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Cats - February 2007

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2007-02-21 01:40:09 · 4 answers · asked by pralin 1

The scoop...My cat had only one kitten its now been over 24 hrs and no other babies have been born. Of course the vet wants me to bring her in but I dont have an extra $500 stting around for that. I know that sounds horriable but u cant get blood out of a turnip. ..Anyway when she had her first baby I moved her which later on I heard was a bad thing to do so now im scared i caused the other babies from being born. Also I have heard that another kitten can be born like days later is this true??

2007-02-21 01:37:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi everyone,
one of my friends has problems with her cats - can you help her? Here's her question:

My new female cat, 3 yrs old, is afraid of my male, 4 yrs. old, who seems to want to fight with her.
The other 2 female cats are fine with this new cat, but not him.
I have separated them for a few days, but now they have freedom to go about and he is still waiting to pounce.
What to do??
Sounds like a riddle, maybe I should explain I have 4 cats with this new addition....what 'da think??

2007-02-21 00:44:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought that they have to be at least a year old but my mom thinks otherwise. I have a kitten that is only alittle over 6 months old, and my mom thinks she is in heat...is that even possible?

2007-02-21 00:28:57 · 8 answers · asked by funnyzaza1993 2

cat was spayed early at 6 months,
she is now almost a year
is showing all signs of being in season, calling, affection, off her food, and assuming possition, treading feet etc...
has been for a week now,
should i keep her in or let out?
is it going to continue untill she mates?
can i stop it?

2007-02-20 23:06:18 · 10 answers · asked by rebecca m 1

2007-02-20 22:58:30 · 25 answers · asked by pooterman 2

i have 2 cats and me and my boyfriend left our apartment and we are now living with his parents who have a **** load of dogs. my poor cats are staying in the laundry room/garage, and i don't like the environment they are living in but i also don't want to get rid of them. well 2 days ago one of the dogs got into the laundry room and get a hold of my cat "tiger". he is alive but i wouldn't say he was well. his jaw looks pushed to the right and he was bleeding quite a bit the day it happened (a duh). tiger is okay, still shaken up of course, but now the cut on his mouth is infected and is starting to smell. i don't know what to do about his jaw, but i figure if his jaw heals then it'll be okay until i get money. if i had money i would have taken him to the vet after the fight took place, but i cant pay for it with my looks so i cant do nothing for my poor kitty. what i wanna know is how can i take care of him without going to the vet? hydrogen peroxide? how can i help my kitty? any ideas

2007-02-20 22:21:15 · 11 answers · asked by EviE 2

I got two rescue cats a month ago. They're both flat cats, have never been out, and can't go out of my flat either because I live by a busy road.

One of them was ill with cat flu when we got them, so she had to go back to the rescue centre to get over it for almost three weeks. In the mean time, the other cat really settled in. He's quite a noisy character, but would sleep through the night on our bed without disturbing us.

Since the other cat came back, he's turned into a right terror. He leaps on her and attacks her (seems to be in a playful, not aggressive way) all the time, even though they grew up together and were fine before she went away.

At night, he's started messing around and miaowing for attention. We've tried shutting him out of the bedroom but he just scratches at the door and miaows outside.

Does anyone know how we can get him to chill out again? I could never take him back because I'm too attached now, but it's like having a new born baby! We can't sleep!

2007-02-20 22:00:18 · 15 answers · asked by Keira H 3

I was wondering if anyone could help?

After reading a few of the other cat themed questions, I have heard a lot about a running water cat bowl.
My cat will not drink from her normal water bowl, has anyone got one of these, are they any good?


2007-02-20 20:54:46 · 14 answers · asked by ben_m_g 4

its like my cat makes a like baby noise or like a crying noise.

2007-02-20 20:17:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

She sniffs some things (the side of a couch, etc.) then leaves her mouth open for a few seconds. It looks like some kind of "high" she gets when she smells certain things. Is this really a "high"?

2007-02-20 19:49:36 · 9 answers · asked by Psychotic Clown 4

2007-02-20 19:34:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends think that the cat is going to win LOL

2007-02-20 19:06:05 · 4 answers · asked by Speck Schnuck 5

it sounds like his has asthma all day and all night ....i am really worried about him some days it is worse than others but he is a happy cat doesnt act sick he plays and messes with the other cats but some days he is a little bit slowed down . What can i do ...i put vicks on his chest but he licked it off lol

2007-02-20 18:15:31 · 12 answers · asked by Cindy L 1

It's his second night with me and it's him and his brother. His brother does't cry but he does and he wants attention. I think that they are missing they're mother.

2007-02-20 17:58:30 · 8 answers · asked by tellie 1

We have 3 cats and they all do something different to get attention and loving. One reaches her paw out and tries to bring our hand towards her so we have to pet her. One will slowly sneak up on our lap purring. The other one walks up to us and bumps us with her head. What does your cat do to get attention?

2007-02-20 17:34:15 · 24 answers · asked by timber's mom 2

My kitten's ears have been getting thinner and thinner hair on them and now they are practically bald. You can see the leathery skin and there are only a few sparse pieces of hair. She does have a case of ringworm below her eye, but i am not sure if the ringworm is making her ear look bald too. It isnt scaly like the one below her eye. Is the "bald ear" thing a kitten thing, genetic, or does it have to do with a medical issue? Is the hair on her ears likely to grow back to normal when she is an adult? Ever since we got her, her ears have have been pretty thin but now they are getting thinner.... Does anybody else have the same problem?

2007-02-20 17:34:12 · 4 answers · asked by Miso 2

shes getting over an upper respitory infection and now she just doesnt want to eat around me ive tried everything

now I will turn to marijuana i will smoke my cat out until she gets hungry f u c k the sub qs and the b-12s its all about ganja now

Ive thrown out mad buffets of every stank cat food you can imagine and not even a lick, 7-14 days to get over this infection huh?

I havent slept a good nights rest in two weeks i went from shoving water and chicken broth down my cats throat to vet treatment every day to every other day

smoke the ganja now cat lovers and make your cats eat cause mine seems to never want to eat only run around me in the kicthen and pretend to be excited thers food all over the house and not even a lick

unreal my cat simply wants to be stressed out everyday back n forth to the vet instead of just eating and drinking

2007-02-20 17:22:31 · 3 answers · asked by JMeezy 1

recently we discovered my cat had OCD.. he has pulled out almost half of his fur.. he is an over groomer... I took him to the vet after I noticed that his grooming had gotten in the way of his daily life... he wasnt even eating.. anyway we did other test and she determined he had OCD -- obsessive compulsive disorder-- I had the idea to put a lamp shade collar on him, and it has been a week, it seems to have helped ... he licks his collar now but his hair is growing back.. my question is does anyone have any suggestion for things to do to help him.. I mean he cant live the rest of his life in the lampshade collar can he... also what do I say when people say we should put him to sleep.. my mother in law keeps stating she doesnt know who is crazier the cat or us.. for spending that much money on him.. but I love him and he is my cat even if he is special needs! sorry question plus venting alittle..

2007-02-20 16:48:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got a cat from my sister. The cat is now 3 months old this is my 1st cat in my life.
Is all good except the cat is to crazy is a female cat after food she runs like crazy plays at her own but the problem comes (jumps on tables play with plans) how do I make it stop! I know cat has energy and is good but how to teach a cat not to touch some stuff. I would never hit the cat or abuse in any way but I am loosing control please help.
Thank you in advance I hope someone can help me…
Truly Mariusz

2007-02-20 16:19:50 · 11 answers · asked by Mariusz 1

I am really worried about my cat. She is about 2 years old and seems happy, but is very skinny. She is a petite cat to begin with, but she just seems a bit too thin. Also, she has been drinking a lot of water and using the litterbox many times a day. Does anyone know what could be going on with my cat? Should it be a cause for worry? I think that a vet visit might be in order, but I wanted to see if anyone out there has had a similar experience. Thanks!

2007-02-20 16:16:57 · 12 answers · asked by Mary V 1

I think my cat may be afraid of the dark. She gets really wild and mean toward us when we turn off the lights for bedtime. We've had to shut her in the bathroom (with litter box, food, toys, soft bed) every night since we bought her over a year ago. She calms down in the bathroom but we leave the light above the sink on (the same amount of light a lamp would give). We are typically gone for 8-10 hours a day during the week, depending on the day. We've tried the radio being on during the day and having a lamp on a timer in the living room. Nothing seems to help so far. Could she have a fear of the dark (makes her think of us leaving her) with her wild behavior?

2007-02-20 15:58:46 · 10 answers · asked by mandirae23 2

I am watching him for my sister, he is a big male cat who spends a lot of time outside. A few days ago he had a slight limp and his front paw was slightly swollen. I inspected it and found a small bump near the paw, and high up on his leg I found a scab about the size of a pencil eraser along with a little matted clump of fur. The limp, swelling, and bump near the paw went away and he isn't acting like he is in pain. But a little while ago today I noticed that the matted clump of fur appears to have been pulled out and there is an open wound the size of a pencil eraser. I haven't noticed him licking it or paying special attention to it, and the area isn't swollen that I can see. Does he need to go to the vet, or should I wait and see?

2007-02-20 15:53:57 · 11 answers · asked by rvsfrog 2

Could anyone be able to tell me some things i can do to keep my kitty busy when she is in heat so she is not meowing at the door all night. what would take her mind off it. Please say there are somethings that could keep it busy to not hear her all night.

2007-02-20 15:51:07 · 9 answers · asked by Mrs. J 1

She's a smokey grey colour with blue eyes but we're not interested in the names Smokey or Sootie....!

2007-02-20 15:38:50 · 17 answers · asked by sar_bear85 1

Help please... I dont know how this happen she wont stop sneezing i feel really bad she been like this for Almost 2 weeks now.WHEN I GOT HER...her eyes are watery. I gave her meds the vet gave but she is bad. Help please

2007-02-20 15:14:29 · 13 answers · asked by Sw33ti3 1

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