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Dogs - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

My sister has proplems whith fur. I live is MO I love dogs and I whont one so BAD!!!!!

2007-09-06 06:59:48 · 13 answers · asked by stephanie l 1


2007-09-06 06:53:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was contacted by this lady who runs a animal rescue here where I live. We have been looking for a small dog for my daughter since she had to give up her kittens due to severe allergies.
well this lady has a 4 month old Toy pom/fox terrier mix and contacted me to see if I want it. MY ONLY CONCERN is that she told me the puppy is very stubborn in the crate training area and we are re-carpeting our house this weekend. I am afraid the new dog will pee all over the place.

What would you do. Advice appreciated.

2007-09-06 06:51:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends saw him get hit by a car and took him to the vet. They couldn't keep him so we offered to take him. He's much better. He's about 5 years old, and he is very good around the kids, but adults seem to scare him.(he is not at all aggressive though) He's starting to warm up to my boyfriend and I but I know I need to walk him to socialize him and so he can get some exercise, but he's afraid of the leash. I dont want to corner him to leash him, because he is so scared. Does any one have any ideas to get him to trust me a little more.

I have rehabed other rescue dogs before and I'm used to the violent ones (mainly german shepards and small dogs pits are a completely diffrent animal) . So, I don't want him to become violent by forcing anything on him

2007-09-06 06:48:00 · 14 answers · asked by Tristan P 1

Please let me know as soon as you can!

2007-09-06 06:46:19 · 19 answers · asked by Elijah 1

mine chow chow knows:

ride (even if u spell it)
pill (she hates takin them)

my pit bull knows: all of this only happens if its food.

walk (kinda)

2007-09-06 06:45:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think my dog is pregnant she is 3 yrs old and i didnt know my male was old enough then i saw them tied together so she is probally pregnant. Anyway i WAS planning on getting an abortion and getting her spayed and getting the male fixed. Then my male dog broke out of the fence and wondered onto the freeway and got killed:( we dont even live near a freeway that what makes me mad. and i want to keep one of her puppies and i have lots of relatives who are also willing to have one. I just really miss bear and i want one of his puppies but will i be a bad pet owner if i allow this to happen

2007-09-06 06:37:55 · 19 answers · asked by GSD Girl 3

i think my dog has a urinary infection. what over the counter things can i buy to help him ?

2007-09-06 06:33:28 · 6 answers · asked by Armywife123 2

2007-09-06 06:21:36 · 14 answers · asked by Gray Wolf 1

Here bullymommy, I'll post the question for you. I'll even let you choose Best Answer.


Please keep all answers respectful and rational. Thank you !

2007-09-06 05:54:31 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

got her from the pound several months ago, the lady from the pound did not know if she has been groomed before (as in hair cut) so I'm not sure if I should do it or have a professional b/c I am not sure how my dog will take someone else doing it(I don't even know how she would handle me doing it). Otherwise, her temperament is so-so. (baths even make her nervous). The reason why I did not send her to a groomer a long time ago was because other things got in the way such as HUGE bills (I know it sounds horrible but it's true) and have had a hard time getting that extra money to do this.

2007-09-06 05:15:48 · 14 answers · asked by sara 4

I know that in CA, every cat and dog aged 4 months or over have to get their rabbies shot.
anyway it does not mean people do it.....

but is it the same everywhere? do pet owners have to give rabbies shot in every State? or is it a state by state thing?
please provide source if possible

2007-09-06 05:08:00 · 17 answers · asked by Mango 3

Never have I witnessed so much snobbery! I did not get my dog from a sub-quality breeder because she came intact. She will be tested by our vet for genetic disorders! It seems many of you people don't want the dog species to continue, or you think that the only lines that should be continued are AKC champions (by the way, the AKC doesn't recognize my dog. Their loss.) Shame on you for labeling dogs "only pet quality". A dog should be bred if she is free of genetic defects, temper vices, and conformation flaws. The shelters are overrun with grown up dogs that people buy on a whim and abandon when they get too tough to deal with. We should refrain from assuming things about people on this forum, and we should refrain from forcing others to agree with us. Name calling is never okay. Here's the deal. With store bought pet food, dogs are living only 13 years. If we all spay, what happens in 13 years? Some of us, the ones who care to do it right, must breed. And yes, my dog is "good enough"

2007-09-06 05:05:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just bought a new puppy, the puppy STINKS! I took her home and gave her a bath and scrubbed her for about ten minutes. Only some of the smell got better but the next day I washed her with dishsoap and then shampoo and I conditioned her really well. She smells a lot better but I still get a hint of the stinky. Does anyone have any ideas on what to use to get her smelling all cute like a little puppy should? Thanks a bunch!

2007-09-06 04:08:47 · 11 answers · asked by crissyk24 3

2007-09-06 03:59:52 · 12 answers · asked by lauren s 2

i really wanted to know if it is really true, everytime you dewormed your puppies, it is prohibited to receive a bath for 3 days.
the same as anti-rabies vaccination.
is it true or not?

thank you for your answers,
have a nice day

2007-09-06 03:58:02 · 10 answers · asked by cloak 1

2007-09-06 03:39:15 · 15 answers · asked by cherie r 2

I Have a six month old male Maltipoo. I have had him for the past four months and he has recently changed his schedule. How many times a day should he poop?

He is eats dry food, and a couple of treats a day and weighs 5 pounds.


2007-09-06 03:32:12 · 6 answers · asked by Donna H 1

and got my ***** pregnant who is liable for the vets fees?

2007-09-06 03:20:05 · 21 answers · asked by Lisa pizza 3

I met someone who has a Saint Bernard, which she is bragging about being a show dog. Turns out, she got him from a breeder who is paying to show the dog to conformation and then intends to harvest his sperm for breeding. The owner has nothing to do with her dogs training or showing, a "handler" is doing it for the breeder. Now this woman is clearly one of a LOW education, I mean down right ignorant acting in all ways and rather "trashy". I found it VERY hard to believe that any reputable breeder would place a pet puppy in her home, and certainly not a show quality specimen. Is this a bad breeder, merely doing this so he can say "champion" parents and sell the pups for more? Are there many in the show world that are like this? Kind of feels like a step above a puppy mill to me since the breeder obviously doesn't care who owns his show potentials. What do you think?

2007-09-06 03:16:31 · 8 answers · asked by Shadow's Melon 6

I talked to the vet yesterday after my dog had several episodes of bloody loose stool. They made an appointment this afternoon and said if I could, please bring in a sample. However, my dog has pretty much emptied his insides, and I don't think I'm going to get a sample.

Is it pointless to bring him w/o the sample? Or will the vet still be able to figure out what is wrong?

2007-09-06 03:09:15 · 9 answers · asked by KS 7

I'm going to check with my vet when they open, but I figured I'd throw the question out too.

2007-09-06 03:01:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-06 02:10:08 · 25 answers · asked by Faith K 1

He's a 10 week old Lab. He does very well in his crate. I take him out at midnight and again at 4AM. He'll sleep untill about 5AM when he just starts barking like mad. I think he's hungry, but I don't want him to expect me to feed him at 5AM every morning. I've tried feeding him later in the evening, but it doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?

2007-09-06 01:48:58 · 9 answers · asked by Seth T 2

I really really love my dog...you have no idea
but he is so stupid and always doin things that freaks me out
plus i have anger problems
what should i do with my DOG...i know i need to see a shrink for that anger thing

2007-09-06 01:32:47 · 22 answers · asked by Wolfscar 1

2007-09-06 01:07:32 · 21 answers · asked by lovepets 6

2007-09-06 01:04:00 · 14 answers · asked by Sluugy 5

Just heard on the news that a police officer in Arizonia left Bandit in a cruiser from 9am to 10pm. WTF
To me there is no punishment good enough for this @$$ !!!

2007-09-06 00:59:42 · 40 answers · asked by ® 7

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