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Law & Ethics - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

you pass me on the road and sneer in my direction. You
callme "Whiteboy","Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey", "Caveman" and that's ok But when I call you, ******, towelhead, sand-******, camel jockey, beaner, ****, or chink you call me a Racist. You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettoes the most dangerous place to live? You have the United ***** fund, You have Martin Luther King Day, You have Black History Month, You have Cesar Chavez Day, You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi, You have NACCP, You have BET If we have WET (white entertainment television) we'd be racists.
If we had White Pride day, you would call us racist.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racist.If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists.If we had a college fund that only gave white students scolarships, you'd know we'd be racist.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White Colleges" that would be racist

2006-08-05 04:39:48 · 23 answers · asked by wolfpack0810 4

2006-08-05 04:36:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The ladey claiming to be family delayed telling me about my dads death by 4 days and then had already began getting rid of his stuff befor i even new of his passing.He had an update will but she said that he only had an older will. She also said that when he was creamated that his wallet and contents would be destroyed due to bodiley fluides on it, and that he had no insurence or bank account.This was a lie ,i found the wallet and contents she had misplaced.My dad was a retiered police officer w/medicle and insurance[AARP,disability,S.S.] She has also sighned paper work as his blood sister.He told me and my sister he had a new will done a year befor his death,and told my sister were to find it in the event of his death.It was nowhere to be found.I dont have the money to pay a lawyer to do all these things and no one i have asked can give me direction to resolve this matter.Its been a year and a halfe now, and i feel i let my dad down! How can i find these documents and get leagle help?

2006-08-05 04:24:08 · 15 answers · asked by sketched4fun 2

Why do Jews kill arab children and Wemen????
Do they really want to take their land away from them because it is their holy land and arab should die for this reason? Why do jewish children sign their names on bombs that are sent to kill other children in the arab world?? Is the jewish religion based on killing the arabs to go to heaven?????

2006-08-05 03:52:16 · 21 answers · asked by little kitten 1

2006-08-05 03:50:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my step grandpa died he had some land of his mothers in his name. He didn't have a will and when they probated the estate they gave the land of my great-grandmothers to my grandma for a lifetime and a half. In her will it states that my brothers and i get half of the land and my grandpa's niece and nephew get half. Problem is the will states that the land is undivided meaning that we can't determint who gets which section. There is a house on the land that we want to fix up and live in but we don't know if we'll get to keep it when my grandmother dies. My brothers and I don't get along with my grandpa's niece and nephew and know that it will cause a problem when we try to settle everything. Is there any way that my grandma can sell my brothers and i the land before she dies to keep it in the family so that it won't be forced to auction? And if so is she required to pay them for half of it if she does sell? Serious answers only please

2006-08-05 03:45:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to replace my friends attorney.(with his permission) I live in another state and have no idea how to check on lawyers to see if they are any good...the one my friend has know , turns out to be a bankruptcy lawyer and knows zip about criminal law or just doesn't give a hoot....either way, we need to replace him! How and where do I get backround info on lawyers?

2006-08-05 03:40:39 · 5 answers · asked by m m 2

Just curious cos some woman just reported that it's hilarious to hit a man so. Double standards aren't acceptable any more.

2006-08-05 03:34:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

to fill out the FAFSA form for financial aid? (This form is a requirement before being considered for financial aid award)

2006-08-05 03:26:01 · 9 answers · asked by boss 2

I am a European non muslim male and I am happily married to a muslim woman. We had to get married in the UK, because her Islamic state forbids our union. Am I alone in thinking that Islamic law presents a double standard by not accepting our union?

Islam presents to the world an image of tolerance and acceptance...can anyone explain this contradiction in values?

If Islam wishes to stand for moral decency, it must also stand for individual freedom, lest it continue to represent the more repressive ideologies it is currently reknowned for.

2006-08-05 03:17:42 · 21 answers · asked by mickey j 1

I am a visitor in the UK on a 6month toursit visa which is soon expiring. I recently had an accident and broke my hip bone. I was cosequenlty admited and treated at an NHS hospital after a 999 call. After the treatment I was told I had to pay the bill since I wasnt covered under NHS. I totally understand this but under my current circumstances (recent graduate and still unemployed) I am totally anable to afford it. I was told if i didnt pay, i would be reported to the Home office and I would be black listed and never allowed entry into the UK ever again.

I offered to pay the money in monthly installments that i could afford until its all covered but my offer was turned down since it was "too low".

I am certainly willing to pay but that was the only way I could afford it. So the only option for me is that i will be reported to home office and blacklisted....which i dont think is fair since i agreed to pay and am still hoping to come back to the UK. What would you suggest?

2006-08-05 02:57:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

.... have you ever opened your car door into another, had a shopping cart mishap, etc.... Do you tell? Do you leave? Does it depend on who's car it was (family, friend, neighbor, stranger???) Does it depend on if there was damage? No dent, no paint damage, no tell??? Depend on if someone saw?

OR do you tell no mater what?!?! Please respond if you've done it, or it has happened to you, NOT just what you'd do in theory.

2006-08-05 02:45:00 · 16 answers · asked by virtuouskelly 3

They come into my restaurant and clean out the buffet. If airlines can charge fat people for two seats shouldn't I be able to charge for two buffets?

2006-08-05 02:33:29 · 14 answers · asked by | 1

Should they legalize weed? Yes/No, how ( if yes ) and why either way.

2006-08-05 02:21:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 02:20:36 · 4 answers · asked by jay j 2

2006-08-05 00:21:23 · 11 answers · asked by arsenio jr 1

2006-08-04 23:56:16 · 3 answers · asked by jay j 2

What is the difference?

2006-08-04 23:54:44 · 29 answers · asked by gotananswer 1

I signed off on my divorce under desperate circumstances, as my husband had tryed to kill me 9 months before, (put on probation only)and I was still afraid to cross him in any way. It was a twelve year verbal and phsically abusive marriage. He makes 400,000. per year, and has a home with no mortgage. I have physical custody of the childre(4), and receive 70,000./ year and cannot work due to child with special needs. My ex threatened me the day before court, and still being under his seige, I assented. I am now healthier (therapy) and cannot make ends meet with this settlement. He clearly can afford more, (he has had an increase as well), but I did sign off. He also it turned out, was gay and acting out our entire marriage. He is now financially abusive and I'm at my ropes end. Is there any way to bring a motion to reopen the case.

2006-08-04 23:53:14 · 11 answers · asked by momofourwithsociopathicex 1

2006-08-04 23:49:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

They have dragged this on for a year and a half and just keep delaying and making wild accusations almost every single day, sleeping with the babysitter, punching the kids, threatening her all the while I was taking care of her because she had two seizures one day. I have the kids 100% she gets a 55/45 ruling even though she admittedly drinks heavy, pops pills, and was driving without a license, it goes on and on, a judge who doesnt care, a FCS counselor goes against: drinking, prescriptions drugs, seizures, panic attacks, with her refusing counseling, refusing to quit drinking and getting all the judgements for her while I take care of her and the kids. How can I stop this train wreck?

2006-08-04 23:34:54 · 5 answers · asked by Sam1234 1

i'm trying to write a debate script against the motion 'judicial activism is justified'.First of all i'd like to know how the Bush vs.Gore case in 2002 classifies as judicial activism,secondly how does the judiciary infringe on the role of the legislature through activism.also if possible please help with examples to prove that judicial activism negatively impacts impartiality of the judiciary.

2006-08-04 23:29:28 · 2 answers · asked by blurred3103 1

2006-08-04 23:29:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-04 21:47:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im not in a position financially to divorce this creep. I basically dissappeared and started a new life from this abusive cheater. He has made it very difficult over the last year for me to retrieve my things from the home but continues to make these threats. I was hoping there would be some action I could take if he did in fact go through with this. He and his lady friend (residing in my home) would certainly profit considerably if they went through with this garage sale type of action. Thank you in advance for any advise you take time to share.

2006-08-04 21:38:09 · 20 answers · asked by LAURIE S 1

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