Why do you have the right to abortion anyhow ?
If it is a constitutional right show me where it is written so it can be ammended .
They say it is the womans body , it is her choice . Didn't she make that choice when she had sex ? Nope in their view she didnt . So she has the choice to have sex or not and then to abortion or not . If she chooses to have the child then she has the right to child support too . So she gets all the choices ? yes she does . They said the man could have wore a condom, but the woman could have took birth control , or not had the sex . That was her choice . So since she had the choice to have sex or not , then had the choice to abort or not , without any choice being given to the man , how then can she demand child support ? shouldnt the man have the choice rather to pay the child support ? since she was the one who decided to have the child ?
I have never seen it written in the constitution that give rights to abortion but it does say that any power not given is reserved to the states
ALSO......... even though it isnt wrtten in the constitution giving any abortion right it is written in the constition that grants EVERYONE EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW ! !
So if she has the right to have sex ! if she has the right to abort or not to ! then should she have the right to child support ?
Where is the equal protection under the law as granted via the constitution
9 answers
asked by
thomas m
Law & Ethics