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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

My fiance has two children, which we have been going back and forth to court over recently. Their mother has been forcibly trying to push him out of the kids' life, and was also found in contempt for keeping the kids from him. Lately she has been pushing for supervised visitation on grounds of neglect and child abuse (which are absolutely NOT true). By order of the court, we have visitation with the kids again, but today when they were playing, one of the boys bumped his head and now has a cut. She was irate and accused us again of neglecting them, although if you've ever known a 6 year old.. they tend to get bumps and bruises and scrapes every now and then. Really the boy is totally fine, it's just a little booboo, but what do we do now?? How can we protect ourselves from the things she is doing? And since the kids are so young, how can we prove that all of her accusations are untrue? My fiance loves his kids, and so do I, and I want to protect these kids AND ourselves. Help!

2007-02-18 06:37:41 · 2 answers · asked by The Only 3

I live in NH, USA. Yesterday I went on a date wid a guy who likes me and I like him. I am 18 but legally I am 15. He is in his twenties. So, he smooched me for the first time. We were looking for empty place so dat we cud kiss. So, we had french kiss (in the car) in the parking lot of Pizza hut. It seemed like one guy was spying on us. After dat, we decided to go in the parking lot of True Value. While he was driving a cop was staring at us. So, when we stopped at True Vale, my date said dat maybe the cop was spying on us. He said it wasn't good idea to take risk bcoz the cop might catch us and put both of us in trouble as he might have thought dat he was doing sexual stuff wid an underage girl. But, the truth is I am 18 and all we were doing was smooch and hug. I am kinda mad at him coz I am not sure what he said abt those rules r right or not. So, if the cop did catch us what wud be the consequences for him and me?? I had to say I am 15 coz I am legally 15.

2007-02-18 06:27:34 · 4 answers · asked by Preeya 5

Big companies in the manufacturing or service sectors make huge profits on the one side. Poor people below poverty line find it extremely difficultto make both ends meet even for basic necessities.For medicare and major ailments and surgical treatments,they run pillar to post begging for money and no one ,including the governments to help them. People below BPL ,not even earning Rs.6000/= per year ,how can they meet their medical expenses?When one section of the Indian rich population is enjoying luxurious life with all modern comforts,the other poor section is suffering to death,is it not the duty of the governments ,companies or the rich people including actors,sports persons in the very high income group,to help the poor ,who are also the citizens of this ancient and famous country,incredible India?

2007-02-18 06:26:14 · 2 answers · asked by NQS 5

to do the wrong thing?

2007-02-18 06:18:13 · 12 answers · asked by daddio 7

I had a credit card when I was in college that I never paid for $1900. It has been over 5 years, and all of a sudden I was served (not by a sheriff) with a Praecipe from the collection agency. Do you think this is legit, or a scare tactic? It says at the top "In the court of common pleas of the state of __ in and for ____ county." Should I be nervous? I thought this debt was long gone. I am not in a position to pay it off right now. Do you think they will actually take me to court for $1900?

2007-02-18 06:15:31 · 12 answers · asked by lima1013 1

I suspect the more someone hates, the dumber they are? Also, the smarter the hater the lower the mental health. Take Tim Hardaway, just a stupid hater. On the other hand, Louis Farrakhan and David Duke are somewhat smart people who are also obviously insane.

2007-02-18 06:08:56 · 6 answers · asked by Big Brother 3

2007-02-18 06:03:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance was arrested on Friday, and I don't have the money right now to post bond since rent and bills were due. The bond is only $300, is there any way a bondman would help me out, or do I need to raise the money myself? I've tried to borrow money, and nobody will lend it to me naturally because of the circumstances. It was on domestic violence. Nobody got hurt, he just raised his voice at his mom's house and his sister called the cops. Any help would be appericated.

2007-02-18 05:52:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will it be a political suicide for this politician to suggest support or praise for a recent govt. policy?

Another issue: Is it ethical not to, if indeed he feels that is is a good policy for the common good

2007-02-18 05:47:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

*Perilous Times and Decaying Morality
40,000 women 'sex trafficked' for World Cup*
German government supports import of mostly poor from Central, Eastern

Posted: May 26, 2006
In response to reports that 40,000 young women will be brought to
Germany from Central and Eastern Europe to "sexually service" men
attending the World Cup soccer championship next month, a Catholic group
warns that many are desperately poor and will be "sex trafficked"
against their will.

An estimated 3 million soccer fans – mostly men – are expected to
descend on 12 German cities for the quadrennial sports event June 9 to
July 9. Prostitution is legal in Germany.

Most of the women are told "they are going to be models, waitresses or
some other harmless occupation," says C-FAM. "Many will be brutally
assaulted by intoxicated fans."

The group comments: "Whatever their circumstances, each and every one of
these young women is someone's daughter, a child of God and deserves our
protection! They do not deserve to be exploited and sentenced to a life
of misery to satisfy the sexual appetites of soccer fans."

What "makes this crime particularly appalling," adds C-FAM, "is the open
support it is receiving from the German government. The same government
that likes to lecture America on morality!"

The group is far from alone in its condemnation of the mass prostitution
campaign. Before German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to the White
House earlier this Month, U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, R.-N.J., said: "It is
an outrage that the German government is currently facilitating
prostitution and we believe women who will be exploited will be treated
as commodities."

According to the Christian Science Monitor, Brunhilde Raiser, director
of the National Council of German Womens' Organizations, said: "Forced
prostitution has yet to become a public issue of concern as a severe
violation of human and women's rights. Our goal is to bring it as far up
the political agenda as possible."

Even Sweden's "equality ombudsman," Claes Borgström, has reportedly
called for a boycott of the World Cup by the Swedish team to highlight
the problem.

Because the German red light districts are too small to accommodate the
soccer fans, the country's sex industry has built a massive prostitution
complex, including a "mega-brothel" in Berlin, next to the main World
Cup venue, that can accommodate 650 male clients.

Wooden "sex huts" or "performance boxes" have been built in fenced-in
areas the size of a football field, with condoms, showers and parking
and a special focus on protecting the customers' anonymity.

Some sources estimate that as many as 30 percent of the soccer fans will
visit prostitutes at least once.

The group is collecting names on a petition to be delivered to the
German missions to the U.N. and European Parliament, German Embassy in
the U.S., members of the German Parliament and the governing body of the
World Cup.

In December, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill that
strengthens the nation's current human trafficking law and authorizes
new funds for investigation and prosecution of domestic trafficking
within the United States.

Each year, an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across
international borders, and millions more are trafficked internally.
Worldwide, more than 3,000 traffickers were convicted last year.

A report issued in 2004 estimated 10,000 people in the United States are
being forced to work against their will under threat of violence.
Researchers found that almost half of forced laborers are in
prostitution or the sex industry, close to a third are domestic workers,
and one in 10 works in agriculture.

2007-02-18 05:45:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

do i need parental consent if im under 18?

2007-02-18 05:41:20 · 5 answers · asked by tonabi 1

(try not to put down stupid answers that you're just putting down for the two points)

2007-02-18 05:38:41 · 4 answers · asked by Neferiel 3

2007-02-18 05:36:47 · 2 answers · asked by evonne b 1

I think it is a good thing to be represented by a warrior. I am Native American and I am so tired of PC policies.

2007-02-18 05:20:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you think about the legality of marriage of two consenting adults, but they are siblings? The case ruled that it was unconstitutional because it would negatively impact the long-standing traditions of the U.S. as well as affect the interest of the State by possibly producing children that could become burdens (i.e. genetically 'unsound'). What do you think? all constructive opinions are welcome.

2007-02-18 05:16:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK this could be a book I'm sure, but I will try and give the shorter version.

I work for a big company, I dont want to say which one but I will let you know it is a fortune 20 company. I work in sales. I did something at work that may or may not get me fired if anyone found out. Someone found out. He said he wouldnt tell anyone. Then a week ago we were talking about who is going to sell more, and he said something like...." Well if you out sell me then I would just tell what you did and get you fired"

Now my company also has a strict no drug policy, and I know for a fact that this same guy that has dirt on me smoke weed ON HIS LUNCH BREAKS! and comes back to work. I have never hit him with..." well if you told then I would have them drug test you" but I was thinking about it.

Questions- If I told a higer up about this guy doing drugs, do you think they would drug test him and fire him? Should I mention to him that I would say something if he did?
What would you do?

2007-02-18 05:12:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has been 3 days the landlord in in Florida..I am told that I must wait 2-3 more days. Can I call an emergency plumber and take it off of the rent ? My child had surgery and there is no hot water for days ...we have electric hot water and I have all electric paid for.

2007-02-18 05:06:46 · 2 answers · asked by sweet pea 3

It has been 3 days the landlord in in Florida..I am told that I must wait 2-3 more days. Can I call an emergency plumber and take it off of the rent ? My child had surgery and there is no hot water for days ...we have electric hot water and I have all electric paid for.

2007-02-18 05:05:56 · 6 answers · asked by sweet pea 3

Will Bush drag OBL's body out of a morgue vault shortly before the elections and say, "see, we caught him"?

2007-02-18 05:05:19 · 3 answers · asked by Mario Savio 6

If research found that abnormalities in the association area of the brain were linked to serious criminal behavior, would you be in favor of MANDATORY testing and surgery to repair or remove the problem

2007-02-18 05:02:58 · 1 answers · asked by mrskyesha 2

2007-02-18 04:54:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it true that you actually have to get someone working in some form of proffesion prefably a doctor or nurse to sign to say you are a trustworthy person and to confirm you photo is you. also the chosen person cant be in your own family?????????????????

if so i think its outragous . what a fuss to have to go to!!!!!

2007-02-18 04:51:54 · 7 answers · asked by eddy m 2

assist an illegal girlfriend of mine to get legal status with the Immigration.
She & I were good friends untill she met him. She spelled out to me that she got married to an American to gain visa status, but the marriage did not work out so he (this secret agent guy) came into the picture & offered to help. She moved to his place & cut off comunication with all her friends(including me). I think he is too controlling of her & sometimes threatens her friends that he could get something bad on anyone, if he wants.
What do u think should be done ? All i know is his full name & hers.He never let anyone know his address.

2007-02-18 04:46:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think of this debacle?

2007-02-18 04:34:05 · 1 answers · asked by defender163 2

We already know the democrats stance so why waste time and money?

2007-02-18 04:33:05 · 5 answers · asked by defender163 2

A rather unscrupulous psychiatrist I once saw as a patient, 2 years into our sessions found the way to insidiously enter my private life out of the office. When he felt this would perhaps cause problems to his practice, he asked of me to leave him as a patient, SO that we could remain friends. Although I stupidly allowed my self to go on with his suggestions and thought to have a friendship with him, yet NEVER sexual . . I experienced almost constant and continuous emotional abuse through his words and actions.
I finally, after much daily distress experienced, because I could not believe that a supposed healer, under the Hippocratic Oath would take such license of his work's and moral code, I strengthen enough to shut him out of my life.
I, am a very strong, moral yet very naive person at times. I tend to judge situations and people by my own virtues and strict moral code, and yet I fell part of this charlatans' insidiousness. What would anyone suggest I do to bring justice to this?

2007-02-18 04:29:29 · 4 answers · asked by skydancerwi 6

I have recived mail from MEGA MILLION LOTTERY that i have won 1 million us dollar and i had to send my adderess and cell number after that they had send me certificate of that then they asked for bank account no. so that they could transfer money to my bank account .then they asked me to come to south africa to sign the fund release document or to contact the lawyer whose email adderess was given.When i contacted the lawyer he asked for 960 dollars as advance for signing the document on my behalf.
Is it a fraud or i should send the money?

2007-02-18 04:28:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

well, My uncle's wife, or ex wife i should say now. put an extortion out on him by telling him "if you dont pay me $2000 by friday i will call the police and tell them you molested our daugher". well she went through with this plan. and called the police and now he is in jail. his ex wife is bringing their daughter into this, and he is completely innocent, and they are lying about this. Do you think my uncle has a chance to win this case? what will they do to prove they were lying? and what will happen if they were caught lying about this?

2007-02-18 04:21:57 · 3 answers · asked by Brian t 2

2007-02-18 04:21:11 · 7 answers · asked by Rakesh Khatlawala 1

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