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Male 8 weeks old

2006-12-25 07:37:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

16 answers

First off, this is completely normal for a kitten or any cat at that matter. The only worry I would have would be regarding that you have him away from his mother at such a young age. Kittens rely on their mother to learn how to do things such as use the litterbox, etc.

If you're worried about him not eating I am sure that he is coming out at night to eat while you and any other household members are asleep. All cats are different but when I first got my cat I held her several times a day for the first couple of days. She was still really skittish and would hide under our bed for awhile but over time she got used to our place and the people who live there.

Just make sure to give your kitten plenty of love and appraisal and to start working on any bad habits now while he is still young. Best of luck!

2006-12-25 09:00:02 · answer #1 · answered by Lhynne 2 · 0 1

Try to spend lots of time with him. He's lonely. My kitten used to need me to be in the room all the time. He would meow whenever I wasn't there. He calmed down as he got older, but what helped the most was getting him a friend.

Also my kitten wouldn't eat hard food at first, maybe get him some soft canned food.

Also are you sure he's 8 weeks old? If he continues to not eat maybe he is actually younger than that. If he continues to not eat you could get him a bottle and kitten formula (don't use cows milk, cats can't digest it) from the pet store and bottle feed him for a while.

2006-12-25 07:49:27 · answer #2 · answered by Libby p 2 · 0 2

He probably misses his cat family. Try a ticking clock in a fuzzy sock or mitten. That is the old standby. Also buy him some cat milk, you can buy it in the supermarket. My last kitten had to eat cat milk and bread for a month but he was only 4 or 5 weeks old. His mother refused to feed him. Make him a warm bed in a box so he has his own space to hide in. My kitten stayed in the cat carrier until he got too big. That was his little house. He is 16 yrs old now and doing great. Best of luck.

2006-12-25 08:17:15 · answer #3 · answered by Ann, The Decatur Gardener 1 · 0 1

Kitten is so scared and feeling lost - missing its mommy and littermates most likely too.

Tomorrow you can get a bottle of Rescue Remedy from a health foods store for $15. You shake the bottle well and put four to five drops on a small cloth and put it under the bed or wherever he is hiding. "Refresh" the cloth about four times a day. If he come out you can put a few drops on the fur between his ears. Use it LAVISHLY - the bottle will seem to go on forever.

It will definitely help him make an emotional adjustment - relieve his fears and sense of loss. You may be using it for a week to ten days - at least till you see he is feeling good and not so scared.

2006-12-25 07:53:04 · answer #4 · answered by old cat lady 7 · 0 2

Well its a new cat what would you expect? They always hide as they are nervous about her new home and they don't know you. With the feeding let her know there is food coming and tap the side of the tin of food and called her name a couple of times. If that doesn't work bring the food in front of her and let her smell it. With the meowing i suggest patting her and shhhhh at her quietly and let her know that shes being annoying. i really this helps you

2016-05-23 06:05:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My boyfriend went through something like this and he has a couple of suggestions. One, is to wait for the cat. He is suffering from seperation anxiety and will come out when ready. Second, one thing that worked for him, was to go where the kitten was with a fine toothed cat brush and without touching or picking up the kitten, he brushed her right where she was, and that showed her that he was not a threat, and she warmed right up to him after that. I don't know if something like that would be possible, but it might help.

I don't know what to advise on the not eating bit though!

2006-12-25 07:42:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Whatever you do, don't crowd it. Having a lot of people around it, or being grabbed at, or even having just one person constantly checking on it, will only give it more stress.

Just leave it alone in a safe, quiet place with food and water. Check in on it very quietly, and only once in a while.

2006-12-25 19:30:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

quite normal for kittens in a new home (or grown cats for that matter) basically its scared and needs time to relax and get use to the new home.
make sure you have water and kitten food for the cat and litter box.
and talk to the cat so it becomes use to you.
over the next few days or so it will relax more

2006-12-25 11:20:21 · answer #8 · answered by great one 6 · 0 1

he is acting strange because you can't take him away from is mother until 8 weeks old, u said u had him for two days he continue for a short while than stop

2006-12-25 07:54:17 · answer #9 · answered by newyorkgirl_92 3 · 1 0

It will do this for about a week or two. It needs to get comfortable in the new environment. Leave food and water out for it, it will come out when you are away and eat and drink.

2006-12-25 07:39:59 · answer #10 · answered by Frank Rizzo 2 · 0 2

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