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Law & Ethics - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

in societial asspects

2006-09-15 06:25:21 · 17 answers · asked by SG 4

they why is it discrimination to not hire someone that cannot speak English clearly? If accomodating those too stupid/lazy to learn the language can be a job requirement, why can't it be a requirement that a person speak the language of the country properly?

2006-09-15 06:21:53 · 10 answers · asked by Chickidee 2

everyone they are infected and be fixed
so they can't have sex again?

reduce aids. allow gay marriage and
outlaw promiscuous saddamy. child molesters should be ,`,`,arked on the face, tethered, castrated
and given phuckin labotomies.
condemn and abolish
legal minor abuse,
prostitution, &
child abortion,
and ,`,`,andatory
idf service in israel.
dissolve the federal reserve.
return to the gold standard.

arm and train every american
citizen in the art
of ideaological

president bush - 202-456-1111

rep ron paul - 202-225-2831

sen lugar - 202-224-4814

sen mccain - 202-224-2235

sen clinton - 202-224-4451

sen schumer - 202-224-6542

2006-09-15 06:18:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


Im making my own personal blog. I will be writing my own articles and also wish to have some of the articles i searched and found interesting to be posted and discussed by my own fellow bloggers community. How do i go about doing that without violating copyright?

By the way my blog is a non-profit site and also i cant get through to the owners for permission as they do not reply to my call or my email for a few months now. I just need the article as it is very interesting and general.

One more question will be why is there some website having that same article? And i doubt its a shared permission on that article as it appears very unlikely.

Please help advise me. Thank you and God bless you.

2006-09-15 06:12:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been serching for information about the rate of convictions for child molestors. There is alot of info out there,but I guess no onehas ever asked this question before.

2006-09-15 06:00:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a naturalist. I don't believe in abortion unless it threatens the life of the mother or if the baby is defective. I don't think people should be allowed artificial insemination unless it's absolutely necessary. In believing that I feel that homosexual's are natures way of keeping the population down for they can't reproduce naturally. I think that (all) religion should be reinterpreted for today's time in a rational way and combined into a new contemporary rationalist ideology as a guidance for all people to live by and for people to decide (not forced upon). I believe in a world without borders with one centralized goverment with limited power with most jurisdiciton handed down to regional authority. I believe in aboloshing the prossecution of victimless crimes. I believe in aboloshing all weapons of mass distruction especially chemical, biological, and nuclear. I feel the world should have efficient and environmentally friendly energy production. That's my $0.02. God Bless.

2006-09-15 05:57:18 · 10 answers · asked by King of Babylon 3

2006-09-15 05:55:24 · 6 answers · asked by 3rd parties for REAL CHANGE 5

Look at it from a political & social viewpoint, not a religious one.

2006-09-15 05:19:05 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-15 05:18:00 · 4 answers · asked by bob_smith_6666 1

My children were accused of sexually abusing the kids accross the street. my kids are 5 and 6. the parents of the other kids took them to the hospital and had a rape kit done to each of them. the 2 girls are 3 and 5 and the boy is i think 8 any way after they got back from the hospital they went to each oneof my neighbors to tell them what had happened and how terrible my kids were. so dcfs came to my house and set my kids up with sex abuse couseling and they just went yesterday ( and by the way the whole time i new my kids din't do anything wrong) and I found out that they were actualy the ones that were abused by my nieghbors son that is 8 he forced them to watch a dirty movie and the made them to " bad thing to eachother". So now that i have found out the truth i have filed a police report now i want to know what else i can do. what all can i take them to court for becasue i feel like these parents need to suffer as much as my children did and i want their kids to get help?

2006-09-15 04:58:01 · 11 answers · asked by Kelly T 1

new york state town law: a town may assess the costs of establishing and maintaining a water supply district ONLY on an advalorem basis and NOT on a benefit basis. also a town may NOT establish a system of user fees to finance the costs of a water supply district.this means we can only be taxed for water on our property tax(advalorem),and not water bill. cause any money a govt. entity recieves for goods or services is tax money water bills are hidden tax. so for years we have been double taxed. to add insult to injury, i was sent a fraudulant bill for $649.00 couldnt pay it so they put it on my property tax. which is also illegal . new york state town law 198: a town may not include delinquent water charges of outside users of the village water system on town nor village tax rolls . i live outside the village they put a lien on my home. sold it now im foreclose i hear a lien cannot be enforced til water is turned off. is this true? if so what to do?

2006-09-15 04:54:29 · 2 answers · asked by mzswales 2

I would like a judge or lawyer to answer this if possible, i have joint custody of my two children.....an everyother week thing.....is this common and how does it affect the children 6 and 12.....the two houses are very different and so is the parenting style. Also how much does the court take into consideration the wants of the children?

2006-09-15 04:48:50 · 4 answers · asked by NolaDawn 5

I pay rent using a pre programmed wire transfer. This has been going on for a year, but I didn't notice that my automatic transfer stopped. Without either myself or my landlord noticing, my bank didn't send rent for 2 months. My landlord finally noticed, and notified me. I immediately sent the sum. Now my landlord is charing my thousands of dollars of interest for late payment. (My landlord is a lawyer and known for aggressive actions.) Is this allowed? I'd really appreciate some help with this.

2006-09-15 04:43:43 · 13 answers · asked by Jasper M 2

This is in the state of CA

2006-09-15 04:41:39 · 5 answers · asked by Red Head Connect 2

Wat is Ex-India Leave, What is the rule NO. as per CCS leave rules? Wat is the eligibility criteria? How to avail it? Is it same as
extra-ordinary leave (leave without pay)? Examples: Recently heard "WWE wrestler "Kali/Khali" availed same. Also a cricketer in India availed same. Please send your answer at the earliest with as much details as possible.

2006-09-15 04:34:24 · 1 answers · asked by game of life 1

How do I file a complaint against a Dr. in the state of Illinois? I cannot find any links on the home page, and the Kane County web site doesn't have anything listed for medical. Thanks

2006-09-15 04:31:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was married and living with my husband up until this past January. He pretty much forced me out of the home, leaving all my possessions there. I had to go out of state to stay with family until I could get back on my feet since I left with nothing. I spoke with him shortly after I left and he said he'd ship my stuff to me which he never did. Leaving the way I did, with nothing, and having to start over, I cannot afford an atty and they will not represent me for free in Texas where I am now.

My question is, since he forced me from the home so suddenly, can he just claim that I abandoned my possessions and had every right to do whatever he wanted with them? Do I have any claim to what was left there or at least the value of it? I understand once I go thru divorce I'll get 50% of the assets of the house but at this point, I can't afford to file for quite awhile and by the time I do, I'm afraid he'll have gotten rid of everything to hide what the home and contents are really worth.

2006-09-15 04:29:13 · 3 answers · asked by ~cardmt~ 3

I applied for SSI Disability benefits about a month ago, over the internet. I had not heard anything about it until I received a letter in the mail, yesterday. The letter said that I had a telephone appointment. They said they needed from me, my bank account number of where I would like my checks deposited and proof of age. Since they are asking me about where I would like the checks deposited, does that mean I am going to be appoved?

2006-09-15 04:12:22 · 10 answers · asked by Shay 3

My child resides in California and the so called dad AKA sperm donor now lives in Florida which I had to find out through the medical insurance company - info was given to me by mistake. Not completely but enough for me to know he's moved out of the state he originally lived. The child support services doesn't even know where he's currently living or working at so their a dead end to me. I'm not sure who to contact in Floria to get me help or where to start looking. Any suggestions anyone or suggest a website that allows you to look at other details at NO CHARGE to us? Thank you.

2006-09-15 04:06:57 · 11 answers · asked by j'smommy 1

I just found out that my children my 5 and 6 year olds were being sexually abused by my neighbors 8year old son. I have gotten them into couseling and have filed a ploice report. but i need to know if i can take the parents to court because they were supposed to be babysitting my children when all this happened. What can i do?

2006-09-15 03:52:27 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly T 1

I am a 23 year teamster who recently lost his job because the company went out of busness. I went to northram and grumman and they said if I had a top secret clearance they could use me to either drive the tractor and trailers or the buses for them. They would not put me through the process.I was wondering how this process is done and if there is a way to get this type of clearance on your own for employment purposes. If so then what are the qualifications you would need to obtain a top secret security clearance. Thank you Sincerely Mike.

2006-09-15 03:34:49 · 4 answers · asked by cochise 1


I want to get a divorce (Indiana - married 2 years - no kids). Any basic tips or advice I should know to get started. Should I consult with a lawyer just to find out what my rights are even though I'm hoping we can use a mediator. All I want is what's mine (which includes the house) and our 3 pets (which he will fight me on). He is verbally/emotionally abusive and drinks excessively sometimes. What is your advice?

2006-09-15 03:18:28 · 6 answers · asked by animal_mother 4

Husband owned house before marriage and the couple has been married 3 years. When they get a divorce does the house automatically go to the husband or woudl this be part of the divorce settlement? Indiana

2006-09-15 03:15:28 · 23 answers · asked by tamaran333 1

2006-09-15 03:10:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I work for an employment agency and did not recieve 1 day pay because of the Labour day holiday. I was told that I do not get it because the company I work for does not pay out for Stat days.

2006-09-15 03:02:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

food prices in theatres are extortive, especially to families with children

2006-09-15 02:50:39 · 2 answers · asked by fedup 1

At waht age is it legal to have sex in utah?

2006-09-15 02:02:54 · 4 answers · asked by linksora2490 1

fedest.com, questions and answers