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Health - 19 June 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

id prefer walking cause i take my dog with me, but would i burn more fat jogging ? i usually walk for 30 mins medium pace. can i burn fat by doing this with a good diet ? i also starting doing 8 min abs, that sh!t hurts !

2007-06-19 18:02:53 · 16 answers · asked by babylonmoshi 2 in Diet & Fitness

2007-06-19 17:58:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

i drink probably 5 cans a day of coke and seems im losing focus when im doin somthin even watching a movie and i do not have ADD i have always been able to get good grades easily and focus pretty good but this past year i havent been able to is this because of all the caffeine?

2007-06-19 17:52:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

What should I expect? Is it going to be that big of a deal? What should I do or not do??? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-19 17:51:52 · 23 answers · asked by C. W 1 in Women's Health

im a guy..and i have the biggest *** ever...

im not even fat..

this big butt does not fit my height which is 5'7''

anything i can do to get rid of this huge ***?

2007-06-19 17:49:09 · 3 answers · asked by Mmm 1 in Diet & Fitness

hello....i am 17 years old and the last time i checked my weight i was 190 pounds.but that was over 6 months ago. i wear a size 18 pants and it's really embarrassing because i'm in high school.i'm 5'8" and i know that is should be a lot less then i am...('iwhite if that matters) i've been fat all my life want a way to be at a healthy weiht and where i am 'supposed' to be.....please tell me what i can do to be able to fit in...i mean, it's my senior year and i've enver been asked out on a date...i missed my own prom b/c i was so self councious....this is really hard for me to say because i tell my friends and family that i am fine with where i am....but really i'm not. my oldest sister is 27, 5'11" and 125 and my other sister is 25, 5'4" and 112...and they both pick on me about my weight, and that really hurts. i am really active, i do a lot of plays, most of whitch i am both on stage and back stage. and i eat the same things that everybody else eats...i'm just the only big one in my fa

2007-06-19 17:48:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I am almost 15 years old. I'm about 5' 6" and weight 155. I don't look that, but I am. Am I overweight? If I am, what should I do? As far as I know, I'm pretty healthy. Please help! =]

2007-06-19 17:47:19 · 8 answers · asked by xokahne9ox 2 in Diet & Fitness

I currently have the niacin from Trader Joes and it is time released yet, it still makes me very red and sometimes hot and itchy so which product would you say works well without the side effects? Thanks

2007-06-19 17:44:37 · 7 answers · asked by Question Asker 1 in Alternative Medicine

ok, so if you use a tampon when you pee does blood come out or is there any way to like notice that you are on your period? say i was to pee in a lake and i had my period, would people see blood come out? or anything come out? also, its the second hole right..so when you open its the one that is above the first one...correct? i havent done it yet but hope it works...
also, is there anyway to fasten your period up....

2007-06-19 17:43:50 · 13 answers · asked by roxygirl2828 2 in Women's Health

Am I am terrified of pretty much everything: diseases, death, loneliness, other people who I feel are not safe, being alone. And when I'm not scared, I'm either sleeping or feeling bored and empty. Why is this happening? And its not like I'm fat and ugly and people dont like me; I'm a model and my friends go out all the time, but i'm never in the mood or I'm scared to go out because its getting late.

2007-06-19 17:42:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

Okay, when I first started menstruating I had extremely regular cycles (like to the hour)...then in my late teens early twenties it started to become irregular...I wouldn't always get it every month. I went to the health center at school and they ordered all kinds of blood work. My doctor told me I was borderline on two tests-one with my thyroid.(One point away) She said that she just thought I wasn't ovulating. She acted like it was no big deal and since I was young and in no situation to even think of having kids I didn't worry about it. She put me on the pill to regulate my cycle. Now, years later, I stopped taking the pill. It took a couple months before I got my period again. Now it is irregualr again and I haven't had it in a couple of months. I'm married and am not trying to have kids right now...but how worried should I be?

2007-06-19 17:36:27 · 8 answers · asked by Sassafrass 6 in Women's Health

I live in texas where a bunch of ants are, and we just got an above ground pool (which i had to set up). I need some tips to heal cause they are really buggin me. Perferably house hold items, but if there is an easier way just comment, (u might get the ten points). Thanx!

2007-06-19 17:23:30 · 6 answers · asked by mt_dew_14 2 in Other - Health

I'm not talking about the night before. Of course, I wouldn't drink anything then. I mean now and the days leading up to the procedure..

2007-06-19 17:20:33 · 5 answers · asked by dullerd 2 in Heart Diseases

I'm 20 years old, and almost everything causes me pain. I mean, the ordinary things we do are painful to me, or the things that shouldn't hurt that much, really hurt. For example, opening a sealed bottled water or soda, the cap hurts my fingers so i have to have someone else open it for me. Or tickling, it hurts me, doesnt tickle. My stomache hurts about 50% of the day. I've gotten used to it, so i dont let it affect my day. Am I just being a wimp? or is there something wrong with me?

2007-06-19 17:18:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I got a really bad sunburn on my face almost three days ago, and it has been starting to peel. I am wondering if anyone knows how to make the peeling go quicker and to get rid of all the dead skin because right now it looks really wierd and is many different colors. I'm not sure if I just have to wait it out, or is there something I can do to get rid of the dead skin yet not damage my face.

2007-06-19 17:18:24 · 6 answers · asked by west coast girl 2 in Skin Conditions

I am trying to jog/run but I keep on getting these incredibly painful stitches. I have tried to drink water before and during the workout and I have a strong abdomen. Any reason why I keep on getting these stitches and how do I get rid of them?

2007-06-19 17:13:31 · 2 answers · asked by > 2 in Diet & Fitness

I am on 3 new meds that make me feel very shakey and dizzy in the morning when I wake up. These meds are an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxer for my back and neck and an anti-depressant for post partum symptoms. Today my doctor told me to drink a cup of coffee in the morning to balance out the effects of the meds and also not to drink fruit juices such as apple juice or sweet juices. He also told me to switch around the times that I take my meds and skip days on the anti-inflammatory. Should I listen to my doctors recommendations and has anyone experienced anything like this before with medication after pregnancy? I find it strange to be told to drink coffee and not fruit juices.

2007-06-19 17:11:49 · 17 answers · asked by stressaway 2 in Women's Health


everyone tell's me that i'm freakishly skinny, and i agree. and my doctors always tell me i'm underweight. i dont have an eating problem, but my migrain meds make me not eat as much. but it works. so i stay on it. and i eat healthy things, i'm not saying i dont eat my share of junk food tho. but my question is: exactly how underweight am i in all of your oppinions? I'm 15, gona be 16 soon. 5"5' , about 95 lbs.

according to all of you, how underweight am i? a lot or a little?

2007-06-19 17:09:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I have a quarter sized puss filled lump on my thigh. What is it and how do i get rid of it? I shower everyday and take good care of my hygene

2007-06-19 17:09:32 · 10 answers · asked by BillG 1 in Skin Conditions

ok well i have adhd and i got it from my dad i kno it means attention defesate hyperactivity disorder but what are the weird symptoms of it casue im not always hyper what else does t do to u

2007-06-19 17:08:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

because I want to lower my body fat percentage so I can get bulked up

2007-06-19 17:08:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I'm working on my abs, trying to develop the six pack and the impressive V that the ladies tend to like. I'm already starting to show definition in my upper abs, but only when I flex.

I do a lot of jack knife exercises with added weight. Any other exercise suggestions.

High reps, low weight I heard will give you definition faster
Low reps, high weight i heard will give you bulk (something I'm only looking for in my extremities- only looking for definition in my abs)

Also on diet. I consume a lot of calories through a weight gainer shake. One serving with whole milk gives me 990 calories and 50 grams of protein- 5 grams of fat.

2007-06-19 17:08:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

Now, I have a rash all over my genitalia. What should I do?

2007-06-19 17:07:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I'm 5'6" rounding taller. My measurements are 34.75" (bust)- 29" (waist)- 35" (hips). My weight range is 122-140. Is this healthy? I've joined a gym, and so hopefully my waist size can go down to 27".

2007-06-19 17:04:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

He spends at least $4500 a year on vitamins and herbal remedies. There is no rhyme or reason to what he is taking, but he mixes about 30-45 different herbs together in a vita mixer, shoves them in capsules and takes 15 of them a day. This includes echinacea, diminia root, milk thistle, some kind of bilberry root or something, and I could go on and on and on.
Where do you think he got this crazy idea to take all this stuff every day. He thinks it is going to make him healthier and has it in his head if he doesnt take them, he doesnt feel well. I am afraid he is going to kill himself with herbs.
Do you think he is nuts or does he have some valid points taking thousands of dollars worth of herbs every year?

2007-06-19 16:59:43 · 6 answers · asked by happydawg 6 in Alternative Medicine

i sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago playing bball. it was pretty bad swelling, but went away after about a week. also took me about 2 weeks to walk around normally (i was able to hobble after about 10 min), but there is still a little swelling in the ankle. also, i have pain on the top of my ankle when i try running (sharp pain) (it feels like a tendon or something) and a duller pain if i press the side of my ankle bone. if i ice it the pain goes away for a bit. any clue on the best treatment for my ankle?? thanks.... oh and i didn't RICE cuz i've never had an ankle sprain before and didn't realize it was this bad. now i rice though.

2007-06-19 16:58:30 · 7 answers · asked by Branshaw 4 in Injuries

I am interested in going into the health field. I am a 16 year old teenager and i find it very interesting. Is nursing a good job? If i were to go to school and get the highest thing you can get for a nurse are they good paying jobs, thanks.

2007-06-19 16:57:20 · 6 answers · asked by charlie 2 in Other - Health

I am wanting to get a reduction. I have been having lots of shoulder pain, back pain and its hard for me to exersize. I have complained about it to a few doctors and they documented it for me. I have had MRIs done on my back and I've had a few shots in my back for the pain but those made me break out. Anyway my Doctor told me he thinks it would be a good idea and gave me a name of a plastic surgen to call. Which I will do tomrrow. I have GHP and my doctor says if we documant it really well the insurance will help pay for one. Has anyone ever had one done if so was it resently. Did your health insurance help pay for it? If so did You have GHP or does anyone know on average what persentage the insurance will pay for?

2007-06-19 16:56:27 · 5 answers · asked by anglzndskyz2 2 in Injuries

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