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Pets - 20 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

just anywhere in the chicago land area thatis cheap and is noted for being efficient and caring to the pets as well.

2006-12-20 05:31:31 · 7 answers · asked by mrwsprss 1 in Cats

i found the cat two days ago and the cat is extremely skinny. its not yet full grown but its not a little kitten either. do you think maybe there is something wrong with her? or could she just be like going out of heat or something? because shes not like dripping blood but somtimes when im petting her outside she randomly pops a squat and pees but every now and then there is blood in her urine. what do u think i should do? i havent yet taken her to the vet because like i said its been only two days since she showed up.

2006-12-20 05:31:09 · 17 answers · asked by Peace and Love 4 in Cats

my hamster died last week and my kitty loved him! i really dont want another one but i know that cat misses him, he sits by where the cage used to be and cries. Im thinking of getting a fish tank w/ fish to replace the hamster...think the cat would be interested?

2006-12-20 05:30:42 · 8 answers · asked by sassy2sloppy 2 in Cats

I just adopted a 10-week-old puppy (chocolate lab/golden retriever mix) from the shelter and she play-bites all the time. It doesn't bother me, but I don't want her being a nuisance to my guests. How do I break her of this habit before it's too late?

2006-12-20 05:28:25 · 20 answers · asked by Hershey 2 in Dogs


2006-12-20 05:27:28 · 21 answers · asked by rachel p 1 in Cats

I'm thinking of puting my 2 y.o. male Pembroke Welsh Corgi up for stud. What would be the best way to contact reputable breeders? Also what would be a reasonable stud fee to ask for a dog that is very close to the breed standard with an impressive pedigree?

2006-12-20 05:25:53 · 12 answers · asked by rawk_chawk 2 in Dogs

The holidays are here and I always get so sad to see the puppies in the windows of pet stores...but why should I not buy one from there?

Please share with me and others on Yahoo Answers WHY I should or shouldn't (in your opinion), buy a dog from a pet store this holiday season.


2006-12-20 05:25:18 · 28 answers · asked by Zliz 2 in Dogs

Yeah! ;<)

2006-12-20 05:23:06 · 21 answers · asked by riptide_71 5 in Dogs

2006-12-20 05:20:25 · 7 answers · asked by ♥ Xeina ♥ 2 in Birds

Ever since puppyhood my dog has been flaky about coming inside when I call her. I've tried treats, etc., to make her come inside (i give them to her when she comes in, not while she's outside). I've tried being stern and being not so stern.. But she just doesn't come inside everytime I call her. She listens to my dad though, because he uses a very stern voice. But I'm not a guy so lol, even with that voice she doesn't listen to me or my mom. Anyway, apparently I must be doing something wrong or not enough or somethinG because she has yet to learn "come inside." Much to my dismay lol. Please help if any of you have had experience with this. Thanks so much :o)

2006-12-20 05:17:03 · 8 answers · asked by Emo B 5 in Dogs

im looking for a unique name for a small bird, but not something that is hard to say.

2006-12-20 05:15:51 · 14 answers · asked by cassie 1 in Birds

My dog is two in a half, he is mostly a Chow Chow, Border Collie mix. I know that these breeds aren't exactly in love with water, but, my dog is terrified. He is so scared of water, that if you give him a dry rag, then he will play with it, but if you put any water on it, then lay it on the ground, he will sniff it, jump back, and start running! I'm not even gonna get started on how he acts when it's bath time! i want to know if there is a way to get him used to water, he needs a bath, and He won't stop running!

2006-12-20 05:14:27 · 10 answers · asked by hannahrg33 1 in Dogs

my cat is two and the dog is six months old and even though the dog is soppy the cat is just freaked out by him and wont come in the cat flap at all am having to let her through the front window and as soon as she sees the dog she runs back to the window seal where she feels safe. Also i think that the cat may have wet behind the sofa because she was too scared to pass the dog to go out. Please help as im really worried about the cat as she is normally indoors and its freezing outside....

2006-12-20 05:12:43 · 13 answers · asked by AMANDA M 1 in Cats

i have a nice 6 gallon tank and a stiped 10 gallon tank. I have 3 kinds of tropical fish in mind id like to get. Would the 6 or 10 gallon be better. Id like to use the 6 gallon since i have everything for it...but i want more fish

2006-12-20 05:08:10 · 14 answers · asked by sassy2sloppy 2 in Fish

I have one red eared slider turtle, about 9 mos old in a 20 gallon aquarium with heater and all necessary lighting. After MANY different filter purchases I now have a Fluval 205 canister filter which worked awesome at first. It has the 3 chambers with the top 2 being the biomax and the bottom being the carbon and it also has the 4 sponge/foam filters in it. It lasted a month without me having to change the water and it stayed crystal clear. Since the first change, the water gets cloudy now after 2-3 days. I've torn the entire thing apart cleaning the hosing and all and doing partial water changes but for some reason it gets so cloudy within a few days I can't even see my turtle (Rocky) anymore. I desperately need some help as to what I'm doing wrong! Please help me and Rocky!!!

2006-12-20 05:07:04 · 7 answers · asked by cody930 1 in Reptiles

My little kitty, keeps climbing my tree, knocking off the top star and chewing on it. Right now, I have her locked up in my room with me so that she can't access the tree but I don't think its working out so well for the both of us...

2006-12-20 05:05:27 · 19 answers · asked by HolyFuck 2 in Cats

If you do, please email me at aamir925@hotmail.com

2006-12-20 05:00:28 · 4 answers · asked by aamir925 1 in Birds

i need alot of puppy names for boys and girls. all sorts of names-as many as you can think of. Thank you so much for your help.

2006-12-20 04:58:53 · 16 answers · asked by blondie 2 in Dogs

I have a year and half old boxer mix, and we can't get her to stop chewing on the pads of her feet. We give her allergy medicine, treat the spots with benadryl, even did the "yucky" spray. She won't stop chewing! IT's gotten pretty bad and she has made herself bleed multiple times leading to a round of antibiotics. Anyone have any ideas? We don't want to muzzle or put the collar on because she'll just get right back at them when we take it off.

2006-12-20 04:56:58 · 35 answers · asked by Merry Mary 1 in Dogs

it scratches its beack with its feet and then rubs its butt on something soft.... is that normal??

2006-12-20 04:52:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

I was thinking about this and it hit me that what animals love about Christmas would be the essense of joy and love that they can feel from their owners and other people around this time of the year. Material things do not matter to animals regardless of what we think. It's the feeling we are experiencing at the time that we give our gifts to our pets that our animals are truly enjoying, It would be the tone in our voices our excitment that would bring excitment to them. At least this is my thoughts at this moment and I am curious to what others might think.

2006-12-20 04:51:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

It can be anything even if it's not P.C. My biggest pet-peeve are people who are ignorant. One can be born stupid and there's not much that can be done about that, but ignorance can be cured by simiply seeking knowledge. I've got more, but this a number one for sure.

2006-12-20 04:50:42 · 16 answers · asked by blackbug2004 2 in Other - Pets

its a girl, she's crazy, cute, and she's brownish with lighter brown streaks and spots. her hair is spiky and she's SO ADORABLE! her face is really funny and she has a lot of expression. the problem is... i just CAN'T think of a name!!!!!

2006-12-20 04:50:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I can not afford a vet, and I think my dog Molly is going to die if I don't do something. She has decaying teeth and recently she stopped eating. She won't even eat her treats anymore. Sometimes when I try and feed her soft food she'll cry and toss her head to the side in pain. It makes me very sad! I know she's very hungry, but once she starts crying she runs and hides from me and won't eat anymore. I don't know if I should try and remove the tooth. She cries if i even touch the area so I havent been able to see in her mouth, so it could be even something else? I dont see any tumors or growths either. I don't want to lose Molly, she's only 8 years old. Thanks...

2006-12-20 04:48:50 · 28 answers · asked by rtokars 2 in Dogs

I'm confused, everyone I knew in Europe feed their cat with wet food, we fed out cat wet food (only premium brand) once a day and dry food all day. All the cats are healthy and regularly checked by the vet. The oldest one today is like 17 years old.

Now I'm in the US and we bought an 8 weeks old kitten, and the Vet told me not to feed the cat with wet food because the cat will get plugged?!?

He is the pet doctor, and I'm not, but it's really hard for me to believe that wet food is bad for my kitten-- when no other Vet told me anything like that for the past 15 years. Should I just change my Vet?

2006-12-20 04:47:21 · 23 answers · asked by Speck Schnuck 5 in Cats

2006-12-20 04:45:45 · 8 answers · asked by gemma b 1 in Dogs

I have a sweet s-10 i don't get to drive so it just sits in my yard. My nieghbor has two mangy farm mutts that come into my yard in the middle of the night bark at my cats and pi$$ on every tire I have. My truck has nice aluminum rims and it's leaving stains on them. I find this unanaceptable, is it okay to deliver some 12 ga. justice here? I live in the country so there is no animal control. Speaking w/ the neighbor is not really an option, has has a 2 acre yard that comes within 10 feet of my house. I'm just waiting for the two mongrels to make those final steps.

2006-12-20 04:44:30 · 13 answers · asked by NIGHTSHADE 4 in Dogs

Are they? if yes why so?

2006-12-20 04:42:44 · 15 answers · asked by auraming 2 in Cats

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