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Injuries - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

the side of my pinkey finger is infected i dont know what from does anyone have any idea on what i could do to take down the swelling or something?

2006-06-23 10:08:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I Fell on my coccyx yesterday and injured it, its not that bad bt it hurts, and i can walk 90% fine, i can´t run,(well, i haven´t tried), i´m gonna be traveling next week and i need to be able to walk long time and long distances, how much time will it take to recover? what pain killer should I take? Will it bother me a lot if i walk a lot and stand for a long time?

2006-06-23 08:02:29 · 13 answers · asked by John L 1

Yesterday my coach told me to do a really hard move on floor, and I hyperextended my knee. How long will it take to heal?? When will the pain stop??

2006-06-23 05:42:41 · 7 answers · asked by tennislover25 2

The back of my knee as been hurting for about 5 months now, when I sit for more than a hour or riding in a car when I wake up in the morning it kills me, I have been taking 500mg of glucsamine that also has 400mg of chondroitin 2x a day and I also take 600mg of IB Profen 5-6 times a day I know the IB is not good for me but its the only thing that helps when I stand it does not hurt nor when I walk, run work on the car or the yad I have no problems but the pain of sitting KILLS me. if I miss a dose of the IB it will hurt so bad for hours I usally have to take to doses to keep the pain down, not swelling as far as I can tell. I know I should go to the doctor but I can not afford it nor do I have Ins. what can I do I am up for anything.


2006-06-23 05:21:07 · 7 answers · asked by Jaysin 2

2006-06-23 02:38:26 · 16 answers · asked by isameg46 1

Whenever I masturbate my sperm comes out very difficult...It's gooey, yellowish with a little gray and smells like rotten eggs. It' usually comes out even without masturbating. You can imagine the smell there is around me. My penis head hurts like hell too...I one puked because of the smell. Can someone help me? Is it because I took a big hit in the testicles when I was 8?

2006-06-23 01:24:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hope someone can help me. For years I have had issues with my feet but it's gotten worse of the past four years. When standing long peroids of time it becomes agonizing. A "crushing" burning pain when I stand and a "ripping" burning pain when I sit. I have gone to a Chiropracter who made me custom orthodics and they do nothing. The pain gets so bad I can't walk sometimes and it's nausiating.

I do the stretches she has shown me and they do little to help. Can ANYONE help me? This insanity has got to stop!

If it matters I am a 21 year old female.

2006-06-22 23:40:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what's there field of expertise?

2006-06-22 22:39:19 · 2 answers · asked by michael 1


2006-06-22 18:55:19 · 20 answers · asked by FarmTruck 2

My niece has been complaining that her right wrist is hurting her. "Sharp pains like knives are stabbing". She can't grip anything and pressure hurts her.

She says this all started about a month ago after she did cartwheels. She has visited the school nurse a few times and they just put an ace bandage on it and sent her on her merry little way.

What could possibly be wrong with her wrist? I realize that a visit to the doctor should be done, but my parents just don't have the finances right now.

Any suggestions?

2006-06-22 18:27:28 · 6 answers · asked by Zoer 5

I am adicted to Tobacco ,please help me out How to come out.

2006-06-22 18:21:10 · 6 answers · asked by suryabindu c 1

My moms doctor said she couldnt eat GM foods because she has a torn meniscus (in her knee), but I dont see the corrollation. Any ideas?

2006-06-22 09:38:29 · 5 answers · asked by MM 5

What did you do for it? How long did it hurt?

I've broken my 2nd biggest toe before and I remember it being numb, but I don't remember it hurting. I also remember it turning a light purple. My husband injured his little toe last night & it's dark purple at the base and hurts. Is it broken?

2006-06-22 09:16:06 · 12 answers · asked by Cimba00 3

For several years I have had pain in my right shoulder that comes and goes. Sometimes it doesn't hurt at all, sometimes just a little, and sometimes it hurts really bad. Sometimes it hurts so much that it makes the lower part of the side of my neck hurt, and my arm too. I cannot remember injuring it, but I tend to be very active, and don't worry too much about getting hurt. I am only 20, so I'm not sure what I could have done. Does anyone have any ideas what it could be? I tried to look on WebMD, but that website is pretty useless. My mom (who is a nurse) looked at it a year or so ago, and it has a tendency to kinda pop; she said there was specific term for that, but I forgot what it is. She said I could go get an X-ray the next time I come home (I'm at college right now) but I was wondering if anyone has anything like this, so maybe I could tell the doc that I have an idea of what is wrong.

2006-06-22 09:02:54 · 5 answers · asked by Amy E 3

My husband got injured on the job 3 or 4 years ago.The doctor was ready to do surgery since my husband tore a ligament.Then the docotr (probably didn't feel like dealing with workems comp) and just put my husband on Physical therapy.My husband now delivers the mail and his knee hurts like crazy and he bought a $500 kneebrace but it only helps some.How long is work-realted injury injury-benefits good for? Now the docotr tells him he needs surgery ASAP,but who will comensate my husbnand when he recovers? Recovery will be 6 months!

2006-06-22 08:49:38 · 5 answers · asked by willywonka172 2

I am back to lite duty work now. But i still have to go to the Dr's, and PT, Does Comp provide for milege or transportation to and from Apointments for this injury. Im in the state of Ga.

2006-06-22 08:38:00 · 4 answers · asked by garanger71 1

3 months ago an illegal immigrant pulled out infront of me on my motorcycle. I fractured my pelvis, wrists and many other small things. The thing that Im most worried about now is that I am having a hard time (haha) getting a full erection. When I fractured my pelvis, I had two ureathra disruptions ( torn pee tube) and I had to have a cathiter for a month. After the cathiter was removed, I was able to get about a 3/4 erection and since has been the same. Even with my girlfriend, it takes work to keep it up. After awhile I can acheive orgasam, but hardly anything if anything at all comes out. This is not how it used to be. I will add that I had a lot of swelling and internal bleeding down there. If anyone know anything about truma in this area that would be helpful, and please no comments like "just get viagra". thanks for all you help.

2006-06-22 06:54:41 · 4 answers · asked by vrodcrash 1

I hurt my back at work and now have some sort of pinched nerve or something. It irritates me and hinders me when I have to stand for periods of time, which is what I do at work. What can I do to help this?

2006-06-22 04:06:31 · 10 answers · asked by tdog 2

2006-06-22 03:20:42 · 9 answers · asked by bonethug 1

Tried special boot perscribed by doctor but still pain in the left side and back of heel

2006-06-22 02:56:17 · 6 answers · asked by K B 1

On Tuesday night I developed an aching, stretchy pain from my left shoulder/upper back stretching up the side of my neck. I have had some pain in my left arm- fuzzy.The pain gets worse if I turn my head one way, but is ok to turn the other way. My muscles were quite bunched up and tight that day (traffic and football).

Heat seems to relieve it temporarily and it responds to ibuprofen. Have had it 2 full days now and sick of it. Any ideas?

2006-06-22 01:32:38 · 8 answers · asked by squeezy 4

is it? A charlie horse? What?

2006-06-22 01:15:17 · 8 answers · asked by libbyocto14 2

i had an acl reconstruction a few years ago what would be the best way to strap my knee to play netball again.

thanks in advance.

2006-06-21 20:02:21 · 3 answers · asked by nis 3

the wieght he was lifting with his work crushed his back and now he can barely do a thing......i am 16 and my dad yells at me alot but i understand that hes depressed but how can i tell him that i care and that i am there for him

2006-06-21 14:53:21 · 12 answers · asked by teenchatter10 2

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