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My dog keeps getting out of the fence. The neighbors have one of her puppies and she goes to their house to see him. They shoo her aways and she goes roaming the neighborhood. We have tried repairing the fence where she's pushing it out. Putting her on a chain is not an option. That to me is cruel and leads to dog bites and possessive behavior. My other dogs don't get out. She goes for walks everyday. We play with her and show her attention when she's good. I have tried to tell the people that have her puppy to play with him the their back yard and not to let him cross the street to get to our house. They said it's their dog and they will do what they want. She was brought home once by animal controll. Someone called and said there was a vicious dog loose. They said she was trying to get attention from him and he thought she was showing aggression. I don't want to loose her and I need to figure out how to keep her in.

2007-11-09 01:48:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

She stays inside. This happens while I am outside but I also have a 2 year old daughter. I don't sit on the couch and leave her outside. We have a large 2 acre yard. I will be in another part of the yard chasing my child. I would love to have eyes in the back of my head but that's not possible. So if you are going to say leaving her outside is cruel don't answer!

2007-11-09 02:06:18 · update #1

21 answers

you say you think chains are cruel, but I think keeping your dogs outside is equally bad. bring it inside.

2007-11-09 01:51:01 · answer #1 · answered by Shredded Cottage Cheese 6 · 4 2

Is your yard big enough for a kennel? What we have is a kennel that goes back behind our garage (2 1/2 car garage) & also it goes into the garage a little ways. The kennel is pretty big, although when we first moved in my honey didn't want to keep the dogs in it, because they were used to runing on a fenced 1/2 acre. We have an acre now, but it isn't fenced. The guys that lived there before had 2 pitbulls so the kennel fence goes up pretty high. They really like it, & the inside space has straw for them. They are only in it for 5-6 hours a day, sometimes more.

2007-11-09 01:59:46 · answer #2 · answered by Sugar Magnolia 6 · 2 0

for the record.. the invisible fence recommendation is not a good idea.. if the drive is that strong (which for access to one of her puppies most likely would be) she'd get through the fence, but then remembering the pain it will cause avoid coming back into the yard at all costs.

Try to keep the dogs attention on you.. I have a beagle (notorious for following their noses and running off), and I have successfully had him off leash with me in the yard. (when I lived in a house with no fence.. You have to watch, if the dogs starts sniffing or gets too interested in finding a way out call the dog to you.. if you know your child needs some attention, call the dog to you on your way to the child.. It will take some time, but if the dog is coming WITH you it is less likely to get out. Don't leave the dog alone outside.

And.. for the record, chains are NOT cruel for temporary outside priveledges. Leaving a dog on a chain for hours on end is in my opinion, but even just leaving out in a fenced in yard that long is to me as well.. If it's THAT bad, a chain would be a good option... just don't leave her all alone while on it.. don't JUST play with your child, play with the dog as well.

2007-11-09 03:07:25 · answer #3 · answered by kaijawitch 7 · 0 0

Have you tried an invisible fence? Though the method may seem cruel, it is very safe for your pet. A good company to use is called Pet Stop. I have it for my dog. The trainers require you shock yourself before you shock your dog so you can be sure it won't hurt your dog.

I have a car-obsessed Border Collie on an invisible fence. She is very sensitive, so she's only been shocked a few times (now she won't go anywhere near the fence), but the advantages are great. She doesn't need a lead when we let her out and she has no way of getting under or over the fence, because she can't see it.

Try researching invisible fence companies in your area. The one drawback is that they are quite expensive, but a pets safety is always more important than money!

2007-11-09 01:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by Fur and Fiction 6 · 4 1

u have to watch her when u let her out. having a fence doesnt mean that u can just open the door and let her out and then go back and sit on the couch u have to watch her. and by the way chaining a dog outside when they have to go potty doesnt make them mean and aggressive. i do it because i dont have a fenced yard and my dog isnt quite trained yet to know his boundaries. chaining a dog up in a back yard for the rest of its life with no human contact and very little food is what makes them mean and aggressive. so u might want to consider the chain thing and teach her her boundaries

EDIT: two acres is too much room for a fenced yard. fence in a smaller portion behind ur house so u can keep a better eye on ur dog and ur kid. either that or take ur dog outside and leave the kid inside or vice versa. honestly i would reccomend a leash. they dont make a dog aggressive and mean

2007-11-09 01:55:02 · answer #5 · answered by Stephanie 6 · 2 1

You should read "California Girl", she had to go through a lot of pain and agony, hopefully you can take care of the problem before it is too late!!! If I were having this problem, I would only let my dogs out, when I was actually out there to watch them!! I would start walking them on a leash, and not let them go out on their own!! Bless her heart, she just wants to see her puppies, and she gets preoccupied, when they shoo her away!! Good Luck, I hope you can get the fencing all worked out, quick!!

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't know you were out there too! This is a hard situation you are in!! Is it possible to get another fence, or hire someone to repair all of the places she is getting out?? You have got your hands full, with a baby and your dog that wants her babies!! Bless YOUR heart!!!!!

2007-11-09 02:11:52 · answer #6 · answered by meloni o 4 · 1 0

I just want to let you know that if you dont fix this problem asap your dog will get hit by a car like mine did last week :(

My small dog had a doggy door that led to a fenced back yard that was all borded up on the bottom to prevent digging. But he dug under the fence door & went roaming & got hit by a car & died :( he was only 4.

I dont want this to happen to your dog. Please bring the dog inside & supervise outings. Make sure the fence is foolproof or you will regret it like I did.

Give your dog the protection that he deserves.

2007-11-09 01:58:47 · answer #7 · answered by California Girl 3 · 2 0

It is NOT cruel to keep your dog on a lease. It IS cruel to let her get out and possibly get hurt, hurt someone or get killed. They have leashes that are long enough to give her plenty of moving space. It is also NOT cruel to install an invisible fence that will tranfer a shock (that is not harmful) to her everytime she tries to pass thru. Do as you wish but I would hate to see your dog get run over by a car or cause someone to try and avoid hitting her and crashing and sueing you. Good luck!

2007-11-09 01:56:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I'd say invisible fencing is the way to go. It isn't cheap but it works beautifuly. And it does NOT hurt the dog. I even felt the shock. It feels like when you walk on a rug in socks and then touch something metal. A little shock. Here's a link to the site.
Good Luck!!!!!

2007-11-09 02:26:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Awww, let the poor girl see her baby every once in a while...

In the mean time you've got to find a way to fix that fence. It's not the dogs fault that the puppy is next door. It is her basic instinct to try to get to her lost puppy.

2007-11-09 01:54:19 · answer #10 · answered by Jason 6 · 3 0

Get a better fence she can't push out, or put her on a dog run. If you keep letting this happen she will end up getting hit by a car.

2007-11-09 01:51:37 · answer #11 · answered by Eraserhead 6 · 2 0

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