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Health - 9 April 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

I am 5 ft 1 in and I have two kids and I weigh 137.5 and I have fat in my upper abs. I need to loos my upper stomach fat and loose ten pounds by May 26th, how can I do this? I usually eat Half cup of orange juice with nopalina at 8:30a.m
half cup of coffee with 1/2 mexican sweet bread at 10:30 a.m
salad or cereal at 1p.m
dinner at 4p.m
nopalina at 5:30 or 6 pm
all bran cereal at 7 or 7:30 pm and I do 25 crunches. Some help please!!!!!

2007-04-09 17:51:58 · 17 answers · asked by WENDY D 2 in Diet & Fitness

what is the correct term for "eating someone out"?

2007-04-09 17:51:21 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I've seen many a times and kept reading abt the various sizes of bras tht women wear.. I dont understand the letters beside the no.'s. eg: 34 C, 32 H, Wht r these 'C', 'H' etc?? Are all the alphabets from A-Z are included????
Plz xcuse me if this is the wrong place to ask this question. But I had this doubt from many months which i thought it is better to clear it atleast now..!!

2007-04-09 17:50:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

like, is there any evidence of this.

2007-04-09 17:49:06 · 12 answers · asked by woah 2 in Other - Health

i dont want this girl to get mad...lol

2007-04-09 17:48:45 · 28 answers · asked by Millennials' Planning Program Consultant 3 in Diet & Fitness

Hi im Bianca 12 years old

I have wet, thickish, heavy discharge and its clear and i hate it and want to know whats causing it it sometimes goes through my undies i can feel it come out it pops and drips out what is it??

2007-04-09 17:43:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

2007-04-09 17:41:23 · 4 answers · asked by standandwork 5 in Heart Diseases

i am having a debate with a friend of mine, so is it just as bad??

2007-04-09 17:39:36 · 27 answers · asked by justme 2 in Other - Health

2007-04-09 17:34:47 · 1 answers · asked by :) 1 in Cancer

2007-04-09 17:25:25 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I drink it for migraines, and get migraines atleast once a week. With or with out the coffee, I -will- get a migraine once a week, but the coffee and tylonal combo is the only thing that makes it disapear within an hour or so.

ANYWAY, im trying to lose some fat in my body and im excersizing regularly, cardio and weights, but can the caffeine/coffee hamper me from attaining my goals?

2007-04-09 17:25:15 · 16 answers · asked by . 5 in Diet & Fitness

My mother died of colon cancer on March 14th, 2007, eleven days before my 20th birthday. A few days prior to that, I dropped all my classes at the University of Florida to help take care of her. I was determined to stay with her until she got better, and then she just died. The cancer just got so bad so fast. One day she was fine, dancing and talking to me like everything was okay. Within 1 week she was bedridden and was so weak she could barely speak or hold her own head up. She was an extraordinary woman, Christian, wife and mother of five that can't ever be replaced. No words can express my feeling of loneliness and hopelessness. I just need a little help with dealing with this. I am a Christian and she definitely was and I KNOW she is in heaven smiling down on me and looking over me. I just miss the physical aspect of her. I loved her so much. I feel so weird without talking to her everyday.
I know this is long but I just wanted to know if anyone knew any bible verses or anything

2007-04-09 17:22:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health


It recent time, I've had so real trouble falling asleep. I cannot get to bed without Nyquil or I just end up being awake in my bed and getting up tired. What can I do?

2007-04-09 17:19:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

wouldnt it make you weigh more?

2007-04-09 17:02:26 · 19 answers · asked by N 2 in Diet & Fitness

my mom died about 3and half years ago and she had blood clots all over her organs but that the doctor said was not what killed her as they had concern about her high white blood cell count and no sign of an infection or low red blood cell count. i don't know what this means. could someone with experiance in this help with this. thanks for any help

2007-04-09 16:58:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

im not sure if thats how you spell it but it means to get a biopsy of your cervix when abnormal cells are shown.
My question is having a "coloscopy" does that bring on a period or has the bleeding from the procedure have nothing to do with a period?

2007-04-09 16:57:34 · 6 answers · asked by ???help me???? 1 in Women's Health

the child was 1yr5mth he went in for breathing problem was given an asthma treatment later given an ekg blood pressure was 168-180 need treatment for heart due to previous virus may have affected heart child die within 12 hrs what would cause this

2007-04-09 16:55:37 · 2 answers · asked by browneyes7c 3 in Heart Diseases

2007-04-09 16:52:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

What would be the ideal amount of time in which to lose 50 or 60 lbs.?

Is three months too fast?

What will happen - bad?

No drugs, just no breakfast or lunch and large dinner.

Lots of outdoor exercise in the form of planting bushes, garden, flowerbeds, moving rocks;
and indoors - the 'ab lounge.'

2007-04-09 16:45:34 · 47 answers · asked by mamacedar 5 in Diet & Fitness

its been bothering me its been sore, then it will feel tight on and off and i cant sleep because when i lie down i feel like i cant breathe. help! any advice? ideas and remedies i can use to get to sleep?

2007-04-09 16:43:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies

I have a guy friend who says he is Metrosexual. He said it means that he is a girly-guy cuz he dresses nice and grooms himself well. Does it mean that he is kinda gay? Or are metrosexuals straight? I dont get it...is he trying to be gay?

2007-04-09 16:42:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

she also faints in dissection biology classes.
Is it something that can go away ?
Is there any sort of psychotherapy ?
or is it better for her to choose a totally different career ?

2007-04-09 16:40:11 · 14 answers · asked by Mimi 2 in Other - Diseases

I'd like to get Invisalign, and I have Metlife Dental that covers 60% of orthodontic services, and that would include Invisalign because it would count as braces, but the question is, is there a difference when Invisalign is offered through a dentist or an orthodontist? I heard that dentists may charge less, but it's just what I heard. There's 1 dentist and 1 orthodontist that provide Invisalign in my area, so should I go to both places to have them look at my teeth to see how much it would cost? (Well, if I am an eligible candidate for Invisalign.) I have 12 crowding teeth, 6 on the top, and 6 on the bottom, all in the front and my canine teeth stick out like vampire teeth. So if you can answer, please help! Any dentists or orthodontists? Help?

Thank you! ^_^

2007-04-09 16:37:14 · 4 answers · asked by Chi ^_~* 2 in Dental

Do you know any good cure? Any info about it?

2007-04-09 16:36:32 · 6 answers · asked by mamacedar 5 in Alternative Medicine

My mother has high blood pressure and want to extract her tooth but tension and nervousness is my concern.

2007-04-09 16:35:34 · 10 answers · asked by chogie 2 in Dental

sleepy, or help me sleep/feel calm, because it is really affecting my atitude during the day, i am all groggy, and it takes me about an hour to fall asleep! It's ridiculous, because im sooooo tired during the day, but not at night, also i have trouble getting up in the morning, and am a very heavy sleeper.

2007-04-09 16:31:56 · 27 answers · asked by Emily Love <3 1 in Other - Health

To create a safe and healthy environment for all workers, do you think businesses should be more proactive to get their employees to quit or ban smoking on the premises entirely? I think it's unfair when a non-smoker doesn't take their 15 minute breaks, however, the smoker steps out 5-6 times a day for a smoke - averaging 5-7 mins. per outing. Is that really fair? Especially if your business provided healthcare benefits and everyone else is affected by the smoker's policy.

2007-04-09 16:29:00 · 15 answers · asked by daff73 5 in Other - Health

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