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Health - 29 October 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

2006-10-29 17:27:24 · 4 answers · asked by bluenotepunk 1 in STDs

I'm scared of what I'll do, that I'll end up with more scars or worse. Only I can't call anyone, or a hotline or anything, cause my parents will hear, and I don't want them to know, and don't say I should tell them cause you don't know me or them, but I don't know what to do, and I don't even know why I feel like this anyway so I don't know what I could even say to anyone about it if I could talk to anyone. I'm scared and I need to talk to someone only I can't, not just cause I don't have anyone to talk to but also cause I wouldn't know what to say if I did, and what can I do?

2006-10-29 17:23:12 · 24 answers · asked by Sam 1 in Mental Health

2006-10-29 17:20:55 · 5 answers · asked by Denzina Glutmas 1 in Skin Conditions

Ok, i suffer from clinical depression along with social anxiety and insomnia......I was prescribed Cymbalta by my doctor and i tried it 2 days ago and about 4 hours after taking it i started shaking very very VERY badly(i took the cymbalta at 5:00 P.M. and laid down to go to sleep at 9:00 PM) . I became VERY tense and started shaking very badly and it did not go away until the next day. I was very stressed at the moment also but i don't know if it was due to the depression or was a reaction from the medicine................ADVISE GREATLY APPRECIATED...

2006-10-29 17:18:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

plz i need ur help ..actually i m fat ...& i wanna know about a proper diet ......i eat alot of fried food,choclates,wafers,,junk food.....plz give a diet wid proper timings....
help me out......

2006-10-29 17:17:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I have been wearing contact lenses for several years and has not had any problems. Recently when I started to wear a new pair of lenses I got headaches on left side of the temple just above the eye. I also feel like having small vertigo, where i am feeling out of energy and dizzy. I changed the contact lenses to a new pair still the above exists. Got any anwers for this?

2006-10-29 17:17:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

2006-10-29 17:17:00 · 6 answers · asked by egnaro 1 in Diet & Fitness

I ALWAYS use deoderant, but I have a huge sweat problem. It only occurs under my arms and people are starting to notice. I use dove or suave deoderant usually and I don't smell i'm just always wet under my arms. is there a way to stop this?? even if its cold i'm still sweaty! please help.

2006-10-29 17:13:20 · 8 answers · asked by Jess 2 in Women's Health

2006-10-29 17:09:56 · 17 answers · asked by loveu 1 in Infectious Diseases

19, fm, 140lbs, 5'4'', Plan to get on a diet to loose 20 lbs (freshmen 20, the legend is true!!!)

Is there anything wrong with consuming less then 600 calories per day? Im gonna be properly hydrated, and include veggies and fruits as well as protein(chicken) in my diet.

What would this consist is yogurt or fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and yogurt or fruit for dinner, and Im trying for 64 ounces of water :S. It is also going to be accompanied by a 30 min. Tae Bo workout. The plan goes as follows
Grilled Cajun Ceaser Salad - 421 calories
Yogurt -210

Buffalo Chicken Salad - 505
Canned Fruits -100

Garden Salad -300
yogurt -210

Chicken Ceaser Salad -400
Fruit -100

Ham & Cheese Sub -440
Fruit -105

2006-10-29 17:06:14 · 18 answers · asked by Mizz Know It All 4 in Diet & Fitness

2006-10-29 17:03:49 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I am 14 and have had this for about a couple years in the past year I have been completely homebound I had to drop public school and enter independant education. I am now also taking SSRI's(serotonin) because I have been diagnoised with Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder. When I am outside or around people I feel as if they are all laughing at the way I look and I am so unspeakibley hideous that I am unable to be sceen by other humans. If you don't know what Body Dysmorphic Disorder then read here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder
Not to mention this has effected my school work and overall functioning I am also un-able to get a haircut either it is so overwhelming. I know get haircuts from my dad(and he is not even good at it) Am also in counceling and going to be in Cognitive Behavourial Therapy soon but these anxietys are so over-whelming I can't do anything every morning I feel like suiciding because my parents fight all day and am bored ALOT.

2006-10-29 17:01:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I am having pain under my right shoulder blade, right under my breast plate and all throughout my stomach (mainly right above and below my navel. I have a little pain on my groin area. This pain started 2 days ago and I still have it. Some other problems I have are I cant lie on my stomach or side or I am in excruciating pain and this is how I always lay down. I dont have an appetite at all, I have constipation and my pass through is usually easy and fast and it hurts when I try to eat or even breath. I felt spasms when I was breathing yesterday. It hurts when I stand up straight. What can be my problem and is it something that I need to have looked at ASAP? I am a 23 year old woman and I do smoke a pack to a pack and a half of cigarettes a day. If anyone knows anything and what this could be please let me know. I have been searching the net to find out what it is because I am one that hates going to the hospital unless absolutely necessary.Please help me!!!

2006-10-29 17:00:14 · 7 answers · asked by lilsusie2383 1 in Other - Health

2006-10-29 17:00:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I do an colonoscopy about two months ago this problem is really
getting to me now i'm from the caribbean living in the united states
since march i went to a few Gastroenterology the one that perform
the colonoscopy told me that my colon was one of the prettest he saw for a long time he give me four of the picture he took if i eat
some thing that i shouldn't eat then the cramping start more worse
my belly is all ways tender even if it not hurting too hard its happen
on a friday night in 1986 when i was 17 years old now i am 37 right
now i got my work permit and my green card in in the mail i got a
mail saying so and i know the people are out there like me that is suffering with this kind of problem some of the time some foolish
idea comes in my mind you guys know what am talking about but
i have faith i'm asking you please if some one could tell me some
thing that can ease off some of this pain. i need to work but this is stopping me and the bills is still coming thank u all.

2006-10-29 16:59:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

also how much should i be exercising? and if i run how much should i be doing to get my legs in shape?

2006-10-29 16:56:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

how long have you been doing yoga? how long before you saw or felt results? If you did it to lose weight, did it help or not much? give me your opinions about it.

2006-10-29 16:56:29 · 6 answers · asked by vail2073 5 in Diet & Fitness

I recently discovered that my boyfriend of 1 year is addicted to pornography. We're both 24. I knew he looked at it but, I didn't know it was this bad. He doesn't even tell me when he looks so I know he is ashamed. He was molested as a child so it might have something to do with it. I found out when I used his computer. The history window was open when I logged onto the internet and he had been to literally hundreds of different porn sites over the last few weeks. I don't think looking at porn is bad but, he is obviously out of control. We have watched porn a few times together before but when I suggested we should look at it together he thought that was weird. Tonight he told me he was too tired to have sex and sent me home. As soon as I left, he shut off all the lights and I saw the computer turn on. I didn't accuse him of it but he got mad when I called and asked him what he was doing. We love each other and I want to help. Any ideas how I can make him realize this isn't healthy?

2006-10-29 16:55:30 · 14 answers · asked by indigonipple 3 in Mental Health

im having a lletz o tuesday under ga,im reeally scared,what will happen and whats it like afterwards ill i bleed alot and will it hurt alot

2006-10-29 16:52:27 · 3 answers · asked by sunnyjomassey 2 in Women's Health

The Doctor's name was Pepper.

2006-10-29 16:50:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

have to burn every single calorie in order to lose every single calorie-intake? or is there a point of calorie max, where your body will say, "okay, that's enough- all other calories can just pass on through for free"?


2006-10-29 16:50:04 · 2 answers · asked by WiseWisher 3 in Diet & Fitness

I was told I have ovarian cysts about 3 months ago, knowing I have had them for possibly 2 or 3 years. Anyways, the doctor said they are only about the size of a pea, but when I lay flat on my back in bed I can feel something swell up (almost feels like a baby kicking) and go back down. As time goes by, driving in the car and normal daily activities seem to be causing me pain in the area. Not to mention my monthly cycle. I was on birth control for 2 years straight and all the doctor wants to do is watch them, even though I know they're getting worse. I have been to a couple doctors, but am now without health insurance. Any advice?

2006-10-29 16:48:03 · 6 answers · asked by Just Me 7 in Women's Health

I have a weight bench and some free weights. What I really need is a program to follow so I'm not just making my self sore.

2006-10-29 16:47:45 · 1 answers · asked by johnswife68 1 in Women's Health

Someone has tried to convince me that generic is not addictive when the name brand is. I thought a generic drug had to be the same in order to be sold in place of the drug, so I said bull. This is an addict so I think it is just a line to get me off their case. It is not even their prescription, so I want to know, are they the same? If they are, what can I do to get them off someone else's meds before they destroy themselves?

2006-10-29 16:46:46 · 5 answers · asked by Too Curious 3 in Pain & Pain Management


2006-10-29 16:41:12 · 14 answers · asked by meg 1 in Women's Health

August 31 I had protected sex and two weeks after sex i started to get this uncomfortness in my penis and a mild burning it went away but then like 3-4 weeks after that my neck,throat,and under my jaw was real sore it was swollen because i didnt see any swelling but now thats gone and now my underarms are so sore and yesterday i cut some of my hair off under my arms and now it feels sore and irritated and this hasnt went away after 1 week . I went to the doctor he told me to do a urine test and did a week later i called back and he said everything was normal. Now im getting scared because i dont know what it is and im starting to think its h.i.v. but like this week i felt like i had a cold and thats when my neck, under my jaw, and throat was sore and now that thats gone i still have cold in my chest,congestion.

2006-10-29 16:41:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I am 18 yrs old and not married. my problem is I get stomach pain on the third day of my periods i,e., i get stomach pain before bleedind ceases. is there any prob with me?
my sister too had this prob

2006-10-29 16:40:19 · 12 answers · asked by priya d 1 in Women's Health

What are some side-effects of drinking a bunch of energy drinks, over an extended period of time?

2006-10-29 16:38:15 · 6 answers · asked by dark.axxo 3 in Diet & Fitness

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