My cat is incredibly bright. He is fairly big, skinny, very glossy shiny soft coat, orange leopard spotted coat/tail, with a white belly and white face with "spectacle" marks, golden eyes, big ears, longish face. He is the most beautiful, cutest cat in the world, loves to roll on his belly and play in water. He is also verrry, verrrry smart. He can break into my fridge, his food cabinet, get up on just about any surface, and I really think he'd be good at solving puzzles or something like that if they existed for cats. He understands basic English and hand gestures pretty well, too. If I could teach him some sort of game to play in his idle hours, I think it'd make him a lot happier. Plus, he'd have something to do while I was busy. I know he's smart enough to learn. He understands mirrors and all that... but it's just - how do I go about it? And what kinds of games can a cat learn - is there anything out there, how do I explain to him? Anyway, if you have ideas, let me know.
7 answers
asked by
Elise A