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Weddings - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

We set a date in February 2008. How soon should I start planning?

2007-06-26 10:38:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are a couple of girls I know who have gone out and bought their wedding dresses so they can "be prepared when the time comes" and to go ahead and get the cost out of the way. Sure they had boyfriends at the time, but neither of these girls were even CLOSE to being engaged! What are your thoughts on this?

2007-06-26 09:48:31 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it more like a bridal shower, but for men?

Or more like a combined bachelor/bachelorette party?

What are some common things that occur?

2007-06-26 09:42:18 · 10 answers · asked by Answer Girl 2007 5

Events will be planned around how much money is collected.

2007-06-26 09:37:30 · 7 answers · asked by deadmajic 1

im getting married at september. we been dating for about 5 years now. she is my most prized possession. i love her so much. but amid happiness, im having lots of doubts. "what if" comes to my thought and think about the negatives more often then before. i'm afraid i will be the first one to be "runaway groom". is this normal or should i take some time off and call off the wedding for now?

2007-06-26 09:20:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend is getting married fall of 08 and her Matron of Honor just announced that she is trying to get pregnant now with her second baby. My friend who is getting married is upset that she would plan this before her wedding, she feels she should wait until after her wedding. I was really surprised by her. I know she is concerned about her Matron of Honor finding a dress that will fit her, but I can't believe she wants her to put her life on hold for over a year. What do you think, would you want your Matron of Honor to hold of on any babies during your wedding planning?

2007-06-26 09:02:40 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i am getting married in august.my husband and i have sent out for our passport with our birth certificates, and we never got tthem yet. The worst part is, that was a good 14 weeks ago!!! When i called about the passports, they said that they were backed up. My husband and i need to get our marriage license but we need to know if we need our birth certificates. Thank You.

2007-06-26 08:55:52 · 21 answers · asked by emiliah 2

2007-06-26 08:17:00 · 8 answers · asked by ÎÇáÏ Þ 1

if Orlando Bloom asked u if u would marry him at 16 would u?or a look alike like him ?

2007-06-26 08:16:01 · 43 answers · asked by Princess#1 2

We also are planning on not having a reception at all, except for the people at the wedding immediately after, and no showers, unless someone offers. How do we avoid insulting people for not being invited, or if they are invited to the shower (out of our control) and not the wedding?

2007-06-26 08:15:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-26 08:06:36 · 15 answers · asked by darria b 1

i need to seriously slim down. i weigh 185.

2007-06-26 07:31:03 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Favors- are they peices of cheap crap or a nice memory?? Or a snack for the ride home?
What do you think of favors?

2007-06-26 07:30:46 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even though you swore to yourself you won't go there.... but still in the back of your head you still think about it.

2007-06-26 07:28:09 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you have any friends or family trying to beat your wedding? Trying to out do you? Or copy off you?
How did you control or stop it?

2007-06-26 07:24:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What steps do I need to take?

2007-06-26 07:20:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any thoughts on why so many newly married folks run up the bills early on by having very expensive ceremonies? They are beautiful, to be sure, and I have been fortunate to have been invited to a few of them - great times, every one of them. But wouldn't it be better to save that money for a house down payment, a beautiful honeymoon, a second car that will be needed, a little savings account for those inevitable emergencies? Sincerely, I'm not trying to take away from the beauty of the ceremony nor underrate its importance. Also, a gathering of special friends and relatives is a wonderful way to celebrate this lovely event. BUT, it can be done a lot cheaper. Whaddya' think?

2007-06-26 07:04:06 · 24 answers · asked by Pete W 5

I am getting married this weekend and I have my father and my stepfather walking me down the aisle....I need to know when the minister asks who gives this woman to this man...should they both say "we do" or what...how would I include my mother and stepmother in this

2007-06-26 06:48:49 · 21 answers · asked by Cortney S 3

My wedding is in less than two weeks and I would like to know what are some great but non traditional songs to consider for our grand entrance into the reception? It will be held at a church--so nothing too crazy!

Also, what are some things the bridal party can do to usher us in after they are announced? At some receptions, they form a line (women facing men) and with their arms, make a bridge/arch for us to walk under. What are some other ways to do this?

Creativity is a plus!

2007-06-26 06:39:01 · 8 answers · asked by Flighty 1 3

The date is between the end of summer and the beginning of fall. In choosing my wedding colors I'd like to have an eggplant and mauve color scheme. Are they too dark for the beginning of the fall season? I'd love to have eggplant calla lilies, white and mauve colored roses as my flowers.

2007-06-26 06:37:12 · 27 answers · asked by summertime_cutie05 3

I'm pretty much just wondering how much each of you spent on a wedding dress.

2007-06-26 06:30:06 · 42 answers · asked by me,myself&him 2

Just curious

2007-06-26 06:13:39 · 17 answers · asked by . 3

Is it ok to get married by the justice of the peace then hold a formal ceromony and reception later in the year? I have her it is and is not kosher to do that?

2007-06-26 06:08:57 · 16 answers · asked by cyn10_21 1

I have no idea!! I've never been part of a wedding party or anything, basically I know what dress I want, I have an idea of what I want the Bridesmaid dresses to look like, we have picked our colors, but that's it. I don't need anything extravagant, I was hoping to have a really nice wedding for under 5 grand, but what are the next steps? We haven't even set a date yet, I was hoping for next spring but he hasn't committed to it because of money issues. It will take us a while to even save 5 grand and he just lost his job, etc. I don't know how the traditional ceremony is supposed to work, are there any books anyone would recommend reading on the subject? What if I don't have a Dad that will walk me down the aisle, etc? What kind of food would you recommend serving, I want something light but not really cheap, but I don't want just fruit either. Lots of questions!! Lol

2007-06-26 05:36:31 · 13 answers · asked by Carolyn Millsap Emery 1

My sister inlaw is having a reception at a hotel. Both my kids are invited, their will also be other children invited, just not any babies. My inlaws are fine with it and said bring him, just bring his pack in play so we have somewhere to set him down, so he's not running all around. We are also staying the night at the hotel and will have a room. I want him to be there because it's our family, for pictures and I don't think it's going to be your typical wild and crazy wedding. Any thoughts on how I can pull this off smoothly???

2007-06-26 05:35:57 · 24 answers · asked by K. G 1

My fiancee and I wanted to get married soon, but her mom said, that they (the parents of my fiancee) will not attend the wedding and will not give their blessings if we will not have a Catholic rite...we are Protestants (I and my fiancee) so, how do we deal with my intruding future mother-in-law?

2007-06-26 05:30:06 · 29 answers · asked by bounce_00 3

i want to have a money dance at my wedding.. but i have two questions about it...

1) Does the pinning of the money ruin your dress? and leave noticable holes?

2) is this a trashy thing to do? or is it cute?

2007-06-26 05:14:13 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous