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Politics & Government - 28 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Ok, this is an interesting one.... my firend's ex has been arrested for like the hundreth time and she is trying to get an emergency hearing to gain full and total custody of the children, at least temporarily. She has Legal Aide and the lawyer told her to get the probation officer's name so they could get the offical results of the failed drug test (this is what put him back in jail this time) so they can present it to the judge. I know everyone will be wondering why the lawyer can't do this (my friend is asking herself the same question) but for what ever reason she can't or she won't. How do we go about getting the probation officer's name, his family is of NO help.

2007-02-28 04:12:57 · 8 answers · asked by Princess Veronica's Mom 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-28 04:11:27 · 41 answers · asked by repukesvsworkers 1 in Politics

2007-02-28 04:10:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

mr. green planet huh?

2007-02-28 04:09:50 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

why do Republicans and Consevatives even care what she says or does???

2007-02-28 04:08:38 · 13 answers · asked by truth seeker 7 in Politics

I think that partisanship is one of America's biggest threats. A divided house cannot stand. I know I personally have been guilty of taking the wrong course of action in improving this situation. I'd like to improve my own actions and I believe others do too.

I'm really interested in a solution that can smash harmful negative labeling and intellectual diminishment in discussion of important issues. I'd love to see the bar of civility being raised, not dropped.

Here's my ideas:

1. You can't always control the actions of others, but you can always control yourself. Change your mindset. Try to eliminate labels from your brain. Forget party affiliation and just look at raw ideas.

2. Look at the intent. Most people are just doing what they believe is right. When we cast negative labels on a group, we tend to forget that.

3. End ad hominem and unproductive generalisations. They accomplish nothing. Discourage them gently in others.

Thoughts? Answers? Ideas?

2007-02-28 04:08:33 · 10 answers · asked by The_Music_Man 3 in Other - Politics & Government

If so, should evolution be banned?

2007-02-28 04:08:28 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

There's a 'nazi-type' food group trying to ban Girl Scouts from selling Cookies . Now before you laugh yourself right outta your chair, I'll tell ya, it's TRUE . The President of that group was on the O'Reilly Factor last night(did CNN cover the story as well, or have they either hidden the agenda, or are they out-right promoting it) and she thinks that it's wrong for kids to sell cookies because they may be fattening(and they are) . Where is our FREEDOM on that issue ? I saw some answers on a similar type question earlier. . . and some people ran to the 'cost of healthcare' as their justification for their view . OK. . . . Then what about Pop Tarts, Cheetos, Pizza, Doritos, Cheese(I understand California Wine Drinkers LOVE a little cheese with their whine !! ) . This is such insanity, I'll just let you answer .

Are we gonna let them push their agenda on us, or would you like to be TOLD what you can and cannot eat ?

2007-02-28 04:08:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Have you ever read your Constitution? If not, how will you ever know what your rights are?

That's a question my father posed to me yesterday. So i began to think, the government can screw most Americans over illegally, simply because we dont know what our rights are. Believe it or not, the Constitution was written to protect American citizens from the government, and to put limits on what the Government can do. Lately it seems government has forgotten it's place in society, and I think it is our job to remind them.

So let us all agree, for our own good, to read the Constitution and maybe even tell someone you know to do the same.

All in favor by saying "I"

much love


2007-02-28 04:08:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i live here and don't have a clue and neither do most people i talk to!

2007-02-28 04:06:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-28 04:05:18 · 2 answers · asked by wllewis13 1 in Government

act like a band of wild gang members on crack when they make arrests after a car chase? I saw on TV the car chase that ended in a crash when the cops spun out the car and the driver got out and held his hands up to surrender and was lying down like the cops told him to.Then the cops, 6 or 7 at least jumped on him with the full weight of their bodies squashing the life breath out of the suspect and twisted his arms and legs and had their knees on his head pushing the head into the pavement.Plus 3 more cops that arrived late joined in the battery being doled out by the cops under the color of authority. Jeez these cops better wise up,the whole thing was caught on video by the media and I am certain some lawyer will supena the footage to file a law suit.The cops are wasting my tax dollars having to settle law suits because they act like wild dogs out of control.

2007-02-28 04:03:38 · 22 answers · asked by TD1HOGY2K 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

and how much would you predict this to increase when iraq vets come home?....any predictions?

2007-02-28 04:03:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

All I want to do is join the air force as a military doctor. All I wanted to do was do all the cool stuff like the marines. Do fast roping and spy rigging of a helicopter, climb over wall, learn to snipe, learn military tactics such as "slicing the pie" and many more.

but now I hear, according to the Geneva Convention, medical personals can only carry a 9mm pistol and ONLY SHOOT when their life or their patient's life is in danger. A FUDGING 9MM, its like a water pistol!

This is so lame, I can't even get my first kill......wtf?

2007-02-28 04:03:33 · 5 answers · asked by PROUD TO BE A LIBERAL TEEN! 4 in Politics

Yahoo! Answers "Nancy" has a husband in the military. I think it is driving her a little cukoo, maybe with worry.

Before her attitude and demeanor becomes like that of Cindy Sheehan, how can we help her see her outlook is skewed, and her pessimistic attitude is part of a zero sum game?

Are we partly to blame for her loony tirades because we pay attention to her?

2007-02-28 04:02:58 · 6 answers · asked by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 in Politics

I think we would be at an advantage. I would much prefer to be pally with the EU than those fascists in the Whitehouse. What are your opinions?

Do you think we would put ourselves at much of an economic disadvantage?

2007-02-28 04:02:20 · 27 answers · asked by M 3 in Other - Politics & Government

When you consider the following:

- Today, it’s legal in 33 states to fire an employee just for being gay, lesbian or bisexual, and in 42 states it’s legal to fire someone for being transgender.

- The USA has a huge percentage of the population in prison. It not only has the highest percentage in the Western World but also a higher percentage than most developing nations.

- America will happily detain and torture people without trial.

- America has the highest legal alcohol consumption age. Consider this at 18 you are old enough to decide how your country is run but if the guy you vote for gets in you cannot drink a glass of champagne to celebrate.

- America has the death penalty.

- America will (and has) execute juvenile offenders and those with mental illnesses.

- The Patriot Act restricts rights such as free speech and assembly

There is so much more but I am running out of characters. So why does America still call itself the Land of the Free?

2007-02-28 04:01:55 · 35 answers · asked by Kenny W 2 in Politics

If given a custodial sentence for a summary offence, what is the likelyhood of being bailed on appeal?

Does this happen?

If not, when the appeal is heard and its decided the original sentence was too severe and you have already served your sentence what happens then?

I'm referring to a case where a guilty plea has been submitted and the appeal is in relation to the sentence.


2007-02-28 04:01:36 · 4 answers · asked by Flymo50 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-28 04:00:12 · 2 answers · asked by roy p 1 in Law & Ethics

If given a custodial sentence for a summary offence, what is the likelyhood of being bailed on appeal?

Does this happen?

If not, when the appeal is heard and its decided the original sentence was too severe and you have already served your sentence what happens then?


2007-02-28 03:59:54 · 4 answers · asked by Flymo50 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Get ready, Oregon is already in the process of implementing it.


Because Americans are learning to be more fuel efficient.

2007-02-28 03:59:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Navy SEAL, Green Berets, marine special forces?

I'm just curious

2007-02-28 03:59:29 · 12 answers · asked by Fire_God_69 5 in Military

What is the legal requirement on a credit agreement, I checked online and got (from CAB) that they have to have 2 signatures (customer and lender) to be legal but what about agreement numbers, dates ect...
What makes it legally binding ?
Can't seem to find anything (understandable) more when I google.

2007-02-28 03:59:11 · 5 answers · asked by isleofskye 5 in Law & Ethics

and they business profits

2007-02-28 03:56:58 · 20 answers · asked by Victor Nunez 1 in Immigration

A few months ago, one of my closest friends turned agaisnst me, she swore at me, blanked me, and back chatted. Normally, this wouldn't have bothered me, I would just get on with life and wait for things to settle down. But it did bother me, a lot. It was at the back of my mind nearly all the time, I went completly unproportional and often cried myself to sleep. I would cry in lessons at school. I had no idea what was happening to me. Eventually, after a few weeks, my friend made up with me.

I was fine then, for a couple of days, when I suddenly, out of the blue, became completly governed by the fact that I didn't have a boyfriend, something that had never bothered me before.

I eventually got over that, but another thing came along and that one thing controls me for ages.

Even today, I was sworn at in hockey becuase I accidently hurt a girl. I came home in tears and now feel awfull because of it.

Please tell me what is going on and how to stop this happening.

2007-02-28 03:56:51 · 6 answers · asked by tiger 2 in Politics

Answers from everywhere please, particularly interested in answers from UK & USA perspective.

If you can find one thing what would he be truly remembered for.

2007-02-28 03:56:12 · 14 answers · asked by Lady Hazy 4 in Politics

If you do, who do you prefer between the three main candidates, i.e Ségolène Royal (left), Nicolas Sarkozy (right) and François Bayrou (Center) ?
I am a French citizen and I am curious to know what is the opinion in GB.
Thanks !

2007-02-28 03:53:41 · 4 answers · asked by Bobby 5 in Elections

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