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Dogs - July 2007

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My dog pulls the cute face so I give her the last inch and a half of tea.

I get the feeling it might not be good for her, not sure, but she loves it. Whenever I have some shes like


Just in case anyone needs to know, its milk with two sugars :P

2007-07-12 06:18:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a dog (Australian Shepherd) who barks at the thunder. We would like to teach him to not bark during the storm. We have tried disciplining him with a slight tap on the head or nose when he barks, but that just makes it worse. Do you have any other ideas? Thanks

2007-07-12 06:16:52 · 9 answers · asked by Amy_S 3

we recently lost a dog, and now molly, our great dane mearle is moderatly lonley, and her urine has been increasingly been giving off an oduor of fish... now as this is a pungent smell i though i could takle it by making her drink more water, i belive this will sort the porblem, however, this raises an obsicle, molly who is a lazy dog, doesnt really drink a lot anyway, how could i make her drink more, what would be a good incentive? sleeping on my bed @ night? she already does this anyway...

sorry for the long question, how can i resolve this problem?

2007-07-12 06:13:38 · 13 answers · asked by mark r 1

I am taking care of a cokerspaniel for my friend. She was really nice at first, but when my 4 year old brother tried to pet her, she growled and bit him! I held her muzzle so my brother could try again, an she was fine. then I told him to pet her without my hand on her muzzle, and she was eying him the whole time. then she attacked him. He is ok, though. My 2 year old sister has also been bit by her. My siblings have never even seen the dog before and she is acting like they are trying to hurt her. Is there anyway to make her stop without hurting my siblings?

2007-07-12 06:06:18 · 13 answers · asked by hello 5

I have been offered an op to buy out the Westminster Best in Show line of Pugs from last yr....Just how popular are they?

2007-07-12 05:57:50 · 4 answers · asked by K9 Companion 2

Only recently, late at night, my dog has been whining. She isn't a puppy and she only does it when there is a bone in her mouth. She sleeps in my bed, so she'll eat her bone in there. She'll look at the bed with the bone in her mouth and whine very softly. I give her plenty of attention and she doesn't do this durning the day, so I'm not really worried about what it is, just curious. She's always had a habit of hiding her bones in my blankets and I think that may have something to do with it. I just don't know how to help her.

2007-07-12 05:53:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i found a chorkie at durels pet shop and i wanted more info. so can someone send me info and pictures of pups and adults.

2007-07-12 05:36:14 · 5 answers · asked by Expert Answerer! 1

My dog is a Mama her pups will be 3 weeks on Saturday. I woke up this morning and she was limping. I looked at her foot and it's bleeding and her toe nail is broken off at the base. I've read a little bit about it online. She won't let me put any pressure on it. I called the vet's office and he's gone until next week. The other vet in this small town has a bad rep so we don't go there anymore. The vet's secretary (or whoever she was) reccommended that I leave it alone and the nail will fall off on it's own. And I asked her about the bleeding which isn't a whole lot but is constant, and she told me to put super glue on it and it will stop bleeding. I've never heard of this and I'm afraid everything she steps on will just make the wound dirty. I feel so bad this is my fault because I haven't trimmed her toenails in a while. She got in her box to feed the babies and they crawl on it and she cries and jumps out. I'm worried. Any suggestions?

2007-07-12 05:22:27 · 10 answers · asked by Lil'MissThang 3

Ive heard of them before, but I dont know what they are. I know that its a dog....

2007-07-12 05:00:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the last 27 years, we have had a King Dobby, 2 Akitas, and an Irish Wolfhound. Hubby argument: great protectors and loyal. Kids argument: they look cool on a leash and you can wrestle with them. My argument (which goes unnoticed): expensive dog food (40 lbs every 3 weeks), bigger vet, and grooming bills, vacuming daily due to large amounts of hair bunnies, smashed toes from being stepped on, bruses from swinging tails, massive amounts of distruction during puppy years, cant landscape back yard (gazzebo, I wish), and why should I transport them in my van when my hubby has a perfectly good truck? Any suggestions appreciated.

2007-07-12 04:58:04 · 11 answers · asked by grenfaery 1

hi i need advice with my female 8 month old golden retriever. we've been trying for months to train her and she just ignores us and does what she wants. my aunt (who's a golden retriever expert) even says she's terrible and stubborn. we have about a 12 week old and she listens better and if you give her love will listen to you better than the 8 month old. also, we left her alone for a few hours thinking she's be okay b/c she usually is and she got our pillows down (we put them up so she wouldn't mess them up) and peed on them, did number 2 on the floor, shredded paper and lots of other stuff, and destroyed our blinds. She also is mean to our other golden. whenever we try to give the other golden food she growls and the little one won't go near food we give them both b/c she's mean and tries to bite her... please help me out.. i don't want to get rid of her but my mom says if she don't straighten up we might have to...

2007-07-12 04:53:15 · 21 answers · asked by lionsgurl829 3


Why are they so...barky?

2007-07-12 04:46:26 · 8 answers · asked by ♥Abby♥ 2

I like Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever!!!
I had 4 different types of labradors and 1 type of Goden Retriever.

2007-07-12 04:46:24 · 87 answers · asked by MrsValo 4

I am wanting to buy a sheltie and I have never owned one before but do you think he looks like a sheltie, they all look different to me and I have been searching for a while. Thanks


2007-07-12 04:27:08 · 29 answers · asked by Abbygirl 2

I am getting a 2nd pug. I've never had 2 dogs (at the same time). What tips can you give me? When they are alone together, would I be safe to leave toys with them (in reference to fighting)?

2007-07-12 04:22:46 · 12 answers · asked by O->--< 3

This morning about an hour ago, my puppy woke me up because she was making a lot of noise around in her crate. I looked at her and her lip was twitching and she was licking her lips a lot and she was making this weird gargling noise. It stopped for a little bit, and then it started up again so I took her downstairs to show my parents and she started coughing and sneezing too. Im really worried if she had a seizure or what. She's also has diarhea really bad. I dont know what is happening to her and this morning really scared me. Any suggestions would really help. Thanks!

2007-07-12 04:22:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

yesterday my mum dicided we had to put my dog down which i think was a good decision but only because she was weeing dark blood (it looked black) and in the wee there was chunks of her insides she was corroding inside.i miss her so much..though i know she would be dead by now if we had not put her down =,[,im only posting this cause it really annoyes me when people say about its wrong to put dogs down,,its not if its suffering and so sad it cant move and is haveing a misrible life like my dog was though she had an amazing life for 12 years and she was so specil as she was born the same day the same year as me =,[

RIP beth 1994-2007

2007-07-12 04:14:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


Lately my year and a half year old pom a poo has been drinking alot and peeing more than usual. We leave him the kitchen while we are at work and for the last 3 day's I have come home to alot of pee on the floor, which usually does not happen. Also when he is out and about in the house after work he will usually go outside 2 more times before bed but lateley it's been more.Could he have diabetes?

2007-07-12 04:00:28 · 10 answers · asked by crystalball22001 1

Our Schnauzer who is 13yrs old, recently cannot control her bowels. She doesn't even try to let us know that she has to go anymore.
I know a lot of dogs when they get into the senior years that they may have this problem.
It happens about three times a month, and I always wake up to a mess, usually dark watery brown.
We take her out often, even if we should get up in the middle of the night to go ourselves, and yet I still wake up to her mess.
I don't know if this is a serious probably which requires me to call a vet or not. I can not leave her outside. She is only 14lbs.
I also can not crate her. She is too old for that method. I have not changed her food, though I do add white rice occasionally when she has her accidents. Seems to bind her.
Any suggestions?

2007-07-12 03:58:10 · 10 answers · asked by Mom of 2 great boys 7

im going to get my multepoo neutered later today but im just wondering why is my multepoo not himself anymore. he hasnt been eating for more than 3 days since this thing happen with the chihuahua, and his not responding to me anymore he doesnt listen he just ignore me. all he does is wait in the front of the door of my roommate waiting for the chihuahua female and he hasnt been sleeping much and i noticed his going crazy like craving for sex or something and i really hate seing him like that coz im feeling sorry for him. while i was taking a shower i heared them scream and next thing i know they got hooked again the 2nd time around and now much longer than the first one. i have no idea how a chihuahua and maltepoo baby would look like but im not sure whether the chihuahua will handle it coz she is so tiny , really small compaired to my maltepoo whose about 11 pounds. how would their babies look like. and why is my maltepoo acting like so crazy for her 24hours its driving me crazy

2007-07-12 03:37:17 · 11 answers · asked by wildflower_0210143 1

I will be moving back to Ontario in several weeks and bringing my puppy adopted from a US shelter with me- I've looked into the regulations to get him across the border (all I need is his rabies cert) but I am a little worried about all the breed specific legislation garbage in ON. He is a mutt from the pound- I have no way of proving what he is or is not.

Is the ban only on pittbull types? Or Rotweillers too? I've been told he looks like he might have Rotweiller in him. I will be living in Oshawa and their page just talks about PittBulls- and I am pretty sure he will never be mistaken for one. But he might be mistaken for a baby rottie-mix (he's 23lb 1 year old and fully grown).

Should I get some kind of letter from a vet saying he doesn't appear to have any of these types of dog in his mix before I move back just in case? What do other Ontario mutt-owners do?

2007-07-12 03:36:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

was thinking of getting a staff pup i have three cats tho and not sure what a pup will be like with them any advice will be welcom please

2007-07-12 02:41:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-12 00:36:32 · 12 answers · asked by that Jack kid 1

I have a mother rat jack russell terrier mix still nursing mom dog that was diagnosed with hookworms, ringworms & tapeworms last night at the animal hospital. She still is not eating and has had diareah and just threw up white foam like spit. She was given sub-q's last night and I was sent home with liquid panacure dewormer that she is to take for 7 days. I gave her her first dose last night. Is this normal for having all these worms? Is this just one of these things that has to run its course? She still seems very lathargic. Please help?

2007-07-12 00:08:21 · 7 answers · asked by cinderellagirl1981 2

I know icky topic but our one year old Lab just became a woman and its a first for me as a dog owner

2007-07-12 00:04:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've had our Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix for three months, and she's made herself at home with the family perfectly fine. She tends to be aggressive, but then very skittish after barking or growling at another dog. Recently, we got another JRT mix, and our Chihuahua made sure to let him know she was boss the first day, which I was told is good when accepting the new dog in the home. But then he began to take the upper hand, and our poor original doggie has been running away from him, and she won't eat, pee, or play when he's in the room. She's very scared and jumpy, and this has gone on for two days. I make sure to give her extra love, and I always feed her first, but the new dog totally dominates her. Is there anything I can do to make her feel less threatened and accept the new dog into the family, or can only time tell?

2007-07-11 22:29:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's known that dogs with pug noses -- bulldogs, pugs, etc -- have a lot of trouble breathing, especially in hot weather. They are suffering -- and we STUPID humans did this to them. Are there any breeders attempting to breed them BACK to normal? Have we learned our lessons about breeding to EXTREMES?

2007-07-11 22:14:31 · 5 answers · asked by luvrats 7

My dog is a Jack Russle named Boats, and he is hyper but he's been doing pretty good. Still playful, and full of life. Well two days ago, he got the rabies vaccination, and I got rid of our cat we've had for a year. That night he usually sleeps in the bed with me.... he won't even jump on the bed. like right now his front paws are down like he's trying to lay down, but his hine legs are straight up, like it's hard for him to sit down. I thoguht at first he was depressed about the cat going, the fact we're moving in two days so alot is going on, or the fact that my boyfriend, has been overseas for 8 months, so I thought with everything he was depressed. Now he was fine until that day, and now he shakes and I noticed he won't jump in my lap, or the bed, which is VERY unusual. And now for the first time, he whimpers at me to let him go outside. Please is there anything anyone can suggest, like is this a side effect to the vacination or is it just with everything going on, he's sad???

2007-07-11 22:11:01 · 12 answers · asked by mandah b 1

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