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Cats - October 2006

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we adopted a cat that was pregnant and the other day we found a home for one of the kitens and i started crying. i'm going to miss the liittle guy but its only a cat so why the heck am i so upset? do you think i should let m husband take care of the home finding for the rest of them since it psets me so much?

2006-10-06 08:19:29 · 12 answers · asked by ~no name~ 2

2006-10-06 08:01:14 · 21 answers · asked by . 6

I figure I might be cheaper to make food for my cat than buy the more expensive stuff.

2006-10-06 07:52:28 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-06 07:46:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mum has a male cat 6 years old. she just rang telling me he's had a nose bleed. she said it looks like the blood is coming from his nostrils,and its not a scratch or anything. also she said he was coughing, like hes got something in his throat. does any1 know what this could mean. its probably something and nothing, but she's really worried!

2006-10-06 07:35:07 · 21 answers · asked by Mich 3

I brought my kitten home from the vets last week, and within a few days we had fleas. Only a few, so I treated him with Advantage. Now he's not getting bitten, but I am! It's getting worse every day. I'm their only sorce of food! I've got over 40 bites from my chest to my waist. It's horrible! I've vacumed, but I live in a studio so there area alot of places with heavy furniture that I can't get to. I'm washing all my bedding today, so hopefully that will help. Are there any alternatives besides fumigating? I don't want to do this because my cat is indoor only and there is nowhere for me to put him while this is done to the house. I need an option I can do while my kitten is in the house that won't harm him. Help!??! I'm sick and tired of being flea food!!!

2006-10-06 07:29:53 · 8 answers · asked by lilgiggle33 3

2006-10-06 07:11:53 · 13 answers · asked by Natalie 1

My sister is moving to a new house and she's not taking her cat. I feel so bad because I care about this cat, and my younger nieces care about her, too, but I doubt they'll be as affected when she's gone.

They got the cat from a shelter or somewhere a few years ago. They're moving into a house they've built in a few weeks, and the cat has absolutely no where to go. I would love to take her but the place I live doesn't allow animals and my mother is severely allergic to her. I'm just afraid that no one will take her because she's an older cat. I don't want her to be killed and I feel like that's what will happen if they take her to a shelter. I also don't want them to just let her roam the streets.

I know this isn't my cat so I have no choice in the matter but I wrong for caring? Is there a place she can go where she won't be harmed? She's such a sweet cat. I normally dislike cats so in order for me to care so much says a lot about her. I just want her safe.

Any suggestions?

2006-10-06 06:59:17 · 8 answers · asked by meyouokay 1

What do you think happens to all the cats that go missing?
I don't know how many posters I have seen for missing cats..where are all the missing cats?

2006-10-06 06:53:53 · 17 answers · asked by fajita 7

I just got a kitten and I want to make sure that he gets the best nutrition. However, we both share a loathing for wet(canned) cat food... I the smell, he the taste apparently. What sort of things and how often can I feed him so he gets all the nutrients he should be getting at his age?

2006-10-06 06:40:37 · 6 answers · asked by artgeek2 1

Now i called the humane society told me over the phone that they have some cats declawed and some that are not declawed. I asked her if we picked a cat we liked that was declawed, would he be able to catch mice. She said "We dont adopt our cats out for pest control".
Why did she say this? Do you think i should go adopt anyway and not tell her my reasons for adopting? or do you think humane society cats are not effective for catching mice period? Do they train their cats to not catch any mice? please tell me. i have no clue....SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE

2006-10-06 06:29:10 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a white cat and his hair goes out and my entire house is full of it and my family is starting to dislike my dear pet.

2006-10-06 06:21:27 · 20 answers · asked by Diana 1

My cat sucks on my shirt and does this weird clawing thing while it purrs. Its really anoying and I cant get him to stop. Why is he doing it, and what can I do to make him stop?

2006-10-06 06:20:58 · 17 answers · asked by bbrenpbr 2

I don't understand. I for one am a cat person. I just don't really care for dogs at all. cats are soooo much more tolerable in my opinion than a dog is. they're prettier, quieter, less messy, know how to occupy themselves w/out being destructive, sleep more, and some are just plain lovable, you don't have to give cats a bath as much, they don't need walks, etc. whoever says cats smell are completly stupid!! yeah, their litterbox smells (if you don't clean it out daily)!! they say that cats are no fun. I say that if you've ever met my cats you would totally change your mind. mine are so sociable and love the company of people and my boy is soooooooo playful all the time. I luvvvvvv them both!! I believe that all these people who claim reasons why they don't like cats have never really owned a cat so therefore they can't judge. I used to be one of those people, I never cared for cats until I found my female. I didn't know how great cats could be. she changed my mind.

2006-10-06 06:17:10 · 18 answers · asked by *miss lily* 3

2006-10-06 06:17:07 · 18 answers · asked by Charli 1

I have checked all the websites for this problem and even taken her to the vet. Her box is clean...I have a littermaid that scoops every time she uses it. And, she still uses it sometimes, but then she pees on this rug. I have changed the rug three times because I thought that would eliminate the smell for her to go back to. I don't know what else to do!

2006-10-06 06:08:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-06 06:04:24 · 5 answers · asked by patricia m 1

She's a black and white 'moggy' only kitten in litter. Her mother was tiny and her dad a huge b/w alley cat, quite wild!!
She'd never liked the 'top' brand iams etc, hates whiskas stuff, loves felix, not supermeat though. She eats 400g of tined each day, plus 100g of gocat complete, greeds titbits, steals fromthe dog's bowl too if he dares to have a snooze!. Loves chips and raw potatoes and will only drink from a running tap, never from a bowl.
She is lean, fit, playful, murders and tortures the local mice, frogs, spiders and birds. Bites me all the time, doesn't break the skin,.

She doesn't have worms and has no dental tartar at all.
Oh, and we had her spayed at six months cos she jumped out of the bedroom window looking for boys!

Is she the devil?

2006-10-06 05:41:34 · 21 answers · asked by lizzybean 2

heres the deal : my kitty got selected to be in the cutest pet photo book , so i can either make biography about him and our family or a dedication , now would the dedication be for my kitty or a family member ? any ideas on what kind of deciation i could make ?? my kittys name is boots and hes a grey taby - thanks !

2006-10-06 05:27:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 5month old boy cat and everytime someone comes to visit he always spits at them and hisses is this normal behavior or is he being protective. Its kind of cute.

2006-10-06 05:15:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

We brought the new cat home 2 days ago. Our old cats are not fighting him, but they hiss and growl every time he gets within a few feet of them.

2006-10-06 04:25:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-06 04:11:31 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

She was totally bound up. The vet had to give her 4 enimas and I don't know how many stool softners to get things moving again. He told me that constipation was common among manx cats. I am to sprinkel metimucial on her food daily. Has anyone had any similar problems with their manx? Any ideas on treatment?
Thank you!

2006-10-06 04:07:35 · 4 answers · asked by Jeanie H 2

2006-10-06 04:03:54 · 8 answers · asked by me_talk1 1

He is very gentle apart from his killing. Only serious answers please. Anyone saying I should kill him will be reported.

2006-10-06 04:02:51 · 21 answers · asked by Mrs Mole 2

I have a potted ivy in my house, and every time I leave, my cat goes and lays in it, on top of the plant. I can't get her to stop, and I'm afraid she's going to squash and kill the plant. Any ideas on how to make her stop? Is there something I could put in the pot that would make her not like the smell?

2006-10-06 03:39:09 · 10 answers · asked by tamgigem08 2

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