I have a 2 1/2 year old female cat that is soooooo good. She is very loving, very quiet, never, ever meows. My 6 month old male kitten is the exact opposite. We took him a month ago to get fixed, when he started spraying. Initially, he was real calm, real easy. Now he jumps straight in the air, attacking the older cat. He races from one side of the house to the other. He is just wilder than he was before getting fixed. I thought when a male cat got fixed, it was supposed to calm them down. How long before he will? I will be putting a Christmas tree up about Thanksgiving time and REALLY don't want him climbing it. Also, how do I keep him off kitchen counters and the table? Popping him and squirt guns don't help at all. I know there is a spray to keep animals off furniture and all, but I can't use that where I keep food.
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