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My kitty cat Spider is potty trained. However, he pees on our couch, towel on the floor, etc, once in a while...like once a month or even longer than that. We have tried everything from cleaning the box more often, disciplining him when he pees outside the box, etc. Our other cat tigger never had an accident in his life.

They're both neutered, although Spider was already a bit older (9 months) when he had him neutered.

Now, my hubby is threatening to get rid of my cat if he won't stop. I'm so attached to my cats and I'm scared that they'll be given away. I want to know how to stop this. Please help me.

I'm pregnant and for years, been alone at home since I'm a housewife and my cats are the only ones who keep me sane. They keep me company and if they're taken away from me, I'm sure lose my mind.

Please no rude answers. Thanks

2007-06-14 06:43:15 · 16 answers · asked by littlepregnantgirl 1 in Pets Cats

16 answers

It is the animals nature to do this! They "mark their territory" as instinct. This originated in the beginning of time to protect groups of animals from preditors. Cats especially, love to do this to curtains, couches and around beds where people sleep. Petsmart has sprays that are stainless for this purpose. I think it's calld Keep away or something like that. Don't think that he is being rebelious, it's just their nature. Take him out when you see him sniffing around the house, that is the tell tale that he is about to claim something. Hope this helps! steve

2007-06-14 06:49:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My cat does the same thing. I know if the box isn't clean enough for him thats when he usually will find a place to go outside of that. I've tried everything too. I've had to stop letting him sleep in my bedroom because if he wasn't getting enough attention for me before I went to bed, he would pee on me! Its horrible.
This is what I do. I keep any material like substance off the floor. Towels clothes ect. Oddly this includes shoes. If you have a shoe corner he may start peeing there. And my cat Jinx just recently started peeing on the cords behind the tv. Keep the house cleaned up and the floor cleaned up. He's probably needy for attention so when your home make sure to give him as much as you can spare. And have your hubby clean the litterbox every day! with the scoopable litter. If this doesn't help improve it. Try asking the vet for other techniques. And for real, you should tell your hubby how important the cats are to you.

2007-06-14 06:50:42 · answer #2 · answered by Kellie 5 · 0 0

alright - the quick answer is bring him to the vet.

the long answer is - that there could be many things causing it. when some cats are stressed they respond by going to the potty in the wrong place. some cats when angry - will try to let you know by doing the same thing. i had a bat once who would pee on my bed every time we went away - now that was a message. medical issues could also what's going on. cats with bladder infections or urinary crystals might pee in the wrong spot.

have you looked at the urine? is it normal in color and smell? cats with a bladder infection or a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) might has discolored or even pink urine. some times they strain and try to pee, but not much comes out.

if you can - your best option is to try to get a pee sample, if he goes in the wrong place and there is a puddle on the floor - see if you can use an eye dropper or something to collect it. bring that and the kitty to the vet. that way they can rule out medical problems. if you can collect urine yourself - they will be able to get some at the vet, although the cat will be a bit more inconvenienced by that. what you want to make sure of - is that he's not going t get a blockage. if there are crystals - its a possibility. a lot of male cats have UTI issues. they aren't sure why.

also - if you have two cats - you should have two litter boxes, sometimes that does it too. cats, as i am sure you know - are a bit temperamental at time.

good luck.

2007-06-14 06:51:35 · answer #3 · answered by greyeyedgirl 2 · 0 0

First things first: Take the cat to your vet to rule out any health issues. Do you have one more litter box than you do cats? Don't ask me why, I know from experience this sometimes works!. I have found a product that really works when it comes to TRULY deodorizing sites a pet has marked: Anti-Icky-Poo. (Look on the web under Anti-Icky_poo.com) I have found it at pet stores where I live. If you eliminate the scent that the cat has left he won't go there again. Good Luck

2007-06-14 06:51:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay this is what our vet told us and it worked. We have four cats and had one litter box that got changed everyday. My cat lucifer was going other places usually in my room. So the vet told us that sometimes cats get fancy and don't like useing the same litter box the other cats are useing. Try getting another litter box and see if that works. The vet also told us taht if they are mad about something they will go on the floor to piss you off haha.

2007-06-14 06:51:26 · answer #5 · answered by Ash834 3 · 0 0

The cat might think litter box or litter is not clean enought. It could also just acting up. I had a cat that would something like that. However she would look at me then do it. She did not did all the time just now and again.

2007-06-14 06:50:31 · answer #6 · answered by SECRET DESTROYER 7 · 0 0

My sister and brother-in-law have a cat like this. They must like the feeling of fabric to pee on or something. It's almost like they're out to prove something. I'm sorry, but there is virtually nothing you can do for this. Unless you want to make sure nothing is ever within the cat's reach to pee on and you're always watching it...then you may just have to make your cat an outdoor cat. That was their solution...good luck.

2007-06-14 06:47:45 · answer #7 · answered by Allygirl 2 · 0 0

It very well might be a health problem. It could range from a urinary tract infection or if he's drinking alot more than usual to diabetes. I would suggest you get the vet to check him out.
did you change litters recently? sometimes if they have a "perfume" to them that odor is offensive to kitty and they won't use the box.

2007-06-14 07:09:48 · answer #8 · answered by mushymom 2 · 0 0

Our Mr beener, Lohn Luke does the same thing. both litter boxs are kept up, and yet it still happens. Cats are smarter than we give them credit for.

I beleive, thay do those things as sort of a protest, for not getting fed on time, not getting enough attention, being left home too long and ignoring them, when they come round looking for attention.

2007-06-14 06:51:26 · answer #9 · answered by duster 6 · 1 0

If you're meticulous about cleaning the cat pan and your cat has been neutered then you might consider taking him to the vet. This problem is sometimes caused by a urinary tract infection.

2007-06-14 06:50:55 · answer #10 · answered by t_avalon 3 · 0 0

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