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Cats - December 2006

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I am thinking of fostering some kittens from the humane society. However, my niece is allergic to cats. I have heard that cats do not develop the dander which causes allergies until they are about six months old. This seemed to be accurate when I adopted my cat. He was four months when I got him and my niece didn't react to him until he was about six months. I would like to know if this was a coinsidence or if this theory on dander is correct.

2006-12-25 15:20:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Give as many as you know on what plants, flowers and food that are poisonous to cats and dogs?

2006-12-25 15:04:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Cat went to heaven today after a good 14 years of friendship.
I couldn't watch him suffer so I had to have him put to sleep.
Cause was heart failure from just age or cancer causing fluid in the lungs.

Now I weep and cannot stop.

Why does this have to happen on Christmas Day...?

2006-12-25 14:05:05 · 17 answers · asked by Vulcan 1 5

My cat Marcie loves to toss litter out. I've gotten boxes with high walls, even a box with a cover, but it's like she grabs a big handful of litter and goes "Whee!" while tossing it everywhere. Any suggestions?

2006-12-25 13:38:16 · 21 answers · asked by Bastet's kitten 6

Without killing him, getting rid of him, hitting or hurtinghim in anyway. He is declawed and fixed and he continues to bite, hard and doesnt let go! I have tried spraying him but it has not solved the problem. He is a sweet cat, but sometimes he goes "overboard"

2006-12-25 13:36:13 · 11 answers · asked by Kat 2

i have a cat who is pregnant and want to know how long it will be from conception to birth.

2006-12-25 13:29:47 · 6 answers · asked by Tili L 3

Last week I found a kitten and i brought him home. I took him to the vet and they said he was fine. This morning she threw up worms. looks like spaghitti. I can't go to the vet they are not reopening for the holidays till Jan 2. answering service says its not live threating. Please don't say go to another vet as I'm in rural newfoundland and the nearest vet is 5 hours away. I heard that giveing giving a kitten garlic powder in its food will help get rid of the worms does any one no if this is true.

2006-12-25 13:28:30 · 6 answers · asked by dee g 3

he''s three months old, he can't walk straight (looks like a serious drunk with his back feet which doesn't really look like it's supporting him), can't jump down and land on his feet (even from a person's lap), can barely jump - the rest of the distance he climbs...

there is no vets here to take my kitten to.... what should i do?

2006-12-25 13:26:17 · 5 answers · asked by Middle of the Desert 2

my cat is 15 years old and i just noticed her eye teeth are crooked and one is about to fall out.the vet is on vacation until jan,18.what can i do for her.she will not eat hard food anymore but she will eat soft foods and baby food,and she has lost about 3 pounds,but seems to be content,but does not eat as much as she use to.

2006-12-25 12:54:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've got a 9 week old Tonkinese kitten who has the cat flu. I picked her up when she was approx. 6-7 weeks old and she has been sick since then because the "BREEDER" thought that if the kittens are inside cats, they don't need vaccinations. She didn't worm, flea, vaccinate etc. She bred a LOT of cats there, all from the one Burmese male that lives ALONE in the SHED in the backyard! There were many little kittens living in her home. I've spent over $400 in vet bills due to this - in ONE day.

As I have another two kittens (11 weeks + 7 months), I'm afraid that they could get it. My 11 week old is already showing discharge from her right eye.
I went to the vet last week and was supposed to get some medication that the vet had to give (we couldn't do it ourself) but was unable to attend. Since then, I haven't been able to go to the vet due to money restraints. Is there anything I can do until next Tuesday? I know it sounds awful but I just can't take them yet.
Thanks for any help.

2006-12-25 12:50:19 · 8 answers · asked by Elena 5

I just rescued 2 sweet little kittens about 8 weeks old. When i got them they smelled awful and werent taken care of very well at all. They were born without tails and one of them seems to have diahrea now. I had to clean him up and noticed that his anus was red and swollen and it look like a little of it was pokeing out. What should i do about this? I'm worried i dont have the money to take him to a vet cause they are so expensive. Anyone have a clue what i can do about this or what i can do to help him??? Please help i dont want him to be in any pain.

2006-12-25 12:37:54 · 14 answers · asked by Melissa J 2

And you knew she would run away if you squeezed her, yet she was so cute you just had to do it, would you?

2006-12-25 12:31:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat, Dixie died on Christmas Eve. We took her to the vet earlier since she wasn't feeling well... and they said she was doing very well but still needed surgery... and then a half hour later the vet called and said that Dixie didn't make it... I was and am very sad this moment. I can't picture Dixie not being here, she was a perfect cat. I will get a new cat, but around spring-time, so it can get used to the outside... But right now I'm not doing so well right now... Any help is greatly appreciated!

2006-12-25 12:13:53 · 16 answers · asked by David 1

My 13 week old kitten seems to be losing weight, and I can't work out why. He has never been outside, and was de-wormed at a few weeks old and at 8 weeks. He is eating well, his poos are normal and solid (with no obvious signs of worms). He is happy and still leaping around as normal. His fur is still nice and shiny, his nose is damp, his eyes are clear. But I'm sure he's thinner than he was just a week ago. I will take him to the vet in a few days, after xmas, but just wondering if anyone has any bright ideas? (Bear in mind he has NEVER been outside OR met another cat since he left home). Thanks

2006-12-25 12:12:36 · 54 answers · asked by pinkyminx 2

I've got a 3 year old Oriental cat and he was as good as gold when it came to using the litter tray, or going outside to do his business... but suddenly in the last 2 or 3 months, he's started to find corners in the house where he just empties his bladder. It's not a short squirt, as if he's scenting things, he purposefully moves into that corner, then starts weeing.

I've tried Feliway to try and help him, to try and keep him calm... but it's not working completely, as he then goes elsewhere.

We don't yell at him when he does it, just clean it up, use Febreeze then a "Keep off" spray to neutralise the smell, then drive him away.

He's the second youngest cat, in a house of four. Thunder is the ex-neighborhood bully, but he hasn't been any more intimidating, grouchy or nasty recently than usual. Orli has a brother that's 13 months younger than he.

We've been doing renovations, but don't think that's causing it, since the problem started before.

Help would be appreciated!

2006-12-25 11:58:21 · 9 answers · asked by wolfe_masque 1

I want to get a cat but i dont know how hard it is to take care of a cat .and if i do get a cat i dont know what kind of cat to get. Do you know any sites that tell how to take care of cats

2006-12-25 11:32:17 · 19 answers · asked by Jenny Bot 19 2

My kitten is about 5 months old and I want to get him a friend he can play with. I dont know what kind of reaction he is going to have with the other kitten who will be about his age. Should I get a male or a female friend for me. Please serious answers only. Thank you.

2006-12-25 11:22:55 · 11 answers · asked by 2luvly2btru 2

The second cat I have adopted constantly wants to dry nurse.Well, first she comes to me, and then I redirect her to a white towel ( for some reason it has to be white ). I've done a lot of research on the Web, and the reason is apparently she was removed from her mother too early. Solutions I have found online are time( just let it fix itself ), distraction(toys,play, etc ), milk, and redirection ( like the towel ). The redirection works to keep her from sucking on me, but I feel her pain( almost like making a smoker quit ), so want to wean her off the need to dry nurse. Milk does nothing, and toys do not distract her when in nursing mode. Time will sort itself out, but I am wonder if there is something else I can do ( nutriotionally, behaviorally, or other ) to help her kick the habit?

2006-12-25 11:03:24 · 8 answers · asked by TheGooch 2

My kitten is nearly 5 mths old. She was abandoned at the age of 3 weeks and I hand-raised her for the first few weeks of her life.She has being drinking Whiskas milk on a daily basis, due to the feline lactose intolerance to human milk.

She refuses to drink water. I water the milk down as much as I can, but when it gets to a certain stage, she will not drink it.

Is there anything else I can try? Also, can anyone recommend a good brand of dry food for her. She is an indoor cat. Thanks!

2006-12-25 10:57:45 · 9 answers · asked by ╬ Wrath Of The Tyrant ╬ 6

I've tried white vinegar and the stuff bought from the store.

2006-12-25 10:45:28 · 13 answers · asked by tadertot7 1

if i take very good care of it,it will be a house cat.

i really hate the thought of it dying. :(

2006-12-25 10:27:07 · 16 answers · asked by forest lover 2


My bosses cat has injured his leg. We aren't sure what is wrong, but he doesn't seem to be able to put weight on it and is in a lot of pain. She wants to wait until Wed to take it to the vet. Any suggestions on what we can do or would you advise taking him right away?

2006-12-25 10:17:37 · 8 answers · asked by Shannon B 1

I have two sibling cats (male and female), and they are trying to mate... should I prevent this from happening? I mean, if they have kittens, will they be okay?

2006-12-25 10:14:05 · 15 answers · asked by Saralicious 1

2006-12-25 09:57:03 · 14 answers · asked by forest lover 2

every year i buy a real tree for christmas. this year, due to the warm weather, i discovered a freakin bird's nest in the tree, and now my 3 cats are LOADED with fleas. omg loaded. they are going to the vet tomorrow, as it is christmas day, and i'm going to try raid flea killer spray on the carpet while we're @ the vet.. claims to dry in 2 hrs. as for that neglected laundry sittin in my basement. suggestions?

2006-12-25 09:43:47 · 4 answers · asked by Y!um 3

My kittens sneezing like he has a cold is there anything i can do or will it pass over? Is it becasue the house hold is sick and he could have gotten it fomr them? What do i do

2006-12-25 09:01:06 · 15 answers · asked by I Love My Katz! 1

I'm worried and I want to take it to the vet tomorrow. What should I do?

2006-12-25 08:48:31 · 12 answers · asked by Peace Love 2

OK, I've lost family close members (even a parent), but for whatever reason the recent loss of my cat of 13 years really really really makes me want to believe in an afterlife. He did have health issues, but was on medicine and seemed ok. Animals are innocent - and he was an exceptionally cool cat, very sociable and seemed to have a sense of humor (if that's possible). He was the runt of the litter and really sick when I got him as a kitten. His litter mates were running around like little crazed demons and he was smaller and sickly and just sat there. I couldn't stand to just leave him. He turned out to be the best companion. And let's be honest, when you take on a cat you don't know if you're going to get a cool member of the household or a creature that you feed and hides under your bed for 15 to 20 years. Since we don't have kids - I guess the pets are the closest thing. I'm crushed. Plus our other cat (who's about 16 years old) and we took in 3 years has been crying and crying...

2006-12-25 07:53:25 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-25 07:29:55 · 12 answers · asked by Irv L 1

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