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As long as sensible, intelligent, and fair-minded egalitarians are in the majority, and actively oppose those worthless and sociopathic agendas, they ultimately will be as doomed as their equally-bigoted first cousin, segregation. Meanwhile, the RRR continues to seek to:

1 -- FORCE girls and women to gestate UNwanted pregnancies to term against their will. (Which would be a very real, 9-month-long form of rape!)

2 -- FORCE housing discrimination upon people because they are gay, and upon couples who are unmarried and cohabitating.

3 -- BLOCK legislation that would end workplace discrimination against people over the triviality of their being gay.

4 -- DUMB DOWN America's kids by diluting real science with the pseudo-science of creationism.

5 -- DESTROY the vital separation of church and state w/gov't. endorsement of one religion.

SUGGESTIONS welcome on tactics to derail those agendas, and relegate the RRR Cult to history's dustbin, alongside the segregationists.

2007-06-16 07:35:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

To "Chi Guy" -- The RRR Cult is the "Religious Radical Right. A collection comprised of mostly PSEUDO-Christian control freaks that is an infestation numbering about 5% of the US population.

Now, you asked if the girl chose to get pregnant. That's apples-and-oranges. She no more chose to get pregnant than a person chooses to get into an accident when he gets into a car. Are you really dense enough not to be able to see that for yourself? (Most RRR Cultists are **precisely** that dense.)

To "hedddon" -- I would LOVE to see you, or enyone else who whines so btatantly about the "liberal left," answer this question: How have SOCIAL progressives (not fiscal liberals... big difference!) EVER done anything other than to BENEFIT our society, and to stand up for personal liberties. If you can't answer that, than outbursts such as the one you just made do no more than to make a fool of yourself.

2007-06-16 07:56:00 · update #1

7 answers

Put the sentence in the US Constitution:
No level of government shall take any actiion that promotes one religion over another.

that way they can't keep interpretting the constituion to fit their personal agendas, like they do their bibles.

2007-06-16 07:39:34 · answer #1 · answered by avail_skillz 7 · 1 0

The progressive movement has to get together, iron out most of their differences, and present a unified front. The RRR does present a unified front better than the liberals. The liberals need to catch up with their use of Public Relations. The problem with liberals is that they assume that just because they are pro-human rights, pro-gay, pro-green, pro-choice, etc., that everyone will see the light of day and join the movement. This is America; the left wing has to learn to manipulate the media as well as the conservatives do. Hopefully, in these waning months of the failed Bush administration, the entire country will elect a Democrat and start to go left - or somewhat left - politically again.

2007-06-23 11:23:29 · answer #2 · answered by daibato 2 · 2 0

Who is the RRR?

"FORCE girls and women to gestate UNwanted pregnancies to term against their will"

Did the RRR make them choose to get pregnant too?

edit: In other words, the "girl" (as stated) versus "woman", became pregnant by accident. There was no effort involved in the process. This is a sensible statement??? It is the same as being in a automobile accident??? Yet I'm accused of being 'dense" and part of some "cult"???

Note the strategy of this bogus claim. The poster suddenly refers to the abortion candidate as a "girl" versus a "woman" as to portray her as a victim of some effortless accident in becoming pregnant. What a crock.

The life within has a right to live which trumps the right to kill due to an unforseen circumstance which could have been avoided in a myriad of ways.

Thanks for the insults and personal attacks simply because the view was disagreed upon. May God bless you and keep you safe.

2007-06-16 07:40:45 · answer #3 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 1 2

The Religious Right - revealed*
For better performance, please visit the main site at http://members.shaw.ca/trogl
"Frantic orthodoxy is never rooted in faith but in doubt. It is when we are not sure that we are doubly sure." - Reinhold Niebuhr

This site is an attempt to create a one-stop location for an understanding of the and how the Religious Right and its kidnapping of "morality", rhetoric and behavior threatens basic human rights, the people involved, and the means of fighting them. It is my intention to expand the site in the near future to provide support for people trapped in the fundamentalist lifestyle/ mindset in addition to the material already listed below. There have been persistent stories of the imminent collapse of the religious right's influence in politics. This article shows otherwise.

Down through history, the Religious Right has been opposed to science and free thought, subjecting their opponents to torture, hanging and burning at the stake and rewriting history. More recently, religious people have been content to distribute leaflets and tracts, confident that Armageddon will happen soon. Now, however, the Religious Right has taken to the streets, the airwaves (televangelism), the media, the Internet and especially politics in a bold attempt to get people to conform to their version of "morality". This has even been referred to as the Vast Right-Wing conspiracy. The Religious Right has been furthering its agenda using the following tools:

Television and radio
Newspaper publications, ads and editorials
The mail
Billboards and bumper stickers
Public funding of religious programs
Religious tracts, flyers, pamphlets, voter guides and give-away magazines
Bestsellers like the Left Behind series
Local, State/Provincial and Federal politics including George W. Bush
Using government supplied funds (e.g. abstinence education) for religious purposes
The Courts
The Schools
The Workplace
Junk science and Conservative think tanks
The Internet
Picketing funerals and Picketing and boycotting Disney and other gay-friendly companies
Attacks on other religions

Lately their primary target has been gays, whom they say are sodomites, perverts and "an abomination", "should be put to death" and will "burn in hell" due to eternal damnation. They claim to have Biblical proof to justify this. They claim there is a "gay agenda" designed to spread AIDS, prey upon children and destroy "family values" by (among other things) gay marriage and gay adoption and other "special rights" and are therefore furious with the Clinton administration for promoting gay rights. The religious right also promotes an ex-gay movement that claims to cure gay orientation. The most recent result of this activity has been an unprecedented wave of hatred, homophobia, discrimination and violence. Interestingly, the Religious Right now complains about being discriminated against.

In many cases the Religious Right has little to do with religion and plenty to do with money and politics. Many televangelists TV programs are nothing but ongoing demands for more and more money from their viewers. Some churches have become so enmeshed in politics that the IRS has removed their tax-exempt status.

* People have complained that I am tarring all religious people with the same brush, making this a hate site against Christians. That is not my intention. There is a group of people who have identified themselves as being the Religious Right. I playfully refer to them as the "Rabid Religious Right" or "RRR" for short. This site addresses remarks and behavior of those people individually and as a group where they have so identified themselves.

They are promoting a twisted message of Christ, something hateful and practically unrecognizable and certainly not "Christian". In many cases this is through no fault of their own - they have been brainwashed. I hope to offer a ray of hope to people affected by this ideology.

I have attempted to link all information to my original source.

The following additional links are useful. Please bookmark me so you'll make it back.

Rants, statements and breaking news

Matthew Shephard's father's statement to the court
The dish^ rants - rant1, rant2, rant3
A Vermont mother's statement about intolerance and related story

Religion and conservatism

Walk away from fundamentalism - forum
A Christian looks at the Religious Right
Derrick Neill's "Duck Egg Blue" - a novel about the religious right (bottom of page)
Religious Opinion on Social issues Sowing the seeds of tolerance
Ontario Consultants on Religious Intolerance
How to win against the Religious Right
Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse
Providing the Tools to fight the Religious Right
How to fight the right
How to fight the right - resources and links
Known thine enemy
The American Right: about the true nature of the American Religious Right movement
Responding to the Southern Baptists
Religious Freedom Coalition

Gay Issues

Advocate Magazine online

Out Proud - gay youth support site
LYRIC - Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center
Just the facts about sexual orientation and youth - PFLAG
What does gay mean - National Mental Health Association
GLAAD online
Human Rights Campaign
Gay Today
Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Edmonton
Homosexuality: Common Questions and Statements Addressed
Queer Resources Directory
Promoting Responsible Fatherhood
Gay issues
Temenos - gay, lesbian, trans and bi Community online

Hate and violence

Wired Strategies Hate Site

Fighting homophobia in the schools
Fighting Hate Across the Nation
Fighting Anti-gay Hate Crimes
IHAVE Foundation
The Public Eye
New York Gay & Lesbian Anti-violence Project
Stopping Anti-Gay Abuse in the Public Schools



Impeach the impeachers - hypocrites
American Civil Liberties Union
Online Journal
Impeach the GOP - Bob Kunst's Anti-Right site


2007-06-21 17:31:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Someone else who believes the usually liberal garbage about the "religious right". Does it ever occur to you to question the pap that those people feed you about religion?

2007-06-23 14:35:54 · answer #5 · answered by smsmith500 7 · 0 1

My answer is free your soul of this hate and intolerance and use your brain for something other than a conduit for the extrema liberal left. A mind truly is a terrible thing to waste, so please get informed on all sides of the argument before you totally surrender to your extrema liberal gods.

As I said, free your hate filled mind and seek truth. It is out there you will just have to turn off the TV, get off the couch, open a book or news paper and read. Just read. It will free you from hate and let you live a full filling life filled with opinions based on reality not the hypothesis's you wail over.
What is worse is that out liberal educational system has led you down this path of fantacy.
Abortions are legal, its late term abortions of fetus's that can live out side the womb that are at question today. Of course you didnt know that because Micheal Moore was on your dvd and you were to lazy to look up what you are talking about.

Housing and other social programs are based on total family income, not race or religion. Another fact you omit.

Civil rights are guaranteed to all. Just because the word gay is not in front of it dosent mean that their not protected. Thats only in your mind.

You as a self discribed progressive liberal surely agrees that kids should be exposed to differnt thoughts and ideas that can form an educational base which to examine further if they so wish.

I to would like to see this vital seperation of church and state be revealed. Which religion is our government endorseing? You mean the Judeo-Christian beliefs this country was founded in?

As I said, free your hate filled mind and remember life is a long road to knowledge, get back on the highway, please.

2007-06-16 07:42:45 · answer #6 · answered by hedddon 5 · 2 6

Vote for rational people who don't put religion ahead of the constitution.

9 month long rape. Hadn't heard that one before.

2007-06-16 07:44:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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