As long as sensible, intelligent, and fair-minded egalitarians are in the majority, and actively oppose those worthless and sociopathic agendas, they ultimately will be as doomed as their equally-bigoted first cousin, segregation. Meanwhile, the RRR continues to seek to:
1 -- FORCE girls and women to gestate UNwanted pregnancies to term against their will. (Which would be a very real, 9-month-long form of rape!)
2 -- FORCE housing discrimination upon people because they are gay, and upon couples who are unmarried and cohabitating.
3 -- BLOCK legislation that would end workplace discrimination against people over the triviality of their being gay.
4 -- DUMB DOWN America's kids by diluting real science with the pseudo-science of creationism.
5 -- DESTROY the vital separation of church and state w/gov't. endorsement of one religion.
SUGGESTIONS welcome on tactics to derail those agendas, and relegate the RRR Cult to history's dustbin, alongside the segregationists.
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