Well I went to mom's friend's house, and there are these outdoor 'stray' cats. Then I saw there was one kitten I think only 2 weeks old, eyes wide open, ears up and then TINY baby teeth, which appeared to have come in very recently,. His tongue was kinda sticking out becasue his teeth arent
big yet. He had no siblings and his mom wasn't there often at all, although I gave her the kitten when she came so she could nurse him.
He is so young I had to help him pee, and he was barely walking.. he could walk but not fast or far, and I saw mom cat pick him up by the scruff
So I named him Pablo and I'd like to adopt him. He is currently where I visited him, and he is sleeping under the grill to be protected from the rain.
Can I tamke him to the vets now, can I feed him KMR instead, what is the chance he has Feline Aids or anything like that any signs? , And how old is he really?
Please tell me all of your info and how to raise him. BTW the other strays will get spayed/neutered..
13 answers
asked by
Canine luver