i let both of my dogs out to do there thing & my jack-russle took off after a stray cat.i looked every where i phoned every where i put up flyers.11:30 at night after coming back from lookin for her i got a call that she got hit by a car.the person who hit her was speeding in a slow zone cause there are children in the area.on that note there is another dog that looked like mine and is the same size who roams around but yet drivers take there time with her,so why hit my dog?the man stayed until the SPCA came to get her,so he cared a little but why didn't he offer to help with the cost?he did addmit that he was goin a little fast but yet the SPCA let him go with no problems to call his own.the only way for me to have helped my dog was if i had $200 to give them right then & there,the next day was not good enough,is that fair?and for people to hit an animal and not get charged cause not all animals are at fault,some get lose like mine did while i was there with them,is that fair?2 me,no.
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