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Politics & Government - 25 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

The majority of prisoners in this nation have not committed any violence toward another person or committed any theft or property crime.

Does it help you sleep at night, make you feel safer?

2007-08-25 11:07:07 · 19 answers · asked by freedom first 5 in Law & Ethics

I called my boyfriends ex and the conversation went good and then something happened and she turned on me. Now she is saying she is going to file harrassment charges on me.

2007-08-25 11:04:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

they sent me a letter but the address was wrong, a little weird.

2007-08-25 11:03:44 · 4 answers · asked by Random Man 2 in Embassies & Consulates

Stem cell research, gay marriage etc.

What happened to separation of church/state?

2007-08-25 10:56:00 · 15 answers · asked by no name 1 in Politics

No joke, why do we continue to reward these inmates. They have the "right" or "choice" not to commit crimes. But we have no"choice" or "rights" in how we deal with them once they have forced themselves upon us as an unwanted responibility. Curentlly we are forced and expected to shelter, feed, provide medical care, and the biggest joke of all...rehabilitate these decision makers. This is truelly a massive injustice to the people who foot this bill. Basically we have set up a reward(no work....but plenty of food, shelter, ect) for not playing by the rules.Yes, prison is a reward.I beileve they should terminate all prisoners, and close the prisons. "Death, with no chance of incaceration" for all crimes sounds like it's just what these decision makers need to finally and fully understand that we are done spending our money on their reward program. I don't know what it cost to build and opperate a prison, but dumping these leaches in a self dug grave must be more cost effective.

2007-08-25 10:54:22 · 7 answers · asked by rachel t 4 in Law & Ethics

after suviving The forristall, and being a Pow in nam.. ect as fas as Vets I ask ya Because Veterans are this countrys only true chance for contionuing freedom, as weve fought for what we allways thought was that? now only to find dwinding answers.. to our Rights.. Ps,. be ashamed, Va. for being treated by you, as of late.. I am. Your turn to serve? yhea ok.

2007-08-25 10:50:24 · 12 answers · asked by limobill 1 in Elections

Conservatives when are you going to see and accept the truth?

2007-08-25 10:49:16 · 11 answers · asked by Blessed 1 in Politics


2007-08-25 10:49:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Why do they always prefer tax cuts to funding veteran’s benefits?


2007-08-25 10:47:16 · 17 answers · asked by no name 1 in Politics

DoN"t you think that is worst than the Berlín wall?
You maked me tired making movies about that and Now yo make the same thing?

2007-08-25 10:44:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

In Britain?In the USA?Elsewhere?

2007-08-25 10:44:05 · 15 answers · asked by godbar 2 in Politics


Note: I am not from Tulsa but they seem to have found the right soultion.

Note: Before any liberals throw any accusations about racism, you should know that my wife is from Colombia. She came here LEGALLY. Shes opposed to illegal immigration. Is she a racist too?


2007-08-25 10:43:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Alright. Last night my dad got rear ended by some idiot...in our own driveway none the less. When the police came (it was a woman) she did pretty much nothing to help the situation. Anyone could obviously tell this guy was either drunk or high or something and she didnt even give him a breathalizer! There was empty beer cans on the floor (open container policy--ticket right??). There were no skid marks, meaning he didnt even apply his brakes?? My dad's car is very banged up and he got whiplash. The car is an older car and it would take a lot to bang it up that bad. The guy claims he was going 30 mph and was going to pass but this road is a no passing zone and he also said my dad didnt turn on his signal light which he always does. He was deff. going more than 30 mph. One more problem..there were no witnesses...just the two of them. And to end this story, the police officer didnt even issue a ticket...something to me seems seriously messed up. Can anyone help me?

2007-08-25 10:42:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I read and heard from a cop that when your 17 you can move out cops woudln't do anyhting sbout it?

2007-08-25 10:41:18 · 5 answers · asked by Steph 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Never sure when they are going to attack you?
Never sure which of your neighbors they are going to form allies with to harm you...?
Never sure when they are going to take over your wife, kids and home?

Not so nice when it is brought to this level is it?

2007-08-25 10:41:14 · 17 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2 in Politics

The problem with the current liberal movement in the U.S. is that in it's attempt to aid the poor and the under represented portions of society, this liberal movement winds up working to undermine individual responsibility, individual rights, and equal opportunity for all, the fundamental philosophy of western liberalism. When specific groups are given higher priority above others, equality for all gets thrown out the window and abandoned. The rights of minorities and those identified as oppressed should not be placed above the rights of others, specifically individuals who seek to take responsibility for their own actions and to assert their own individual rights. The new cult of victimization needs to be reconsidered, and the unfairness of this concept needs to be made clear to all. By ending this rift in western liberalism, the liberal movement could be reinvigorated, and western liberals could begin to defend themselves again.

2007-08-25 10:39:18 · 13 answers · asked by poet1b 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I am about to get a divorce with my husband, but he refuses to leave the apartment. He is illegal and i started the process with immigration to get his papers, but I cancelled it. I think he just wants to stay because he has nowhere else to go. One of the reasons i am seeking a divorce is because of his violent behavior and sometimes physical outbursts, which i have pictures to prove. I guess i can go to the police and get a restraining order but that would definitely leave him no chance of getting his papers at all in the future. I'm not sure i want that as that would totally destroy his future and who knows what he will do if i do that to him. I just want him out with no drama. What are my other options? I live in new york...i have the lease in my name only...can i get mangement of the apartment to kick him out? I wish i knew more about the laws so i can know what to do in a situation like this...please help!!

2007-08-25 10:31:50 · 5 answers · asked by chia123 1 in Law & Ethics

My boyfriend and I even have a little bet on. He's a politics major and says she's in but even though he knows a lot about it and has masses of arguments for the case, I just don't see her winning. We're not American and I don't follow the race so I'm not that well informed, I'm just wondering, will she win it or not and what could be her downfall?

2007-08-25 10:29:46 · 19 answers · asked by Elle Dee 3 in Elections

California Governor Gray Davis destroyed a law made by voters. The law would have taken away benefits from undocumented workers. The pro-amnesty Democrat governor spitted on Democracy by overriding the votes of citizens.

First, the ACLU sued to have the law struck down. The liberal 9th "Circus" Court (whose rulings have been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court dozens of time) sided with the ACLU.

Then the Democrat killed the law by refusing to do his fiduciary duty to appeal Prop. 187 to the non-biased U.S. Supreme Court. Instead of appealing the law, the liberal sent the law into "arbitration". Arbitration is unheard of in a democracy. In arbitration, a group of hand chosen people were used to decide against the law.
That is about about as anti-American as it comes. Millions of California Democrats and Republicans went to the polls and voted for the law.

Davis was later kicked out of office and replaced by Arnold Swarzenegger.

2007-08-25 10:29:15 · 19 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics

while renting out the Lincoln bedroom to the Hollywood crowd. Hasn't the Presidency been made into a laughing stock enough??

2007-08-25 10:28:07 · 20 answers · asked by Freethinker 3 in Politics

2007-08-25 10:26:21 · 12 answers · asked by Page 4 in Politics

23 british soldiors have been killed by american friendly fire - with all of their military technology and "smart" extra-sensory probes, can they kill so many allied soldiors and wound over a hundred?

2007-08-25 10:20:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If someone was to give you "one billion U.S. dollars" and told you that you could only keep one million, what would you do with the rest?

2007-08-25 10:15:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

baritone farts and send them to Iraq for anti terrorist measures then we could pack up and finally leave that Country for good? Is she willing to sacrifice an evening of brussel sprouts, cauliflower and cheese,
and an undercooked pork chop smothered in sauerkraut followed by a 6 pack of Schlitz Malt Liquor beer in order to produce the noxious mixture
only her sour disposition could produce? If she really cares so much, why doesn't she offer to help?

2007-08-25 10:15:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-08-25 10:15:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I need to file a lawsuit against a denver vet for cropping my dogs ear when i went instead to get her fixed. where can i find a lawyer to do so??

2007-08-25 10:15:01 · 1 answers · asked by santista 2 in Law & Ethics

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