that it had a lean on it until it was paid for. My boyfriend and I broke up not to long ago and its still in her name and she says she cant get the lean taken off of it? She wont write me a receipt either. What should I do???

2007-03-16 10:59:34 · 5 answers · asked by lil_momma1121 1

and will it answer or open the committee to seek answers for all of the lies? 9/11, Iraq, Haliburton, & Bectel and the Tri-lateral Commissions devious plots to convince the American public to become involved in a war for profit! At the expense of our most precious resource.........."our young people"?

2007-03-16 10:52:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Assuming discrimination does exist in employment, and the policy of Affirmative Action is invalidated.

2007-03-16 10:51:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting fed up with the state of this country. CCTV everywhere, speed cameras on our roads and smoking bans. Now it's becoming law that speaking on your mobile, hands free or not will be illegal. My hubby drives a lorry and says that it will be law for no drinking, eating or smoking in his cab. What is going on? It's political correctness gone berserk.

2007-03-16 10:38:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think we are winning right? everything is o.k right? excuse me i havent been too in touch.

2007-03-16 10:28:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK, so the jails and prisions are getting so full, don't you think the system should be revamped? I'm tired of these degenerates getting (3 hots and a cot) everything provided for them when they BROKE THE LAW in one form or another.They got there by the choices they made in life.There comes a certain point in life that you have to start being responsible for yourself and stop using your upbringing or past as an excuse.

2007-03-16 10:18:40 · 4 answers · asked by little lu-lu 6

A man is still running free and he offened his 4 yr old daughter. He took a lie detector test and it came back that he was decieving. It was supposed to go to trial but now the county prosecutor is gonna wait to press charges and let him run free. Is that legal?

2007-03-16 10:16:52 · 15 answers · asked by Petals 1

Ex.if your over 18 you cant date anyone younger than 18!

2007-03-16 10:14:42 · 4 answers · asked by jenny 5

2007-03-16 10:13:39 · 7 answers · asked by sweetdadyuk 1

I have a friend and he told me about his situation. He American and was once married with a Japanese woman yet they divorced after a year. They have a daughter and the mother go back to Japan, now the father is in Iraq since he is a US Navy. He always send letters and gift to her beloved daughter, yet his ex-wife's attorney sent him a letter telling him that he has no right to contact to his daughter because he has no custody on his daughter because according to Japanese law, there is no custody in Japan, is it right? What are we going to do in order to get contact with his daughter??? Please I need your response asap. thank you so much

2007-03-16 10:13:38 · 2 answers · asked by gracie 1

2007-03-16 10:13:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Random Guy answered this question a while back. The answer they gave was incorrect.

2007-03-16 10:08:10 · 2 answers · asked by Crime Stoppers 1

In 2005, I signed a two-year business agreement with a company. Every month, I emailed my acct. rep and asked that the invoice be corrected to reflect the contract rates. I received an email from the investigation team and they said the company could only provide credit for the past six months. Is this even legal? Why can't they go back to the date the contract was signed by both parties?
If it were the other way around, the company bills the consumer for the difference for the entire two years.
Any advice? This just doesn't seem right to me.

2007-03-16 09:55:23 · 2 answers · asked by LuvsMochaCoffee 2

Am I the only one who finds this strange? That we built governments and then they told us that certain plants are banned because they found out that they make some people feel good when it's smoked?

I can't wait to get to heaven and have all this crap sorted out. I'm serious. I want to know who is in the right.

I hope God gives me the right to go b*tch-slap everyone who ever voted in favor of banning one of his creations.

2007-03-16 09:52:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are all going to die, I dont want to be seconds from my death and realize I have missed the point of my life. How about you?

2007-03-16 09:49:54 · 17 answers · asked by Forbidden1 2

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