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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-02-18 12:21:00 · 6 answers · asked by curious 1

I think it is...what do yall think.

2007-02-18 12:15:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can oh lets call A, can A be stalking someone without A realizing/knowing it or not intending to?

2007-02-18 11:58:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-18 11:58:04 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i thinki fell asleep before driving through an intersection at a red light. then woke up and i saw a cop car right in front of me that i just about t boned. when he asked me why i had to n on my car i said it got stolen the other day. he pulled me over and gave me 109 dollar ticket for not displaying my "N" and 167 for zooming through the red light. can i dispute any of these tickets and win?

2007-02-18 11:57:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Groundbreaking Iraq films cast shadow over 79th Oscars

by Rob Woollard
Sun Feb 18, 3:25 AM ET

HOLLYWOOD (AFP) - Four years after filmmaker Michael Moore was booed off the stage for protesting the war in Iraq, movies about the conflict are poised to take center stage at this month's 79th Academy Awards ceremony.

Moore was roundly condemned for making a political statement in 2003 when he collected his Oscar for "Bowling for Columbine," accusing US President George W. Bush of waging a "fictitious" war.

But in a reflection of the changing mood against the war, Oscars voters have embraced two documentaries which paint a bleakly critical picture of US policy in Iraq, "Iraq in Fragments" and "My Country, My Country."

Both films are among the five nominees for the best documentary Oscar at this year's awards on February 25, where they are up against the favorite, Al Gore's environmental rallying cry, "An Inconvenient Truth."

For "Iraq in Fragments," director James Longley spent two years in Iraq, and in shooting 300 hours of footage he tried to capture the effects of the conflict on everyday Iraqis.

The film that emerges -- three 30-minute segments reflecting the lives of Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish Iraqis -- is a startling portrait of a country wrestling with the horrors of war.

"Most of the people we see are people who are mostly not in combat," Longley said in a recent interview. "The film is not so much about the Americans as it is about the Iraqis and the big issues they're dealing with in their country."

Longley, who believes the United States should withdraw from the country, said current policy is having "the opposite effect people think it is."

"It has served to divide the country against itself," said the 34-year-old Seattle native. "The Iraqis have managed their affairs for thousands of years, and they can in our absence."

2007-02-18 11:54:07 · 16 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5

someone told me there was still segregation in schools in mississippi.. is that true?!!? no way that still happens!

2007-02-18 11:49:07 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2

my landlord is trying to evect me after 13yrs. i held rent to make repairs he has not done in all this time. i have a jury trial coming up and could use some suggentions if anyone has any on how to present my case. I am a little nevious about the whole thing and I don't want to mess up. I think I have a good case and all the docs. needed but I dont' want to talk to much just get to the facts. I have wiritten them down several time but it is to long. What can i do to make it count and get the attention of the Judge?

2007-02-18 11:19:46 · 10 answers · asked by mugsy 1

Is it the same for the ******** and ****-*******.

2007-02-18 11:18:48 · 26 answers · asked by fatherf.lotski 5

can the assests, such as a business, be used by one party to fight the issue or does the asset go into probate so that it is protected until a legal ruling is made?

2007-02-18 11:12:45 · 1 answers · asked by Me 3


I don't really understand it... all the smokers are getting worked up... whats it all about? where is the ban enforced? I hope it stops people smoking in lines and blowing it everywhere... lol

2007-02-18 11:09:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

If one twin decided to murder someone and the other siamese twin didn't want to have anything to do with it, then what would happen in the court of law? I hope you know what I mean

2007-02-18 10:50:47 · 11 answers · asked by jammy.greeny@talk21.com 1

In 1741 African americans conspired to burn the city. The conditions of slave life in 1740s made it likely that many ensalved NewYorkers would have endorsed such a plot.

Would you agree w/ this statement? Why? Please help thank you!!!

2007-02-18 10:50:34 · 2 answers · asked by COBAN 1

Illegal immigrants (a couple) which don't spk English sued me--I had a truck which I needed to get rid of as couldn't afford the car payment. Gave it to this couple which took over car pymts... After a year, I took it back because they were always paying late and I had always to chase them to get the money... once I took it back, they sued me on a small claims court and judge ruled against me. Now I have to pay a lot of money (reimburse ALL their pymts+court expenses) because I didn't sign a well prepared contract, I had just signed a paper saying I would xfer the title once they paid off loan (which they didn't because I took it back). I helped this people out, she was supposed to be "my friend" & helped her in other things too, UNFAIR. I changed my name, address & phone #, I even changed jobs. They have NO info on me to collect the money, are illegal & just speak Spanish (very low educated too). My question is, what would be the odds for them to locate me to garnish my wages?

2007-02-18 10:49:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does the insurance company hold off paying until it reaches the steps? Even though the person they represent committed perjury and obstruction of justice. Do they wait until the person is most vulnerable and offer them the lowest amount possible..Or do they wait until the person they represent gets beat repeatedly so they have a reason not to pay?

2007-02-18 10:41:55 · 4 answers · asked by WHEREISJUSTICE 2

In 1741 African americans conspired to burn the city. The conditions of slave life in 1740s made it likely that many ensalved NewYorkers would have endorsed such a plot.

Would you agree w/ this statement? Why? Please help thank you!!!

2007-02-18 10:41:49 · 4 answers · asked by COBAN 1

I was sued by a credit card company. I was inexperienced at the time and did not keep receipts of payments totalling 3400.00. I did everything with money orders. The law firm purged the records of accounts that came from this credit card company. Is that legal ? Shouldn't they have kept records of my payments for a certain period of time ??? This happened in Ohio. This is an issue because it is still on my credit report as "unsatisfied" even though I paid this in full and even worse could damage my ability to close on my new home at the end of the month.

2007-02-18 10:36:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

In 1741 the conditions of slave life and ideas that had surfaced during the Zeneger controversy of the 1730s make it likely that many enslaved NewYorkers would have endorsed such a plot.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? why? if you are informed about the subject please try to be as specific as you can. Thank you..

2007-02-18 10:31:00 · 3 answers · asked by COBAN 1

'hate' speech, sexist or racist speech is prohibited, for example so how free is free speech what are the limitations? and if there is limitations, and there are, why label it as free speech, or pretend or put up the facade that we have the right to free speech here in America? Does that amendment really mean anything at all if we can be prosecuted or punished for exercising our so called right to it, especially with unpopular speech...?

2007-02-18 10:23:29 · 15 answers · asked by kewtber 3

i've always wondered, because some people tell me it isnt and some people tell me it is......

2007-02-18 10:20:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Briefly explain the difference between a probation revocation hearing and parole hearing ?

2007-02-18 10:14:46 · 3 answers · asked by glock310 3

I know someone who is 19 and they are going out with a 17 year old. I heard somewhere that the law says if its within 3 years then its ok, but someone else told me it wasn't. I would like to know the truth. Because they are worried about it.

2007-02-18 10:11:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ordered something from this site is this site legal or something like well known? The problem is that I haven't received my order.

2007-02-18 10:10:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of lawyer should I look for to assist me with a devious disability insurance company? I want to stop them from harrassing, aggravating, and interferring with my recovery.

I've paid into this long-term disabilty policy for years, but now that I'm recovering from severe depression, I've had nothing but trouble from these people. Plus, after putting my through months of hell, now they want me to go to their doctor for a second opinion...is this legal?

They've done alot of under-handed and shifty crap regarding my claim, but I just don't have the energy or strength to fight them alone while I'm trying to recover. Is there any place online that I can go to research this kinda of stuff? Please help....I'm at my last straw.

2007-02-18 10:06:34 · 5 answers · asked by BlueWind 1

what amedment controls searches and seizures

2007-02-18 10:05:30 · 5 answers · asked by glock310 3


My boyfriend borrowed $800.00 from me back in August of 2006 and has yet to pay me back. He was in financial problems and needed the money so I let it to him and he and I agreed that he would pay me back before I went on a trip in December. I havent scene the money yet and have asked him several times for the money and he always ignores me or says he doesnt have it or tries to change the subject. He goes to school and gets loans to pay for his rent and bills but doenst have a job and everytime I tell him to get a job he gets mad at me and says I will stop nagging. I work 40 hours a week and thats just getting by. I had to ask my grandparents for money($150.00) in the past because I am so broke. No one knows that I gave him the money.
I am not sure what to do. I have all sorts of credit card bills .He doesn't help with the house work at all. I spend all my Sundays cleaning the house while hes on the computer playing games.
What should I do?

2007-02-18 09:56:55 · 5 answers · asked by Linds 1

The plow truck plowed all the snow by the mail box and it turned into icy snow, and it was too difficult for me to get through. They sent a notice that they will stop delivering mail untill I shovel the snow. Thankfully the sun melted some of it and I could shovel the rest.
What do you think of this situation? Can they do that? I understand that they are having a hard time also, but how hard is it to get their but out of the car an additional foot just to put the mail in.

2007-02-18 09:56:08 · 12 answers · asked by <3 2

2007-02-18 09:55:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

A relative has recenly died. He lived in his house for over 70 years and we believe that he owned it. How do we find out who the house belongs to? We know it does not belong to the council but can't find any deeds.

How do I check with the Land Registry Office? Is there a website I can check it out on?

Web address's would be useful on this one Gal's & Guy's

2007-02-18 09:54:32 · 6 answers · asked by redcar_rebel 2

fedest.com, questions and answers