I have a 3 year old 3lb. teacup female yorkie named Bunny. The horrible people I bought her from stepped on her when she was first born, leaving her with a broken back leg, right in the knee joint. She can't bend it, but she does use it. So, even though she is just gorgeous, and I have the perfect stud match, I am afraid to breed her. The vet says I should have her fixed and that I should not let her gain any weight because of her bad leg. I was always under the impression that when you fix a dog, they gain weight? And her being a small dog, what will her personality be after she is spayed? My husband and I are both young and active, will this keep her active and fun? I don't want it to make her mean and not want to play anymore. (Playing fetch is all that she wants to do!) What should I do? Will she still have the same personality afterwards? I love her so much, I don't want her to change!
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