Some person that are too sensitive think that my answer was too harsh and offensive.. Please you, my fellow members make the decision and decide if is wrong or not,, then only then I will back off, but.... not until then..... Thank you !
Hello alberto g (albertogarmit)
You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines. As a result, your content has been deleted.
Question: Illegal Immigrants are paying alot more taxes than you think?
Question Details: If you think that illegal aliens are paying taxes you are naive. Studies have show that it is the opposite. And the reason for this is that they earn a low wage salary, don't have documents and are paid under the table but when their families get sick they go into our hospitals and don't pay a cent. What about false documents, do you think that this is good for us the gringos, that they rob our ID and work with them. What about schools, who pay for this, the government of Mexico or the gringos with our taxes. The only ones that benefit from the illegal aliens are the corporations that hire them, the illegal aliens and Mexico that receive over a billion $$ that is send back to them.If what you say is true do you think that we are that stupid and complain about it. There is more but I think that I have made my point to you and the rest that think like you. Good luck!!
Deleted Answer: If you think that illegal aliens are paying taxes you are naive. Studies have show that it is the opposite. And the reason for this is that they earn a low wage salary, don't have documents and are paid under the table but when their families get sick they go into our hospitals and don't pay a cent. What about false documents, do you think that this is good for us the gringos, that they rob our ID and work with them. What about schools, who pay for this, the government of Mexico or the gringos with our taxes. The only ones that benefit from the illegal aliens are the corporations that hire them, the illegal aliens and Mexico that receive over a billion $$ that is send back to them.If what you say is true do you think that we are that stupid and complain about it. There is more but I think that I have made my point to you and the rest that think like you. Good luck!!
Reason of Violation:Epithets & Slurs
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