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Politics & Government - 5 February 2007

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Source: CNN News.... Two past security operations in the capital over the past nine months — Operations Together Forward I and II — have failed and the United States blamed Iraqi authorities for failing to produce the number of troops promised. Is this another Vietnam in the making?

2007-02-05 03:12:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I think many statements made by Democrats are Seditious such as Durbins statement about out soldiers being Nazis.

2007-02-05 03:11:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

O yeah I would like of course more than a text book definition.I can just google that.What is it to you and why do you have a problem with it if you have.Ohters are also welcome to shine their light on why conservatives make such a big deal out of this

2007-02-05 03:11:03 · 9 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7 in Politics

Which one is better or more elite...

I would say Delta Force since they are invites only(or so they say)....

2007-02-05 03:10:54 · 11 answers · asked by jack 6 in Military

My brother is hopeless and my niece is sufferring. WHats the legal issue, the length and cost to adopt/apply my niece to come america? she's 3yrsold
Any lawyer can help?

2007-02-05 03:10:30 · 2 answers · asked by mesui p 1 in Immigration

2007-02-05 03:09:53 · 17 answers · asked by shortcake 2 in Politics

2007-02-05 03:09:44 · 2 answers · asked by Teresa H 3 in Government

because he caught a man raping a 9 year old little girl, and he phyically beat the man to death. This little girl was bleeding from the severity of this rape, the man who beat the rapist to death has a 9 year old daughter. This little girl was found missing from her home, her parents and their friends went looking for her. The man who beat the rapist to death did so in front of the child, he said he just lost it , he couldn't believe what he was seeing, he said he just thought about his own daughter and snapped. Do you think it is fair that this man remain in prison for the rest of his life with no parole?

2007-02-05 03:08:35 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Dats too many digits!

2007-02-05 03:07:52 · 4 answers · asked by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I am waiting for the security checks to be done on my fiance in Morocco. I was just recenty informed that his wait could be 3-4 months because his name is Mohammed, is this true?? Or does anyone know anything about this??? Please help !!!!

2007-02-05 03:06:13 · 5 answers · asked by friendsrule4ever 2 in Immigration

im thinking politicians / american / IQ of a monkey ( sorry monkeys everywhere )

2007-02-05 03:05:00 · 12 answers · asked by steve m 1 in Politics

A friend of mine brought her kitten into the vet, because someone stepped on him. There didnt seem to be any serious harm done, but he was breathing a little hard. The vet said that he was in shock, and would keep him overnight for observation. He gave him two shots, of darvanx? or something that sounds like that. My friend didn't have the money to pay the vet, at the time (didn't plan for an emergency visit). So the vet kept the cat for a week. Saturday morning she picked up the kitten. His stomach was grossly distended, like he had worms, but the vet said that he wormed him. He didnt comment on what could have caused the cat's stomach to be distended like that. He gave the kitten a clean bill of health. Sunday morning, he had died in his sleep. The vet says that the kitten probably just had a heartattack, and takes absolutely no responsibility in the kittens death. Why would he have released him if there was probelm? What can we do? Can the vet be held responsible?

2007-02-05 03:04:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

back when he was planning to Invade Kuwait, He proclaimed that higher oil prices slow outgrowth. Wasn't it part of their New world Order to control the oil and keep the american public from suffering to pay for it?

2007-02-05 03:03:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

As of 8:31 a.m. CST The following topic on Yahoo web page.
"• Bush budget includes billions more in war funding"

How is it that our political leaders are able to make the money
available to have our young people killed in Iraq but can't reasonably budget to care for kids at home?

The solution in the Middle East lies in Government paid for "Manhatan Atomic Bomb " like Project devoted to developing an energy replacement for oil and then let Middle East countries
settle their own problems.

2007-02-05 03:01:35 · 13 answers · asked by dollparty.geo 2 in Government

Who posed a greater threat to America? Would you be willing to put Saddam (or someone like him, considering he's dead) back in power in Iraq in exchange for Osama bin Laden? How many Americans was Hussein responsible for killing on American soil? How many was bin Laden responsible for? Iraq was under constant surveillance. They were not an imminent threat to US security. But, while we are busy trying to turn Iraq into the 51st state, OBL is plotting his next attack. Does that bother anyone else?

2007-02-05 03:00:49 · 14 answers · asked by rob 3 in Politics

This seems to be a fundamental problem with many of the Liberal's Ideology . Countless times, they have posted material strongly stating that 'dissent' is a form of, or even DEFINES Democracy . WAAAAAY Off Base . While dissent is available and legal, it is absolutely NOT the definition of Democracy, nor is it ANY indication of Patriotism !! Who is responsible for inserting this discombobulated, twisted notion into the minds of our fellow Americans . The parallels between this notion, and the way Radical Islamists espouse their 'notions', is undeniably similar .

2007-02-05 02:57:33 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

im not a drunk driver i cant drive for medical reasons i have not had a ticket in fifeteen years but had to drive to hospital when child was hurt playing ball school called said child was injured and at hospital had no other way so i went and on way home shore enough got stoped and arrested

2007-02-05 02:55:43 · 23 answers · asked by dmcg7734 1 in Law & Ethics

Ok, I need to know if it is necessary to have a lawyer when adopting your niece and her mother is voluntarily giving her to me, if not, how do I proceed and where can I get free help with questions or filling out paperwork?
I live in Houston Texas
anyone know any helpful online sites?

2007-02-05 02:54:30 · 3 answers · asked by dayapibu 2 in Law & Ethics

Most of the time they are not working so they are they are getting food stamps for the kids. How do they get away with it? Don't you think the IRS would catch on to the fact that they claim the kids for food stamps all year then someone totally different claims them at income tax time? Does it affect the kid in the future? WTF

2007-02-05 02:54:26 · 2 answers · asked by bhbghgjbvmnbncvb 4 in Law & Ethics

As the Iraq war has cost us $380,000,000,000 debt dollars so far and Bush wants another $100,000,000 to blow up - I'm thinking, what else could we spend that money on? Any ideas?

2007-02-05 02:54:06 · 35 answers · asked by leponderer 1 in Government

While mobilizing at Camp Shelby, MS the AAFES clothing sales had moisture wicking foliage green t-shirts for sale right next to the moisture wicking tan t-shirts. I purchased a 3-pk. of shirts, but was just questioned as to whether they were "authorized" ? The newest update I can find to AR 670-1 is dated early 2005 and does not even address ACU's. I know that there are several on-line pages that indicate that the brown cotton and tan moisture wicking t-shirts are authorized, - but is "foliage green" authorized ? Or if not, then why would AAFES be selling them through Clothing Sales implying that they were ?

2007-02-05 02:53:10 · 6 answers · asked by AbnCavScout 1 in Military

Any info is most welcome.

2007-02-05 02:53:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I am talking about the level of Fascist corporate Capitalism currently in USA that swears YOU have a democracy yet the political/voting/polling system is completely corrupt! No voter currently has the ability to trace their ballot cast from polling point through transmiting points of numeric results! Where is our democracy?

2007-02-05 02:52:49 · 4 answers · asked by bulabate 6 in Other - Politics & Government

US war can he/she be removed from office/impeached to help US troops (who can do nothing to protest a faulty commander in chief)?

2007-02-05 02:52:29 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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